alright my r154 when sitting in neutral with the car on makes this weird noise. its not the throw out bearing and goes away when the clutch is in because the tranny isnt spinning. i cant really describe the noise its sort of like wooga-wooga-wooga-wooga but non stop and its pretty loud. the transmission shifts fine though and no problems with that just the damn noise. from what i have concluded it is the input shaft bearing. i am not sure though, the engine and tranny are out of the car but i have yet to tear it down. i do not want to screw anything up as i am not familiar with car trannys. i can tear the engine down in my sleep but ive never done a tranny. only dirt bike 6 speed trannys. but my real question is would i need a press or any special tool to replace the input shaft bearing? i dont really want to buy a full rebuild kit because of costs but would the syncros be in need of replace if it shifts fine? it has 180k miles on it but who knows if it is the origional tranny. please let me know. thanks