Rust/crap on cam lobe. Not sure if starting is a good idea. *Pics*


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Is the oil thicker than it should be? You could try mixing the drained oil well, fill a glass jar with some and let it sit for a couple days with a cap on it. If there's any water in the it should separate out... I've never tried it, but it would make it easier to see any fluids separating out of the oil.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
CryoSlash said:
what u mean a little murky for the oil? as in different color? just...kinda...i dunno. there was definitely some milky stuff on one of the cam bearings when i removed the cams, and some of the valleys had clear oil while some were a bit darker... but i dunno. i put on a new filter and 5 quarts of new oil. i'll change the filter in a week, and then get another in two weeks.

oh and i didnt see any sludge buildup in the oil...its dark and murky but i didnt check the mileage on it. hopefully my rod bearings are ok.

thanks for the help in what to cleaned up and runs well now, i've only taken her out twice, but everything seems ok. the next thing i do is a differential and tranny fluid change.... until then....

thanks again everyone!
