etikoner;1640453 said:
Cool car. (not exactly my taste)
This guy is running 18x12 in the back and it's not nearly as wide as yours.(the body + over fender)
You're gonna need some more wheel if you plan to fill it up.

do you have a full picture of your car, and not just sections of it?
It also depends on offset and backspacing; offset determines how much of a rim's width is inside or outside the plane created by the hub mounting surface. I have 7.5" to fill (5.5" gap plus 2" to get rid of the spacer) away from the hub, so we need to calculate the opposite of backspacing:
Stock mk3 rim is 16x7, et38. So, (half of our 7" of width) minus (+1.5" of offset) equals 2" of rim face outside of the hub.
Cool, I need 7.5" more than that, so my aftermarket rim needs to have 9.5" of the opposite of backspace. Now we solve for it:
(Half of 12" width) minus (what offset?) equals 9.5" of rim face beyond the hub.
(6")-(x)=9.5", x= -3.5" or -89mm
So, now we know that if I want a 12" wide rim that will be flush, it needs to have an offset of -89; I'm sure those are something around a 0. -89 sounds like an assload of offset, but Work told me over the phone it's doable on an 18x12 while still being structurally sound. Also, I'm taking into account tires...on a 12", 305 is the thinnest you can get without stretching. An 18x13 (et -76) requires 335's, which is where tires start getting
really expensive. Going to an 18x14, offset would be around -64, and would have to be fitted with 355 tires or starts to get real hard to even find tires that wide, let alone have the deep pockets to buy them. The fronts, if I have a 10" wide rim, should be a 18x10, et-10.
More pics to come soon...I'm still waiting for the water pump for my DD :: angry ::