Radar blockers


New Member
Jan 23, 2006
Portland, OR
ive gotten a couple speeding tickets in the supra lately, i just cant seem to go the speed limit in it. anywho, one more ticket and my license is tits up for six months.

i was thinking bout a radar detector but how well do they work? the way i see it is once the thing goes off they already know how fast your going??

i was looking at radar blockers instead, seem to be a wonderful device. anybody got any ups and downs on certain brands and models? need to make sure i keep my license!!


Racecar Driver
Nov 13, 2006
DFW Texas
loki2043 said:
ive gotten a couple speeding tickets in the supra lately, i just cant seem to go the speed limit in it. anywho, one more ticket and my license is tits up for six months.

i was thinking bout a radar detector but how well do they work? the way i see it is once the thing goes off they already know how fast your going??

i was looking at radar blockers instead, seem to be a wonderful device. anybody got any ups and downs on certain brands and models? need to make sure i keep my license!!

take out some spark plugs in your car.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
Loki - since you're in Portland I'm guessing you've been popped by one of our local friendlies.

Radar Blocker won't do you a damn bit of good - unless you're blowing through the red light cameras or getting hit by a photo radar.

If you got pulled over (around the Portland Metro Area) then you've been hit by LASER! And if you pick up a laser signal on a detector then you've already been hit and you should be making your way to the righthand shoulder and prepare to cough up some money.

Oh yeah - and not a fat lot of good that radar blocker will do for you. They don't work.

Get a Blinder to take car of the laser - several people driving Supras swear by this thing - and then get yourself a V1 detector for those radar traps.

You're gonna spend close to a grand getting this combo though.

Oh yeah... of you could just save your money and slow down. :)


Gone. Email me.
May 27, 2006
not here
I've got a friend who has a Blinder... he loves it, says he's roared by cops and not once gotten a ticket. Thats not to say he hasn't been pulled over, they pull him over all the time, but they just tell him to slow down, because they don't have anything on how fast he was going. its some cool shit.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
The only way radar detectors are effective these days is when there's an officer up ahead and he clocks someone in front of you... your detector MIGHT see some of the signal and provide a heads up. Yes, if it's laser, you're already hosed (usually).

In most states the use of any device which reduces the effectiveness of a law enforcement officer's equipment is very strictly prohibited. This includes not only jammers/blockers (which send out a false signal) but also signal dampening materials (laser/radio absorbing bras and such). Alot of people hear about this and assume that this includes radar detectors, but that's usually not the case.

If you're going to use either make sure you know the laws of every town you drive through. Cities, counties are allowed to add to the state's statutes. So while for me detectors and blockers may be legal up in my in-laws little town of Pine, blockers are not legal in Denver County (but radar detectors are) and neither is legal in the town of Glenwood which is in Denver County.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Dude, if you're gonna lose your liscence this next time, for god sakes slow the fuck down.

A blocker MIGHT help. A detector VERY RARELY helps. With the blockers/blinders its not too hard for the cop to know u have one. When they get a reading of 235 mph or something outrageous, they know you have a blocker plain and simple and from what i've heard its a HUGE deal if you're caught with them(where its illegal, of course).

I recently got a passport x50. This is the top-o-the-line, save the valentine, and all it has taught me is that the cops come out of nowhere with no warning. Any time it goes off, it normally starts at full alert, meaning I've been hit. Only on rare occasions does it provide me with a warning of an upcoming officer. These are always in traffic where I couldn't have really been speeding in the first place. Some officers in my home town just keep it on all the time. So i can know if they are driving towards me, but they wouldnt pull me over anyways unless I'm goin 70 down broadway, or if im dumb enough too speed a lot in front of them.

My point is that if they got you while they were on the side of the road or on the highway, they were most likely using laser. And that means you're not gonna have any decent defense. If they're using radar, then blocking/jamming is easy, but it sounds like yours is laser. and the guys that i know that have tried laser jamming just ended up in more trouble either because they were too confident or becasue it just didnt work.

Just my .02


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Use your damn eyes, and read the road ahead of you, and keep a constant check on what's going on behind you. These will also increase your safety. Also, know the roads and police habits on those roads. Know how much you can get away with over the speed limit, and maybe even stretch that a bit. Otherwise, slow your ass down.....at least for 6 months.

Think of the upgrades you could do with the money thrown away on useless detector/jammer equipment. You'd hate to lose your liscence, and also pay hefty fines for using these items. Around here, if they can't get a true speed, and they know you were speeding, they write wreckless driving tickets.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
In my experiences, a radar detector gives me a false sense of security and only makes me speed more. I've gotten far less tickets without one than I ever did while I had one.
Try this: speed smart. that may not sound right, but it is. Don't just drive fast anywhere, drive fast when you know you have minimal to zero chance of getting caught. It's worked for me for a year now


Supramania Contributor
I have been told the reason lidar is not used at night is they can't get a reading on vehicles with their headlights on very well....

Makes sense as the light output of visable light also probably has the same freq. of light the lidar uses. (So your trying to find reflected light bounced off a car with it's headlights blasting out that same light signal... and it's lost in the noise.)

The blinder Lidar jammers work very well.

Best setup for the MK3 would be converting your fog lamps to run all the time when the car is running, and add the Blinder around the area of your license plate frame/mount. (Since our head lights are down during the day, that very reflective place is not available to the PD.)

Best possible setup would be a bra designed to absorb lidar, daytime running lamps and the Blinder active jamming. (For defeating Lidar that is.)

I love my Valentine 1, but it is not perfect. (IF they use instant on radar, or lidar, your hosed.)

Best option is to keep your eyes open, look down the sides of the road, watch for people ahead of you tapping their brake lights for no reason (good sign there is a cop there.) and either get some active jamming for lidar, or just slow down.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Heh... I can't help but laugh at this.

I speed all the time. I have a radar detector, circa 1990, that I rarely turn on.

I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in over 15 years.

If I could bottle this capacity, I'm sure I'd be a millionaire. ;)


I am not ASIAN!
May 7, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
I'm going to have to agree with ForcedTorque tony, at least the point that he makes about speeding around the ares you know.
I speed a hell of a lot,
and the only times I've gotten tickets are in areas I don't know and shouldn't have been getting cocky and speeding in.


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
in the 2 months i've owned my Passport radar detector-$330 it has already saved me from 4 tickets which im SURE would have been more than $330. PLus car toys has 90days no interest if your poor like me.

K signal for 1
KA for 2
and Laser for the other 1


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
I've heard its illegal in CA to run fogs w/o headlights. You might wanna check into local laws in Idaho too, iono.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
ChadMKIII said:
I've heard its illegal in CA to run fogs w/o headlights. You might wanna check into local laws in Idaho too, iono.
No its not

Actually, it is. Apparently in CA it's illegal to run them unless you are using your hi-beams.

From another forum (includes CA State statutes, I have only checked a couple of these... I don't live in or visit CA so I could care less about the total accuracy of this list. The couple I checked were accurate though.):

You cant install any extra lamp or illuminating device on or in your car(neon, strobes, LED's, those led windshield spray nozzels. You can change the bulbs in any factory installed light(doors, map lights ect.) other than that having colored lighting will get you a V.C. 24003 violation & if you get lippy with the cop he can get you on a V.C. 24012, The headlamps and every light source in any headlamp unit shall be located at a height of not more than 54 inches nor less than 22 inches. You cant install HID lights to your car unless it was a "factory option" It is illegal in CA, this is also under the 24003 V.C. apparently...

Driving with just your parking lights on EVEN in the daytime will get you one from V.C. 24800

Any flashing light anywhere on your car will get you V.C. 25250, this one is one you cant fight, Even your alarm light flashing while you are diving the car will get you pulled over.

Got Bass? well if it can be heard from 50 feet away it will cost you 106.00 and get you V.C.27007

V.C. 27151, Loud exhaust? over 95 db

Got a indash dvd screen? No video screen forward of the rear of the drivers seat will have anything playing ot it while the car in operation(this does not apply to onscreen NAV) V.C.27602 AND the shop that installed the video screen that does not use the E-brake wire can be held liable for that and if a accident occures the shop may be to blame as well.

If you install driving lights on the front of you car it must be more than 16" from the ground, heres more BULLSH*T you cant drive with them on unless your high beams are on. Driving with your lows on and your driving lights on will get you another Violation of V.C. 24002.

You Cant lower your car/alter suspension(bags) other than factory options. V.C. 24008 Now this states nothing can hang below the bottom of your rim. There is also a head light minimum and maximum measurments that will also get you this ticket. I have had both too high and to low.

Aftermarket bumpers will get you a violation of V.C. 24011.3 as most of them dont have the required Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations of a 2.5 mile impact rating.

For those of us that relocate your rear plate, make sure you got a light on it and its bright enough to see your plate from 50 feet, Were ever it is installed, AND it must be connected to the switch that turns your headlights on and off. V.C. 24601

Side markers, This was interesting. You can have side markers on your fenders with a white or amber light BUT the light assembly must be recessed into the fender as not to be seen from the front or the rear. I think it states that it can only have 2 canel power as well. But again if it is not inset in to your fender you will get V.C. 25102


ROFL!!! I just read through some of the CA statutes and there's one which states that you are not permitted to operate driving lights on your vehicle unless they're 16" or higher off the ground. That knocks most of us out of the kegal requirements for driving lights in the state of CA.
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