Protein supplements, building muscle, creotine, shakes, pills...?


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
trucker said:
i don't think yates was human...and thanks for another old guy moment

His back was huge...He had a big vee right from his waist... When he posed with his hands on his thighs and he would flex his back muscles...Damn...Huge ripped thighs n calves too...Huge chest...



Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
The thing I liked about him the most is he had tremendous strength and the body too. Some guys had the body but thier strength was not good enough.



best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
so must i do an entire body workout for any results? i have been playing soccer for quite sometime and we lifted alot and we stressed alot of our workouts [obviously] on abs and legs. if i want upperbody results, do i have to worry about doing leg workouts for the whole package?

maybe ill just start with the bench and free weights. im going to go talk to the trainer this week when the place gets the "free join" thing for their memberships again.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Free weights are the best...Because you have to grip the bar and balance it, your forearms and grip gets stronger.

Yeah workout the whole want your body to looked balanced...not like a light bulb...big upper body and skinny legs or vice versa.

The one single exercise that dominates all excercises is the squat.
With the weights on ur shoulders, your entire back, arms, abs, obliques, legs and calves is all hit at once. If you put the bar in front of chest on ur shoulders, this will shift the focus to your inner thighs.

Squats also help the whole body build muscle...Squats will help you in your faster and jump higher. Deadlifts are great for legs too.

You also do chin ups/pull ups and then add weights to make it harder. I used to get a strong backpack and put the weights in it. Dips are also good..even better with weights.
You can vary your hand position or the width of your dip to hit different areas of your chest.

Soccer is alot of running so you lose alot of energy.If you want to gain weight you will need to avoid alot of aerobic activity.



best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
well, i dont play much soccer anymore being that i graduated. thats just the build that i have right now. strong legs, weak upper body. im kinda like a reverse lightbulb. all of my strength is down-low. is it bad just to do squats for my work out then? squats and free weights?

lots of weight with lower reps to strain and then let the heal themselves in a good night of sleep?

i think ive got it down, i just need to get into the gym now with a free membership. should i wait to start poppin the protein or go ahead and start that when i start my training?

thanks for the help so far.



Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Squats/bench press/bicep curls/pull ups/deadlifts.

You could do upper body on one day...lower body on another day.And usually you should focus more attention on your weaker body part.

Keep your reps down to 6-8/ set. I mostly did 6 reps/set. Make sure before you use the weights warm up and stretch and after you finish cool down and stretch.

For squat get a good weight belt so your dont injure your back.

If the gym is too expensive, just buy a good bench with weights and workout at home. Less distraction. Then when you can lift all your weights go to a gym for the big weights. Try the local community center..I think its cheaper.

Remember when you lift the weights, lift it slow and in a controlled manner...not fast jerky lifts that will injure your body. Focus on building a good foundation and lifting in perfect form otherwise you will not be hitting the muscle you want.

Dec 3, 2003
tte said:
Squats/bench press/bicep curls/pull ups/deadlifts.

You could do upper body on one day...lower body on another day.And usually you should focus more attention on your weaker body part.

Keep your reps down to 6-8/ set. I mostly did 6 reps/set. Make sure before you use the weights warm up and stretch and after you finish cool down and stretch.

For squat get a good weight belt so your dont injure your back.

If the gym is too expensive, just buy a good bench with weights and workout at home. Less distraction. Then when you can lift all your weights go to a gym for the big weights. Try the local community center..I think its cheaper.

Remember when you lift the weights, lift it slow and in a controlled manner...not fast jerky lifts that will injure your body. Focus on building a good foundation and lifting in perfect form otherwise you will not be hitting the muscle you want.


Good advice ;)

My thing was/is to have lots of protein and have a healthy way of eating with lots of water, milk and some protein shakes to help in case I didn't get enough throughout the day. Protein intake should match your weight at minimum.

I used to box and power lift to compete and that is what I used to do. Everyone has their own thing that works for them. I now just workout a few days a week.



Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
ValgeKotkas said:
Damn, I say, stay natural... who needs those chemicals... :D Or am I too old-minded? :)

You are just too old minded...:icon_bigg
These protein/creatine/carbs do help but they should only be used to supplement your diet.

Anyway there are chemicals in most of the foods we eat.Think about the growth hormones that were pumped into the animals to make them grow faster so they could be killed and cut for our plates. All the veges have chemicals...its all over.



Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Okeh, maybe I'm young and grow.... but I haven't made ANY training in months and months, but still I look and weight the same :naughty: Soo.. wut iz a diet? :D:D
I haven't eaten anything special, ever, to get a ''figure'' or whatever :)
I think I'm lucky :biglaugh:


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
MKIII N00b said:
If you're a chubby guy, chances are you can be buff like no other. BUT it will take alot of work to get there and ALOT of keeping yourself where you want to be.

this is my problem, i can pack on lots of beef in very short order, but i have to work my ass off to keep it, and to keep my bodyfat down, to get where i was took absolutely anal attention to diet, and cardio(and i hate cardio with a passion)

i would lift 3 days, cardio 3 days rest on 7th day

DAY 1 arms chest,gave back/shoulders a secondary workout

2 cardio

3 lower back, legs

4 cardio

5 shoulders/back gives arms chest secondary workout

6 cardio

7 rest

i would work each group 3 sets of 3 different exersises, rotating them week to week for a total of nine sets per group per week

abs were an everyday thing, its the only group you are training for density, rather than mass


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
If you buy the big jugs of protein powder you are pretty much throwing your money in the toilet.
Your body does not extract much of the protein in the product and you end up $hitting it all out.

One of the best sources of protein that your body can use most effectively is eggs.
Also one of my friends goes through one of the big jars of peanut butter in a week. I can't get myself to eat that much peanut butter though.

If you want muscle, stick to anaerobic exercises.
Keep the workout the same for a few months, you have to keep at it to see results.
If you mix your workouts with aerobic workouts like running, biking, ect... you may not get the results you want.
This is just from my experience, I have a body type that does not allow me to gain weight easily. I usually need to force myself to eat a LOT, need the high calorie intake to build muscle. This is what has worked best for me.
One day rest for a muscle group is essential for building muscle/rebuilding tissue.

Here is an example of #'s that I keep track of.
Before workout schedule
Flat Bench -150 LBS
My weight -140

After sticking to workout schedule
Flat Bench -225 LBS
My weight -155

Its really not too hard, and depends on the body type as well. You just have to be determined and have goals set out. It really helps to have a lifting friend as well.


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
yes, a partner is crucial

it keeps you motivated

and keeps you fromgetting injured

my days in the gym came to an almose excruciating halt when i was doing inclined dumbell flys without a spotter

wrenched my shoulder over and back, pulled something out, never been the same since, still flares up from time to time

never use freeweights without a spotter, it was the little 45's that got me, not the heavy stuff


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
Dang, thats rough a free weight got you.
I usually let them drop if I get into trouble.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
myself and two of my friends work out 3x a week. (chest, biceps, tri's, abs, etc...) we do a pretty good routine every time.

i started lifting with them only 6-8 months ago, and i started benching 95 lbs. i had absolutely no chest muscles at all, but i could do bicep curls with 30's and 45's with little trouble at all...

my starting weight was 125lbs, and i now weigh 136, and consistently bench 145lbs. not a bad increase for only 8 months.

and i use Muscle Milk. tastes great, too. :)
