Rod knock number 2.


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
theWeezL said:
kyle you know that I know and feel your pain. I think JJ said it well, remember, you own the car, it does not own you. Like me I think its time to cut your losses. Whether that means sell now or find a way to fix it and sell it, or just fix for you to decide.

Either way, I know the feeling and Im sorry its happened to ya.
I do know you know my pain, and you know it well. Seems like we're in a similar boat, only you've had less seat time and less fun with your girl than me I think, which is a shame. Like I said in your build thread, I think once you get some time behind a 5 spd and 300+rwhp, you'll reconsider keeping her.
Everytime something like this happens with my supra, I always consider selling it, and then I kick myself in the nuts (IJ, I don't want to hear about you wanting to see pictures of my balls again LOL!) and tell myself what an idiot I am for even considering selling it. I love her too much and have put way too much time and money into her to just give up and let her go.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR


maybe when I sell Lucy I will buy another one of those and drop a 3S in it...or maybe a 1jz?


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
theWeezL said:


maybe when I sell Lucy I will buy another one of those and drop a 3S in it...or maybe a 1jz?
1jz would require A LOT of custom fabbing, and I'm not sure how much room there is in those for a beast straight 6.
The guy who lives there, my friend, that one is his dads, he restored it for him, put about 25k into it. Next to that, but not in the picture, there is a RHD RA21, like 1 in 5 in america.
and on top of that, he's got about 10 or 11 more old yotas. :)


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
John....bah cant think of his name now, put a 7M in an RA24 if Im not mistaken. Also I have seen some really exotic swaps done on the early Celi's. Sure its alot of fab work, but in the end you would have one dead sexy sleeper. But yeah, I suppose a 3S-GTE would be plenty for a 2500lb car. Lighten it a bit more and get to maybe 2hp/lb....yummy!

Anyway, back on the subject. I kinda wish I hadnt sold "Lady" before I started the build on "Lucy". Having a parts getter is a huge advantage. I just saw a real nice same vintage 2dr corolla here in Houston. I wouldnt mind something like that for a DD.

I dont know how fast you are planning on rebuilding, but I start mine Monday (as the parts begin to roll in) I'm hoping to get a little expert local advice getting the bottom end back together. Im sure you got plenty of that up there. I'll let ya know how mine went.


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Vantucky, WA
Having lived with a RA24 car for many years, I think a 1JZ or 2JZ would fit better in one of those than a 7M cause they are shorter overall, especially at the front. I'd imagine that it would be not problem in a RA24/29 car, but in a RA21 it would need a shoehorn. They are considerably shorter in the nose. The S engine would be awesome, I've just never been a big fan of them myself. We all know the silky feel of an inline-6, and no matter what the four cylinder, it just doesn't feel or sound the same. I miss my old RA24 car... the lumpy 1100 rpm idle, dual side drafts singing their song, 7500 RPM goodness. Bummer on the taillight Kyle...both the lens and assembly are you'll have to search the net to find one. Clean looking ride though, and it looks great lowered!!

theWeezL said:
John....bah cant think of his name now, put a 7M in an RA24 if Im not mistaken. Also I have seen some really exotic swaps done on the early Celi's. Sure its alot of fab work, but in the end you would have one dead sexy sleeper. But yeah, I suppose a 3S-GTE would be plenty for a 2500lb car. Lighten it a bit more and get to maybe 2hp/lb....yummy!

Anyway, back on the subject. I kinda wish I hadnt sold "Lady" before I started the build on "Lucy". Having a parts getter is a huge advantage. I just saw a real nice same vintage 2dr corolla here in Houston. I wouldnt mind something like that for a DD.

I dont know how fast you are planning on rebuilding, but I start mine Monday (as the parts begin to roll in) I'm hoping to get a little expert local advice getting the bottom end back together. Im sure you got plenty of that up there. I'll let ya know how mine went.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
yeah I know the 21/22 nose is shorter than the 24 but thats all the more reason to shoehorn something in. I mean worst case you have to mod the firewall and trans tunnel right? That might be a problem for some people but I would only consider that a fun challenge. And just imagine the look in that Evo/STi/SVT/SR-4 drivers face as you show just how good a chrome smiley bumber looks on the ass end. (or even better maybe a set of flatlights) :naughty:

But there I go hijacking again. Where are these "lowered" pics you speak of? Also is that thing the same bolt pattern as a Celica? There must be cheap set of 14's floating around the garage of that buddy of yours.


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
theWeezL said:
yeah I know the 21/22 nose is shorter than the 24 but thats all the more reason to shoehorn something in. I mean worst case you have to mod the firewall and trans tunnel right? That might be a problem for some people but I would only consider that a fun challenge. And just imagine the look in that Evo/STi/SVT/SR-4 drivers face as you show just how good a chrome smiley bumber looks on the ass end. (or even better maybe a set of flatlights) :naughty:

But there I go hijacking again. Where are these "lowered" pics you speak of? Also is that thing the same bolt pattern as a Celica? There must be cheap set of 14's floating around the garage of that buddy of yours.
My buddy who has the ra21 has something else sitting in his garage right now that I'm not allowed to reveal, but should be done soon and then I will post up a thread in the build section. It's an old school swap, I'll say that much. It's going to be sweet.
The lowered pictures are there buddy! maybe a page back. but they're in my build thread too.
Yeah, same bolt pattern, and he's got plenty of mesh layin around, but i don't really have any money to be spending on the wagon. well I do, but I need to spend it on the supra. haha.
No worries about the tail light mark, I can probably find one in a junk yard or something hopefully.
Do you know if the slant back and coupe shared the same tails?


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Vantucky, WA
Wagon tails are wagon tails...none of the coupes or sedans had the same tail lights. There's three different style tail lights for a 79 RT car, and wagons are all alone. They are also different from the 80-81 wagons, so you only have 78 and 79 to choose from. Brake/clutch pedal pads I have in too. It'll keep your foot from sliding of the pedal in our 'moist' environment we've got going up here. :biglaugh: I say this cause I did that once...and almost rear ended someone...and another time my foot slipped off and scraped the side of my leg up pretty bad...old RA47 car...oh yea.. I owned one of those too. I've owned my fair share of RWD Toyotas, (MX, RAs, MAs, JZA, RNs, AEs to name most of them), but I never owned an RT car...shoulda though...I like the look of the wagon lowered. I've got some mesh wheels laying around...14's...need some elbow grease and they'd work great!


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
ra24man said:
Wagon tails are wagon tails...none of the coupes or sedans had the same tail lights. There's three different style tail lights for a 79 RT car, and wagons are all alone. They are also different from the 80-81 wagons, so you only have 78 and 79 to choose from. Brake/clutch pedal pads I have in too. It'll keep your foot from sliding of the pedal in our 'moist' environment we've got going up here. :biglaugh: I say this cause I did that once...and almost rear ended someone...and another time my foot slipped off and scraped the side of my leg up pretty bad...old RA47 car...oh yea.. I owned one of those too. I've owned my fair share of RWD Toyotas, (MX, RAs, MAs, JZA, RNs, AEs to name most of them), but I never owned an RT car...shoulda though...I like the look of the wagon lowered. I've got some mesh wheels laying around...14's...need some elbow grease and they'd work great!
Gotta keep an eye out for the tail.
How cheap we talkin? like a dollar? :)
you need to come up here and chat with Eddie, you'd enjoy talking with him, he's owned a gooooood number of old Yota's.
And get me some pictures of those wheels and we'll chat! got tires on em?


Feb 7, 2006
Btw Kyle...
Welcome to the REAL supra owners club, i.e. 2 cars and up :biglaugh:

A serious supra owner / tuner, tends to have a backup car lol


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Vantucky, WA
kylefoto said:
Gotta keep an eye out for the tail.
How cheap we talkin? like a dollar? :)
you need to come up here and chat with Eddie, you'd enjoy talking with him, he's owned a gooooood number of old Yota's.
And get me some pictures of those wheels and we'll chat! got tires on em?
No tires...just wheels. It'll be a wile before I get up to Mom's house to take pics. I tentatively plan on making more than one trip up Seattle's way this summer and you'll be the first to know when I do Pedal pads are about three bucks


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
Jaguar_5 said:
Btw Kyle...
Welcome to the REAL supra owners club, i.e. 2 cars and up :biglaugh:

A serious supra owner / tuner, tends to have a backup car lol
tru dat.
It's so nice to have a DD now.
Send those pictures my way when you get em and get me a price!
I'll get those pedals on my big order from you :)