Three days ago, I discovered that one of my low beams was burned out. Seeing as I had a set of H4 conversion housings from my other car just sitting on a shelf,
I decided to swap over for a little bit more light output. They're called Neolite, and are glass housings, somewhat similar to Hella's.
Pulled the driver's side 6054 out, only to discover that the lamp wasn't bad, the electrical socket was. One wire had snapped off of the
terminal in the socket, and it looked one of the other two wires had been spliced together at some point in its past. Went to Autozone and bought a replacement socket and wired it in.
Here's a pic of before and after, halogen Sylvania on the left, Neolite H4 on the right.
Also, I bought a cheapo mbc off Ebay, just so I could get 2 or 3psi more boost. I found that even on the lightest spring setting, I would spike and hit fuel cut.
After taking it back out, I kinda did a blow test through the two aluminum ends(no spring), and felt that the nipples themselves were too restrictive. Drilled them both out with the next larger
size bit, and cut 2 coils off the spring, so that it could be assembled to an even softer setting. Originally, the spring was so long, that simply putting the two halves together put significant compression on it.
Well that solved the issue. Whereas I was getting about 6- 6.5psi on the gauge before, I now go just above 8psi, probably around 9. Makes the car just quick enough to reveal the next fix that I need to do:
Yup, new clutch.