Red Light Camera Bullsh*t!


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Here is a website that seems to be trying to get a list of where the red light or speed cameras are.

Also check this out - They claim that this spray blocks your plate from being photographed? I dont know anything about it.

On the school topic - There has to be a way to get into school, if you are looking to be a mechanic then find a trade school and go see them, they will have options for how you can pay. Check it out.

Or Get a job at a local mechanics doing ANYTHING cleanup, run the register, be a good worker NEVER be late or sick and tell them you want to eventually become a mechanc, work weekends and all the days that people dont want to work. Dedicate yourself to them and they will see you are serious. Then perhaps they can help you train for the ASE test

Here is one even better Took less then 1 min to find this on GOOGLE SEARCH.
They say on their site --

Pass or Don't Pay
As a testament to our joint mission, we offer a money-back guarantee on both Motor Age Training Guides and Mitchell 1 Test Guides
Once you pass the ASE then you can get a mechanic job.

It seems that you are not in the rut you think you are in. Sometimes you just need someone else to look into options for you.

Good Luck with it.. you are young get that ASE and you can get out of the house and you can start collecting supras!!

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States

Drivers Who Block Their Face Are Never Cited

A driver who obscures his face while transiting an intersection is also not subject to automated enforcement. Without a clear photograph of the driver, no citation can be issued The California Vehicle Code (CVC Section 210) requires a "clear photograph of a vehicle's license plate and the driver of the vehicle" for an automated enforcement citation to be issued.
something like that for your state?

EDIT: according to this site, Ohio doesnt have a state law regarding automated enforcement..

EDIT2: go to the last page of this pdf >

EDIT3: ah, well, unless you can find a difference in your city's code, your fucked. this is toledo's code

kinda screwy tho:
(4) An imposition of liability under the Section shall not be deemed a conviction as an operator
and shall not be made part of the operating record upon whom such liability is imposed.
if there is no conviction, how can they fine you? fucking gayness.

is there a law governing how you license plate be displayed? for example: a lot of the bikers around here have their license plates in the wheel well of the bike. the plate is still visible (albeit you need to be close and directly behind the bike), but impossible for an above shot. could you find a way to mount the plate at an angle (there's a thought! sell adapter plates for license plates to face them 45 degrees down), or, since it's a truck, mount it under the rear bumper
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flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
hmm, what happens when you don't pay it? as far as i can tell, there is nothing in that code regarding failure to pay, the most it says is that civil penalties may be imposed, and enforced by a civil action in the nature of a debt.

shit, i'd make them work for the money, i wouldnt pay it, just say you never got the ticket. i wouldnt be surprised if they give up :shrug:
just my two cents. safest route is still to pay


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
you can't ticket the car, only the driver.

It's VERY easy to fight these tickets, but most people just pay the fine (dumbfucks). If there isn't a picture of your face, they can't fine you.

They tried to fine me for my truck (after I sold it) because the new driver was going through the easypass for the toll roads without an easypass.

They tried to say I'd have to pay, but threatening to take em to court solved it (since if it got out that it's not technically legal to fine the owner of the car as it's not possible to verify the driver was the owner. Much like trying to charge the guy who's gun was stolen or borrowed with murder.)

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
That's going to be very dependent on where you live Poodles.

In Alberta, we do not have front license plates, as such only the rear of your car can be photographed. The person who owns the vehicle is responsible for the use of the vehicle, even if they're not driving. As such, a ticket is issued to that person, however since it cannot be confirmed they were driving, there are no points awarded to their license.

Toyota h8r

Formerly KILLERMK3
Jan 24, 2006
Sylvania ohio
Jeff Lange said:
That's going to be very dependent on where you live Poodles.

In Alberta, we do not have front license plates, as such only the rear of your car can be photographed. The person who owns the vehicle is responsible for the use of the vehicle, even if they're not driving. As such, a ticket is issued to that person, however since it cannot be confirmed they were driving, there are no points awarded to their license.
Im not going to fight it...its just going to make more problems......thats if i do get a ticket(which i prolly will)


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
man that sucks but at the same time 5mph? i cruize over the limit in places a lot...not by much but by that much, sure. then again my supra speedo is off about 3-4mph

anyone here been given a fine for not having front plates?

i think its kinda dumb. i never run with mine on, i think it looks like poop.

so anyway...i probably won't get caught.

i had tags nearly one year out of date and got caught by a campus walker cop. determined my tags were lost in the mail, got new ones, got the fine reduced from 70 to 10, then contested saying it slipped my mind because i didn't get them mailed to me (truth) and got off virtually free! minus the gay 17 dollar fee for a small sticker i can only use for a month or two...

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Poodles said:
doubt it as 5 over is well in the area of speedo calibration..

wait and see if you get a letter in the mail, I doubt it...

For what it's worth, that is not within the speedo calibration spec Toyota specifies for the speedometer in the Supra (not that it matters, really).

Just saying ;).

Toyota's spec only allows for error on the side of caution (going slower than what the speedo says), and even then at that low of a speed the error is only a max of 3.5-4mph.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Jeff Lange said:
Toyota's spec only allows for error on the side of caution (going slower than what the speedo says), and even then at that low of a speed the error is only a max of 3.5-4mph.

good to know, thanks.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
i dont think you'll get a ticket its just 5 over... i got popped with a 67 in a 45 in las cruces i saw a flash and heard it at the same time i was like what the hell was that and i saw 67 flashing on the speedo thing i was like ahhh shit!! but no ticket or nothing ever came and that was a long time ago atleast 7 months ago.. however today on the way back from el paso i was going to the machine shop, i was going about 90 in a 70 and i saw this sheriff flip its lights on and like stop at the little turn around thing on the highway (waiting for me most likely) and i slowed down incredibly slow and the cop looked at me like you know you were speeding pull over... i just kept slowing down more and more so til i guess he got tired of waiting and drove up the road to pull some little cavalier over..


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
yeah, but tire sizes can change speedos too :D

and ticket 5mph or under can be fought easily (unless it's a small town, they'll get you for 1MPH over)

The main issue with speed and redlight cameras is that the ticket has to go to the driver of the car. Without a picture of the driver, it can't be charged. Sound like you guys get raped in Canada :(


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
From what Ive herd here in AZ, you get a picture and the ticket is yours you cant fight it. I knew people who would go to court and say it wasnt them(no face in the picture) and get out of the ticket a few years ago.

Now I know people who try the same thing and still have to pay. We only have plates in the back so the cams are setup to just take the plate and speed/running light/etc.

The whole idea of innocent until proven guilty just doesnt apply I guess? Im not sure how you can hand someone a ticket and say pay it, when you cant prove it was them in the car...