*Project sideways supra*


Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
disturbed1;1354767 said:
nice project u have got here. have been through the exact same thing :)

could i recommend a fuel cell - will save u 20ish kilos and eliminate fuel surge issues unless your going to run a surge tank

Yeah i will defiantly be gettin a fuel cell down the road.. but yeah even before that i want the little surge tank so i dont have to worry about losing fuel from it sloshing around and leaving the pickup when gettin sideways..


Supra Drifter
Jun 15, 2007
Wiisass;1265103 said:
Good one. You got me there.

The cars going to suck without suspension work. Face it. This is why everyone thinks that supras can't drift. It's not because they can't, it's because people don't do it right.

My brother's car with a stock 7m with the turbo on the way out, my steering spacers and my coilovers and a welded diff and good wheels and tires and the car stripped down to 3000 lbs was pretty fun. I mean obviously it could've used a lot more power, but you don't need it. It felt good.

Then I drove another supra that made a little more power and was on a crappy suspension and the car was horrible. Horrible. Like undrivable. The car was all over the place, it didn't do anything right, it sucked.

So you can keep going with this "drift" build. Or start thinking about the important things and make this a good build.

Listen to Tim, he knows what he is talking about. The car he is talking about, the horrible one, was mine on my old suspension setup. Get coilovers, spacers, welded diff. If not Tim's setup, then get decent coilovers, BC's preferably.


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
zambini;1373215 said:
mmmmm harness lengthification.. thats why may car has a new 7m in it hahaha

props for the effort and motivation!
he didn't lengthen the harness. we drilled a hole under the dash and routed it though there.... haha much easier


Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
racerpage;1373035 said:
Listen to Tim, he knows what he is talking about. The car he is talking about, the horrible one, was mine on my old suspension setup. Get coilovers, spacers, welded diff. If not Tim's setup, then get decent coilovers, BC's preferably.

Yeah Tim defiantly knows what he is talking about.. But don't his coilovers start at like 3 grand.. I bet there awesome but i cant afford that right now.. so at first i leaning towards the megan track specs because of the stiff spring rates but then i was informed that their spring rates were so high to cover up their shitty dampners.. so then no im leaning towards either the bc coilovers or stance coilovers.. or get the dg-5's for the mk4 since they don't make them for the mk3 and then have the machine shop custom fit them to my mk3.. I know that the dg-5's are good drifting coilovers.. Ill defiantly get the rack spacers since they are a cheap mod for more steering angle.. and instead of the welded diff im probably gunna go with a kaaz or os giken 2 way.. But tim is totally right a drift car build isn't shit without lots of suspension mods... Its just my old motor was crap and i need the car to actually be able move before it handles great.. If i had a ton of money i would do both at the same time but im not that fortunate..


Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
Long time no update..

Just been working on the dang wiring..

This will be my third time of ripping out my dash harness and going through it and putting it back in..

My biggest problem was using a 92 dash harness in my 90 because the ignition switch is a bit different...

So im back to the 90 harness.. I did remove the wires that im not using such as ac, theft deterent, and abs..

Pics and more updates coming soon..


Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
So this is my 90 dash harness put back together..

Im calling this harness 3.0...

Im pretty positive everything should work the way it should this time...



Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
So i just put back in my engine and dash harness real quick for some diagnosis and for kicks turned it over to see if it was doing the same thing.. And it fired right up.. Im pretty sure it was this one wire that my friend billy found that was disconnected and went to my ignitor.. So now i have to pull back my engine harness and wrap it up and put everything back together.. But im sooo stoked that my engine runs.. Its been way too long in the making.. Thanks for the help everyone..


Jul 27, 2008
Gilbert Arizona
I have not had that much time lately to work on it but im still gettin some stuff done on it.. So it was running but it idled really high and if you gave it gas it died.. It turns out that the IGT signal wire was not sending a signal to the ecu of when the plugs were firing... I ohmed out the wire and couldn't find the problem so i gave my harness to Dr. Billy haha (my 1j buddy) to go through it wire by wire and make it perfect.. He is a lot better at wiring than myself.. I did how ever get my zankoku group buy carbon fiber cooling panel today..
Here is a pic of it..