San Francisco, shame on you.


Supramania Contributor
Yep, one of the few times Ben had it wrong.

If the man with the jackass had bought another, he would have continued to be productive part of his country.

Voting used to be a privilege, not a right. We have it wrong to think of voting as a right. Ben had it wrong. (He was not perfect, nobody is, but he was a radical at the time.)

Let me ask you this? Did Ben advocate women voters at this same time? LOL There were still slave owners sitting in on the writing of the constitution of the USA, so don't go off thinking these guys (notice there were no women in on the writing of this document.) were yesteryears liberals.

Is there any hope of the USA going back to a system where only responsible people vote? I do not see it hapening any time soon.

Can we still be a great country with everyone voting? I think it's possible, but only as long as the resonsible people vote.

So, amazing as it is, I agree with you Greg55, everyone needs to vote, not just the welfare sucking, environmentalists loving and military hating liberals.

Lucky for us, that's just what happened in the last Presidential election. The conservatives won.
May we continue to win again, and protect the rights and freedoms of this country from the likes of those that live in concentration in the city limits of SF.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
Hey Adjuster, let's find another horse, to beat to death. Start another thread where we can buy an argument!:icon_bigg



Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
you realize that like 80% of the registered voters are above middle class, so they technically are NOT welfare sucking liberals taht are doing all the voting, the last election proves it, the rich conservatives won, cus they vote. its factual, the poor tend to not vote, or do much, thats why they are poor, the rich do because they stand to lose more. so stop bashing the poor welfare sucking PEOPLE, they are born unto poverty and 90% of the time cant get out of it.
and yes voting is still a privelage, you comit a crime, its taken away.


Supramania Contributor
I don't subscribe to the idea that your born into anything, and can't change as a result. Not in this country. And not in some others too. (Limited amount of other free lands, but they do exist.)

Anyone, and I mean anyone in this country that works and wants to make it can. Look at Arnold the "Governator." This guy comes to the USA, can't even barely speak the language, and after TONS of hard work, makes himself a household name that very few can even spell, but everyone knows.
Want more? Sure how about Sam Walton? Goes from a nobody, to a billionaire. Try Bill Gates? He was a nobody that is now a somebody. You don't have to be born into money to make it. Infact, I'd say many born with the "silver spoon" often don't make much more of themselves, but live on the money made by their ancestors. A few do make more of themselves, and that's great.

The "poor" who are sucking on the teat of welfare do not, and will not ever get my respect. They are lower than low, and scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned. Get a job, get a life and make something of yourself. My Dad's parents died when he was young. He had NOTHING, joined the Airforce, and after decades of hard work, now is snuggly upper middle class. I was not handed anything that I did not work for, and have over the years due to hard work and sticking to it, made something of myself. I save money, and plan on looking after myself because I know that to rely on the government to "save" me with social security or whatever they are going to call it when I'm retired will not be anywhere near enough to live on.

Is this harsh? Am I mean? I don't think so. Get a job, Save some money. Plan for your future. What is mean and harsh about that. Get an education if you need one. There are student loans, and even more opportunties for the poor than for the middle class like myself. Did I go to an Ivy league school? Heck no, I could not afford that. Does it affect my ability to make it in life, and should I sit around pissing and moaning that I'm held back, and would have been more had I attended some big name college? NO, I'm out to busy making a living to worry about it. I did finish school however, and I reccomend it to everyone. Your education is going to help you in ways you can't even imagine when your in school. Mostly it's going to show you that by sticking to it, you can complete anything in life. (It's not easy.)

If my situation had not allowed me to attend college with the help of my family while I worked my way though school at the same time, I'd have used student loans, or joined the military to work my way through school. My point is, don't give up. Don't rationalize. Don't use the easy way out, and say "you were excluded" or whatever because your poor or some other lame ass excuse.

My last year of high school, I actually attended a Votech program where they trained me to be a dental assistant. My plan was to get my hygine license and clean teeth while putting myself through dental school. Obviously things changed, or I'd be a dentist, not an adjuster, but that was my choice, and I'm happy not to be looking into dirty mouths every day for a living. :)

If you think your screwed because your poor, and on welfare, your already defeated. If you think your lost, you've already given up.

Don't be offended, just change your attitude and get to work and make something of your life. Then vote conservative because your going to realize that conservatives are all about hard work and making something of yourself. Liberals want everything handed to them, or mandated by decree. (And after a few years of hard work, your going to realize that what they offer is a pipe dream paid for with your hard earned taxes.)
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Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
americanjebus said:
you realize that like 80% of the registered voters are above middle class, so they technically are NOT welfare sucking liberals taht are doing all the voting, the last election proves it, the rich conservatives won, cus they vote. its factual, the poor tend to not vote, or do much, thats why they are poor, the rich do because they stand to lose more. so stop bashing the poor welfare sucking PEOPLE, they are born unto poverty and 90% of the time cant get out of it.
and yes voting is still a privelage, you comit a crime, its taken away.
The poor tend not to vote? Why not? Are they too lazy to do that as well as get an education and then a job?

I realize that not every poor person is lazy and is 100% at fault for their misfortune, so I'm not directing that at poor people as a whole. However the amount of people that we have living off of and taking advantage of the government on welfare is absolutely ridiculous.

Everybody has a chance to get a high school education for free and if they do good enough, possibly get a scholarship. If they don't get a scholarship, they can join the military, which actually gives many people a better way of life than they're used to or get a "civilian" job that may require some hard work but also pay decent in return. It's all a matter of applying yourself and doing your best to make your life as good as it can be. If you choose not to put effort into life, then you won't-or shouldn't get much out of it.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
SP 7M said:
The poor tend not to vote? Why not? Are they too lazy to do that as well as get an education and then a job?

I realize that not every poor person is lazy and is 100% at fault for their misfortune, so I'm not directing that at poor people as a whole. However the amount of people that we have living off of and taking advantage of the government on welfare is absolutely ridiculous.

Everybody has a chance to get a high school education for free and if they do good enough, possibly get a scholarship. If they don't get a scholarship, they can join the military, which actually gives many people a better way of life than they're used to or get a "civilian" job that may require some hard work but also pay decent in return. It's all a matter of applying yourself and doing your best to make your life as good as it can be. If you choose not to put effort into life, then you won't-or shouldn't get much out of it.

for the first time im going to have to agree with SP on this, the poor more often than not ask for hand outs, look at tennessee ten-care program, it was totally misused.


New Member
Apr 7, 2005
Fredericksburg, VA
Even if someone is poor by their own faults. Why would you take away the right to vote? You make me sick, adjuster. You'd rather label a corrupt politician a smart business man. People are people, you can't let finances, race, and nationality get in the way of that. Where the fuck is your decency? ass.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
albertmdh said:
Even if someone is poor by their own faults. Why would you take away the right to vote? You make me sick, adjuster. You'd rather label a corrupt politician a smart business man. People are people, you can't let finances, race, and nationality get in the way of that. Where the fuck is your decency? ass.

Are you stupid, or did you just not read the whole thread? See the text below:

Adjuster said:
So, amazing as it is, I agree with you Greg55, everyone needs to vote, not just the welfare sucking, environmentalists loving and military hating liberals.

Lucky for us, that's just what happened in the last Presidential election. The conservatives won.
May we continue to win again, and protect the rights and freedoms of this country from the likes of those that live in concentration in the city limits of SF.

My take on it all? If the poor do not vote, they should have no right to complain about the President or his actions. We, as Americans, love to voice our opinions [most of the time, I call it complaining], but if you do nothing to change what you don't like, you should have that right taken away. Stop bitching if you aren't going to do anything about it.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
albertmdh said:
You'd rather label a corrupt politician a smart business man.
So all politicians are corrupt now, right? If you don't like people labeling others, don't do it yourself. Where's your decency? Hypocrite, ass, whatever.

To add to that, take President Bush. Instead of calling him "stupid" or the like, why don't you actually find out how many degrees he has and from what schools he earned them. Once you've acquired that information, go ahead and come back here and tell us how "stupid" he really is. Before you do, though, tell us how many degrees you have and where you got them from, just for comparison.

Just because one may not agree with another's decisions in life or in their career does not make the other "stupid."

DM-Nice job with that last reply. I feel the same way about people that don't vote. Americans have so many rights and freedoms that people don't even put them to good use, if any use at all.

I don't agree with Adjuster's idea of only letting land owners and military members (past and present) vote. However, he does make some very nice points.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
I don't wanna argue... I'm to filled up with Turduken (Turkey-Chicken-Duck). BURP!!!!!! I'll be eatin' this thing for a MONTH!!!:cry:



  • Turduken11.JPG
    234.4 KB · Views: 5

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ive been bitting my tounge on this thread for too long...

i agree with drunk medic and several others..

if you dont vote. you dont have a right to bitch.. if the vote doesnt go your way. try harder next time to educate ppl around you or educate yourself.....
ive never served in the service but i dont think that makes me any less patriotic, i have been on my owns since i was 15 (and graduated on time..) and have had to support myself and i have never had the chance to serve but i would go in a second if they asked me today.. I love my country with all its flaws, if you dont like the prez or his politics then vote accordingly or shut the hell up about it, lets just try to educate ourselves before we cast our vote a little..

im in the malitia if ya want me..
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
SP 7M said:
To add to that, take President Bush. Instead of calling him "stupid" or the like, why don't you actually find out how many degrees he has and from what schools he earned them. Once you've acquired that information, go ahead and come back here and tell us how "stupid" he really is. Before you do, though, tell us how many degrees you have and where you got them from, just for comparison.

plz tell me you are joking.


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
SP 7M said:
I want some of that.

You must be filled to the point of incapacitation to not want to argue about politics.

Now, I call this my "Rush Limbaugh Special". A cold turkey that's chicken inside. Naturally I ate the right wing for breakfast....



Supramania Contributor
Dang, this is still alive?

Ok, it appears the "Only landowners voting" opinion was a powderkeg as I expected.

The reality is I know that the USA as a country will not go back to allowing only those tied to the land to vote. (As it was when the country started, and I think still should be.) True there were a few who thought from the start that everyone should be able to vote. (Ben "I love France" Franklin.)

The USA of today, is very much different than the USA of 200 years ago. We have fully occupied the "borders" of this country, Indians are no longer a threat to safety and security (unless you live near a reservation, then you need to lock up your shit, or it's stolen in a heartbeat. Sorry, but it's true, I lived near one for many years, and everyday there were problems with theft straight off the reservation.) Today one problem is illegal's coming here for a better life. Most of them are decient hardworking people, and I would do the same as them given the chance to leave a life of poverty in Mexico, and come to the USA to work. Some however are criminals, and some abuse the welfare and social programs we have hung around our necks like deadweight yokes. (Ball and chain if you want to use that one.)

When I worked for Nestle foods, most of the guys in our crew were from Mexico. English really was the second language in our shop. I noticed that most of the guys drove nicer vehicles than I did, and yet they had larger families. I even lived in the same town as about 1/2 of the guys I worked with, mostly because it was cheap to live there, and the town was directly located between two plants we maintained, so the drive was better to work this way.

You know why they drove newer cars/trucks? I found out one day, and after that lost ALL respect for the guys doing this that I worked with. Almost every single one had their wives and children on Welfare. Hell, they even lived in welfare provided housing (nicer than my own actually, but I owned my house.) The social workers would come around, and ask about the men living there, but the women would tell them they were just a boyfriend spending the afternoon etc. These guys made the same wages that I did, about 12.50 hour at the time. I had an entire house and family to support, but they had that covered free from the government tit. What a great system to screw the US taxpayer. (I suppose since they were paying taxes, that covered it right... Whatever.) Don't get me started about healthcare. I paid for my family, and had co-pays and other extras when we went to the Dr. They only paid for themselves, and the family/wife was covered under no cost welfare paid coverage.

This is why everyone should not have the right to vote. The "poor" (My ass, they are not poor, they are just using the system.) being allowed to vote will always vote to keep the nipple wet with milk. Welfare and other social programs that support this kind of distructive abuse of the US taxpayer are wrong, yet that taxpayer get's screwed at the polls when you allow the ones abusing the system to vote.

The only way to fairly break it down is to say landowners can vote. Simple, and it does not discriminate anyone from voting based on race etc. You own your home/land, you can vote. Why is that so wrong? Why do you think I'm an ass for feeling this way?

Right now, you have many, many voters who do not have your best intrests at heart voting to spend your money on them. I've said it before, and history show's it to be correct, when you allow the population to vote themselves wealth, that country dies/ends in short order.

It's even worse when those voting would rather tear down the military that protects their freedom to vote and even breathe, and spend that money on themselves. (Romans are the best example lately. The fall of Rome and the decline of the USA have so many things in common it's not even funny.)

You might cry that people living in apartments in the city working and not on welfare should be able to vote. I'd agree, but there is no fair way to seperate those hardworking productive folks from the ones living on welfare, so buying your home is the only way to do it fairly. You can buy apartments, and condo's. There are options for those in the city. Heck, I'd even support a program that sells current government housing to the occupants of that housing, but they have to stop the welfare dole to buy it. (If they want to vote that bad, and become a productive part of society, I'm all for it.) Home ownership is a cornerstone of our lifestyle. You work hard to pay for your house, to support your family, and to be a sucess in life. I think these hardworking people who own land should be the only ones voting.

So, call me an ass if you will, but I bet your not a landowner, and in my world, therefore, your opinion means shit.
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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
your an ass,, there i said it.. Only wealthy land owners should vote huh? you scare me man.. no offence meant..

edited..why not break it down to annual gross income? or the type of car you drive? or maybe only the people who live on the water front should vote.? mabey only men should vote, or white men even huh? im being sarcastiic for a reason here.
we all have the right to vote once were over 18 and no fellonies.. if you dont like it, vote to change it.. good luck..
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Supramania Contributor
I said right in my post, I DON"T THINK IT'S GOING TO CHANGE.

I just said the current voting setup is leading us down a path of distruction. Those on welfare, and the dole, and living in cities with no ties to this country other than they live here, but they don't own anything attached to the country..... ARE VOTING US TO THIS PATH.

Here is the path.

1) Let the people vote themselves wealth.
2) Minimalize, and even criminalize the idea of military service.
3) Become totally decadent and lazy.

The result is a fallen superpower. (Society if you want to call it that.)

Some examples?
Pretty much every past civilization has gone through this cycle of hard work, becoming powerfull and prosperous, and then falling into complacency of the wealth being spread out to those that did not work for it, the military falls, the country becomes a great target of plunder, and there you have it, some other group of hardworking people comes along and tears your civilization down.

This is the entire point of my thread.

Voting is just one part.
Being "Liberal" or socialist is dangerous when you look at history. It's the path to the failure of our country. I can't say it any clearer than that. History repeats unless you made the hard choices to change the path, and areas like SF are firmly walking down the path to distruction.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ok i agree the system isnt perfect, but its all we got, lots of people have died trying to protect it or even trying to become a part of it. come up with something better and ill read it. not all hispanics are on welfare either. in chelan its 70% hispanic and from what ive seen they are one of the hardest working peoples there, and for way less $ than the locals make.. they are also savy with their money, they will pool family funds to set up a new couple in a new house, thats just smart on their part. they pay cash and usually in one lump sum. Usually they walk into a bank carrying a brown paper bag with $60k in it from several familiy savings..... i have seen this with my own eyes, hats off to loans, no interest.