Project or problem?


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Dahlonega, GA
mkiiichip;1579362 said:
1 It looks like you have a blow-by issue, that the previous owner was getting excess amounts of oil in the accordion tube and likely smoking. so he installed a "road draft tube". the source of the blow-by needs to be addressed, and the PCV needs to be put back stock.

2 Does that electric fan work? How is it controlled? I would suggest you ditch the e-fan , and get a good stock clutch fan, and fan shroud.

You have got allot of work to do. Dont give up on her.

mkiiichip;1579362 said:
1 It looks like you have a blow-by issue, that the previous owner was getting excess amounts of oil in the accordion tube and likely smoking. so he installed a "road draft tube". the source of the blow-by needs to be addressed, and the PCV needs to be put back stock.

2 Does that electric fan work? How is it controlled? I would suggest you ditch the e-fan , and get a good stock clutch fan, and fan shroud.

You have got allot of work to do. Dont give up on her.

As unfortunate as it is I'd like to figure out the real reason for the blowby, I'd really prefer to have it routed back to stock anyhow, but not without doing a little bit of investigating first.
The fan currently is just hardwired to the battery, so I have to remove it every time I turn the car off. However I was planning on wiring it up either to the thermostat or just straight to a switch this weekend.

Definitely not giving up on her just yet, I'm already thrilled at the progress before. Compared to how it ran before its like its back to normal, beside the overheat. Time permitting I'd like to have this completely back and ready come August, unfortunately I haven't had as much time for it as I've wanted, but I'm still looking toward the big picture :D


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Dahlonega, GA
Hachigo87;1579374 said:
As unfortunate as it is I'd like to figure out the real reason for the blowby, I'd really prefer to have it routed back to stock anyhow, but not without doing a little bit of investigating first.
The fan currently is just hardwired to the battery, so I have to remove it every time I turn the car off. However I was planning on wiring it up either to the thermostat or just straight to a switch this weekend.

Definitely not giving up on her just yet, I'm already thrilled at the progress before. Compared to how it ran before its like its back to normal, beside the overheat. Time permitting I'd like to have this completely back and ready come August, unfortunately I haven't had as much time for it as I've wanted, but I'm still looking toward the big picture :D

NONO NOT YET!!! NEVER GIVE UP ON HER :icon_evil:evil2::: angry :: you said just yet btw.
bombinuass;1579492 said:
NONO NOT YET!!! NEVER GIVE UP ON HER :icon_evil:evil2::: angry :: you said just yet btw.

Haha I'm not planning on giving up, swapping the coils and having it run and idle like it should is a big ego boost so far. I just have to make some time to sort out everything else, trust me I'm looking forward to it too much to give up now haha.


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
I tried to hint at this earlier, but you know a motor with that kind of blowby needs a rebuild right?
As, it is not going to run right until rebuilt, or replaced

Compression\leakdown check is a must. But judging from the smoke pouring from the valve covers, i have got a good guess of what youll find.
mkiiichip;1579574 said:
I tried to hint at this earlier, but you know a motor with that kind of blowby needs a rebuild right?
As, it is not going to run right until rebuilt, or replaced

Compression\leakdown check is a must. But judging from the smoke pouring from the valve covers, i have got a good guess of what youll find.

Must not have been thinking too well when I read that earlier, really hoping that's not the case, but unfortunately you're probably right and I'm in for it. I do have a spare block and internals if that is the case as well, so time will ultimately tell I guess. I'll keep you all informed on what i find.
No real updates just yet, waiting to get ahold of a compression tester to see how healthy the block is. Gathering together a few hoses to put the PCV back into place today/tomorrow finally.

I did notice the BVSV was capped off, worth putting it back in place or keeping the system as is?


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Miami, FL
The BVSB is not your problem and long as all the vacuum lines are properly plugged. I'm sure someone will tell you that you engine is in extreme danger because the charcoal canister is not connected. Don't sweat the BVSB until you get the engine's blow-by figured out.
maj75;1584228 said:
The BVSB is not your problem and long as all the vacuum lines are properly plugged. I'm sure someone will tell you that you engine is in extreme danger because the charcoal canister is not connected. Don't sweat the BVSB until you get the engine's blow-by figured out.

For now the charcoal canister is staying vented, I personally would have left it alone for the time being, but the previous owner went on a spree of removing things (including most of the trunk interior).
Anyhow, PCV is hooked back up, though it really wont' do much, I had the piping and threw it on in the meantime. Still trying to borrow a compression tester and check out the internals here now.

Also, burped the coolant system and topped it off and running without a thermostat for now, hopefully when I take it out again all is well. Just trying to attack everything I can figure to see if it isn't a BHG before I deem it that. So all is really riding on a compression check for now, so again it sits parked..


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
Tucson, Arizona, United States
dont give up on it that cars to clean, im not calling it quits on mine and the wiring harness is chopped up lots of stuff missing, and the hose that leads to the bov as removed on mine they capped it off to make it look cleaner well the last owner blew up the turbo cause of it and kept running it and ran it out of oil, found all the oil though it was in my intercooler piping and in the intercooler bout 3 or 4 quarts worth lol
72chevyc10;1584938 said:
dont give up on it that cars to clean, im not calling it quits on mine and the wiring harness is chopped up lots of stuff missing, and the hose that leads to the bov as removed on mine they capped it off to make it look cleaner well the last owner blew up the turbo cause of it and kept running it and ran it out of oil, found all the oil though it was in my intercooler piping and in the intercooler bout 3 or 4 quarts worth lol

Rough, a labor of love for sure though it sounds. Nah, I can't let mine go, the body's too mint and too many signs pointing in the right direction so far. All seems well so far, going to give it a quick spin tomorrow and see if it starts to overheat at all, crossing my fingers. Just waiting to hear back on a compression tester to verify some internal strength here..


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
Tucson, Arizona, United States
i wish mine was my friend new the guy who owned it before the guy i bought it from and he had watched him drift right through a chain link fence so i have some body damage up front where the poll hit and it was shot 3 times with a pellet gun 1 of the shots being my targa unfortunately
72chevyc10;1585253 said:
i wish mine was my friend new the guy who owned it before the guy i bought it from and he had watched him drift right through a chain link fence so i have some body damage up front where the poll hit and it was shot 3 times with a pellet gun 1 of the shots being my targa unfortunately

Wow, and I thought moving to Pennsylvania was bad..
72chevyc10;1585424 said:
is it nice and green there? i live in tucson and everything brown and dusty i cleaned my car 2 days ago and its already filty from the wind blowing dirt around and i havnt even drove it yet

Plenty of greenery, I'm in a valley surrounded by mountains, which makes for some good driving roads for sure. But I still get my fair share of pollen and dirt all over my cars. My DD is a black Volkswagen and it always looks terrible the day after washing it.
72chevyc10;1586371 said:
so any news with the car?

Nothing yet, threw a plate on it and took it across the street to take it around a nearby plant's parking lot a few times to see if it'd overheat. Don't think I really drove it enough to really tell for sure, but all looked and seemed well. Gave it one quick full throttle burst and caught a few puddles and started to kick sideways, a pleasant surprise for sure :D

Besides that, just cleaned up the inside for the first time since I got it and washed the outside again. Besides that, no real progress unfortunately.. Still out of work so I haven't gotten the funds to put the car on the road, so its just parked in the driveway for now..


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
Tucson, Arizona, United States
i had cleaned mine out and i was away from the house for 3 days and i get home to find it full of tires and other junk and my truck bed is filled with a bunch of junk including a motor that looks like it goes on a dirt bike or something, everyone said they had thought i moved out i was like i told you guys i was going to be gone 2 or 3 days so i have cleaning to do again -.-


New Member
Dec 24, 2009
Tucson, Arizona, United States
well i just traded a friend my struts for a turbo now i need a 2j single turbo exhaust manifold and a wastegate so i can set them up and make sure everything is good with them then i need to get my swap kit and all the stuff im going to replace while the motor is out because once i buy the motor and it shows up i only have 2 days to do all the work to it and put it in

and i have to buy a new dash and engine bay harness mine are mangled horribly so i think im looking at about 3 grand in parts and wiring harness conversion not counting my motor