Well, yesterday went pretty well. Looked down deeper, saw my MHG, and called that a day after checking the head torque; 76 ft-lbs. Whee, everything's gravy with my combustion chamber! So I put it all back together, and started looking at my door solenoid.
At least, that's how it came. Little bugger's heavy, too, like 2 or 3 pounds. Anyways, on with the show:
I attached the pull cable to the top of the pull lever where the inside handle rod pops into place, leaving it there. More distance from fulcrum means more leverage, so I figured it should go there. And then:
Routed the pull cable. I used zip ties to keep it from wandering; I think I may have pulled it a little to taut, causing it to pull the lever, because my inside handle is kinda pulled up a bit. And then...
Mounted the solenoid itself. The best part about this mounting location is that it puts the weight semi-close to the hinge, and it tucks away (very!) cleanly into the molded channel in the interior door panel without interfering with the window; the only caveat was playing with the window regulator bolts above where it's mounted to be able to reach the back side of the panel to slide the bolts in from that side. The Autoloc solenoids use a self-grounding bracket, so sand away some paint, bolt it in, and clear coat for rust proofing. Then the steel pull cable was threaded and crimped so that when a high-amperage 12v current is applied to this wire:
That solenoid pops back, pulling the lever, and releasing the door latch. I tested it with a spare car battery, and it works great; satisfying 'pop' sound, and no spring loaded popper to make that bodywork fly out and hit something. When I get my alarm in the next couple days, I'll hook up a relay to that positive wire so that a 30-second latched 200ma output on the alarm can handle door popping duties. That'll give me the exterior entry appearance of having handles by not having it pop open all the time, and instead simply unlatching the door for 30 seconds. Plenty of time to hop in, start the car, and look for music before it's ready to latch again.
But, I think I routed some vacuum hoses incorrectly when I put it all back together. My BOV is stuck open, so I've basically got a massive HKS SSQV boost leak at the moment; turbo spools, but I lose pressure the instant I get off the throttle, and it won't even make full boost. Kinda stuck at ~5 psi. So...any help? It's currently going to the medium, straight pipe off the ISC pipe in front of the 3000 pipe. Which, looking at it, goes down to the head. So...I *think* that's supposed to go someplace else, but I'm not sure.