pimptrizkit said:Killer swap!~
i had read about the hybrid tranny some where but cant find it..
i dont live to far from yeah, maybe i'll see yeah around possible in the trails or sand?
either way your truck will be sic
why if you have the knowlegde to dissble the tranny why not tear down the block and have it prept for a mhg? and head?
ever blow a head gasket on a trail?
About that. Right now I am pretty close to broke, and I owe my college a lot of money. So I can't really afford a lot of new stuff. (if I took the bottom end apart it would get new bearings everywhere, as well as rings, and a new factory oil pump, etc). I didn't have any money when I tore down the tranny either. I put all the original (225k and 242k) bearings and sychros back in. They looket/felt good though. I have seen bad ones B4.
I have never blown a HG on the trail... but I don't think I should be concerned... You tell me, I have specs below.
Loki said:What company would that be? USA6X6? that Runner looks like it's going to be sick. Can't wait to see some more progress on it.
Yes it would be that company. They lied to me about my tires, I had to wait 5.5 months for my product to arrive, and when it did, the tires were moderately dry-rotting, and had chuncks missing from some hard use. They also sent me the wrong inserts, wasting about 4 hours of my time (installing and un-installing the wrong ones). Their customer service is dis-satisfying, and their products are less than impressive. The wheels look better in pics, they are full of burrs, not precision at all. But the pricing is good for what they SAY they will send you. Tell your friends about it. Maybe save somone the trouble.
Over my cold dead body. And I am a tough one to kill. :biglaugh:JustAnotherVictim said:I'll take your lady friend.
I cleaned the head and the block with gasket remover and a scraper. Gauged it with feelers and a +/- .001 24" straight edge. Both came out to .0025. I did scratch the head a little bit with the razor (closest to the camera in 2nd pic), but I didn't gouge it. what do you guys think? Machine work? no machine work? metal HG? regular? (what are non-metallic made of?)
Also, what is the best way to get all the other gaskets... like the manifold gaskets, the inner timing cover thing, thermostat housing, valve covers, EGR, EGR flow controller (I think...that funny box on the back of the head). Do ALL of these come in the "head gasket KIT that the auto parts stores sell?. I am also going to buy a new Tbelt and tensioner, water pump, thermostat, and all new hoses. But I will probably delete at least my EGR. I want to eliminate as much stuff as I can and keep the engine reliable. there are NO emmisions where I live.