:evil2: call this immature.. but me and my friend are on winter break so were about to pull a prank on my brother whose currently sleeping:naughty:
step 1: steal the keys to his car
step 2: tear pages from a magazine
step 3: shred into teeny tiny little peices...lots
step 4: Put tiny pieces in my brothers car and turn the fans on full blast so in the morning when he starts his car... POOF!!! tons of confetti...mwahaha :evil2:
step 1: steal the keys to his car
step 2: tear pages from a magazine
step 3: shred into teeny tiny little peices...lots
step 4: Put tiny pieces in my brothers car and turn the fans on full blast so in the morning when he starts his car... POOF!!! tons of confetti...mwahaha :evil2: