Once again, your totally ignoring the reality of science.
C02 as a "greenhouse gas" is only a very small part of the total atmosphere, and it's not a very good thermal insulator. (Compared to other gases that is.)
Water vapor or gas if you want to use that word is present not just in clouds, but also in the air you can't see couds in all the time. It is a very potent greenhouse gas, and a major factor in our warming planet.
You have gone on and on and on, about how we need to reduce man's effect on the atmosphere, but then you advocate the use of a fuel source who's only emmision is water vapor. (One of the most potent greenhouse gasses.)
It does not just turn into clouds and then fall back as rain as you might want to belive. Much ends up diffusing into the atmosphere, and that raises the total water vapor content, and makes for the "Blanket effect" of greenhouse gases. (Trapping the heat radiation from the sun, which we all really know controls the weather anyway, but for the sake of your C02/"fossil fuel" reduction by using electric cars, or hydrogen powered cars, you choose to ignore the fact that your new "uber" car actually puts out more "greenhouse gas" than a ULEV hydrocarbon combustion engine.)
Someone says geothermal energy, or tap the waves... Blah blah blah. Why have we not already done that? Oh let us really look at reality for a moment.
1) Geothermal energy costs money to build, and then maintain. The mineral deosits build up rather fast, so your contantly trying to stay two steps ahead of the failure of your generating plant by limestone, sulfer and other deposits on the machinery.
2) Solar power is expensive, and for the money spent to build it, not a very good investment. (You need clear days for good power generation, so at night and during bad weather, your power supply is off line in many cases.)
3) Wind power is fickle as well, and costs quite a bit to setup and maintain. In some areas, it's a great idea. In others, it's only partly effective. In any case, it is not a power supply you can turn on and generae power any time you want.
4) That brings us to all other forms of energy. They pretty much can be turned on and off and output vaired based on demand and time of day.
Most of the liberal elite environmentalsist do not like nucular power becasue they don't understand it, and belive that waste can't be stored or delt with effectively. (And right now the largest problem with storeing and processing waste is silly ass lawsuits brought up by people who don't understand what is going on, or are just opposed to the nuke idea in any shape or form.)
These same people are opposed to any new refineries, oil drilling or exploration, logging and commercial fishing. They don't like hunters, sport fishers, and belive owning a gun is a crime. Especially automatic weapons.
They hate ATV's, dirt bikes, snomobiles, and pretty much anything that makes noise in "their" wilderness. (Like they own it? Right... Keep dreaming.)
They think all factories belch smoke and pollution, and hate coal fired electric plants, but yet many of them rely on that power to live. (But do not want to be reminded of this simple truth.)
They drive SUV's, but say they bought the ones with smaller, more fuel wise motors... You know they need to haul their mountain bikes and kyak's around..... so they need these larger vehicles, but if you commute in one, your the devil... But they can commute and haul the bikes and kyak's around all week adding to the areodynamic drag of the car/suv, but it's because they want to be seen as outdoors fanatics... Or they are just too lazy to remove the large cargo from the Yakima racks...
My point is everytime someone spouts off "we need altenative sources of energy" the oil compainies grin from ear to ear. It's more scare tactics driving up the price of hydrocarbons. All for a gas that is 3/8's of one inch on a football field of 100 yards. (Yes, the change in C02 has added 3/8" to the 3" of the total amount of C02 that is in our atmosphere. Nitrogen gets you to about the 78 yard line, then O2 is anoteher 20 yard or so, and the rest is waer vapor and some intert gases and stuff like N20, argon and way down on the list is C02, one of the weaker and less effective "greenhouse" gases.)
Please understand what your talking about before you post. Just spouting off liberal elite dogma is getting boring. (And it makes you look kinda silly actually.)
Oh, and while we are talking about C02, man made souces of C02 add up to less than 3% of the total increase since 1940. That means the other 97% is NATURAL C02 that has been released into the atmosphere by nature. (And don't go off saying it's because we have settled the rain forests or some other bovine scatoria. The earth does as it pleases, and we just go along for the ride. Man's ability to change what happens in the natual world is very limited indeed.)
If you like these electric cars so much, spend 100k and buy one.