I never updated on how the exhaust helicoil job went, so here it is:
After removing everything in the way to get to the exhaust manifold I tried to tighten the studs just to get an idea how bad they had gotten and noticed that 2 of the bolts were so bad that I could literally tighten them with my hand and they would just keep spinning. I took off the bolts and saw this:
Yup I was gonna need new threads.
I knew I had an exhaust leak but I really didn't know how bad it was until I removed the exhaust manifold.
Everything that came in the driftmotion kit is exactly what you need although if your going to do it with the head on the car you will need to get an angled drill in order to have enough clearance especially for the hole in the far back. I bought an angled air drill that barely took up any space. I took my time like suggested on here and pretty much let the drill guide itself through the hole. I did mark the drill bit with a sharpie in order to know when i had reached the end of the hole and not drill any deeper. After drilling the holes everything was alot easier and went smother. I moved onto tapping the head for the new threads the helicoils will latch onto and made the mistake of forgetting to use the metal cutting fluid that was supplied in the kit so I struggled with the first tap. After that it was smooth sailing, I used the tool provided to insert the helicoils and then put in the studs. Here's a shot of my new threads

I mounted the exhaust manifold with a new gasket and torqued all of them down to 29lbs as the TSRM specifies.
I was about to mount the turbo and remembered seeing some oil seepage coming from the gasket, so i decided to put in a new one before mouting it back on. I put the flange back on after changing the gasket and started to hand tighten the 2 bolts that hold it in place. As i hand tighten the second one I feel it give a bit. I pull it out and notice the threads on the tip of the bolt are stripped.

After a ton of profanity being yelled and kicking myself since i probably put the bolt in crooked; I ended up having to take the turbo to a machine shop to get it rethreaded and some studs put in. It only cost me 20 bucks so it wasnt too bad and came out to be a stronger setup.
After being convinced by my hood hitting me on the head around 5 times while doing the helicoils I fianlly installed a proper hood prop and ditched the ghetto stick.
What do you guys think?