Prank time


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
When I was in high school we had those water fountains in the hallways that were actually inset into the wall, the kind where you would stick your head in to take a drink.

The setup: Stick a piece of gum or spitball in the nozzle of the fountain.

The plan: When an unsuspecting sap goes to take a drink the water sprays in a steady stream upwards in the range of 120 miles an hour, hopefully either in the saps nose or eye.

Paydirt: Reflexes will cause the victim to immediately jerk his/head upwards thus smashing his head violently into the top of the inset.

I was an evil child:evil2:

Oh wait, that was last week I did that.


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
Another one:
When I was in college we also had doors in the dorms that opened in. We would get one or two guys to push strongly but very quietly on the metal doors thus bowing them in slightly. A third person would insert three or four pennies between the door and the jamb just above the retractable latch. Once the pennies were in you would release the door.

The force of the pennies and the bowing of the door would make it impossible to open from the inside.

Then you could always bang on the door and step back to watch the fun as the victims struggle to open the door and they can't figure out what the fuck is going on.

To extricate the victims, you would simple press on the door until the pennies dropped out.:evil2:


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Whenever someone else is driving and has to back into a space or driveway i roll down my window and punch the door from the outside.

then i just watch as they freak out and get out looking for the thing that they hit out in the middle of nowhere.

A few years a go i had to stay at work late and i got out after everyone else did so they had time to do stuff. Its late, im tired and im walking over to my car, i unlock it and when i pull on the door handle my hand just fly's off of it, i try again and my hand just slips off of the handle again. I look closer and i see they wrapped a condom on the door handle which works perfect for our cars i guess, it was stretched out enough to where it was transparent. So i chuckle and wipe my hands clean turn on the car and observe from my mirror a tampon flying out of my muffler, then i see my friends across the parking lot in a car laughing. So i just give it a quick 5800rpm rev and see a mess of tampons just fly out the back.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
A friend of mine drives a beater geo, and he hates ketchup.

He got me by yanking my IGN fuse in the kick panel (he's a smart fucker). So I decided to get him back....

Ketchup all on the inside of his door handle. He wakes up and all I hear is..

Yank...... EWWWWW.... (Puking)......

What the FUCK!!!!!!!!

~~Prank #2~~

I had 2 buddies stay the night at my house, and Justin and I decided to put orajel we found and spray it all on a buddys mouth while sleeping.

Bad end result

~~Prank #3~~

Parents took the keys to the Supra. SO... :)

My dad hates driving the Pontiac Aztec we bought, and he had to drive it to Louisville the next day. Well, let's just say I know enough about cars to piss people off. So I removed the return spring from the hatch latch. And used a zip tie to keep it from flying open. So there was just enough space to make the sensor go crazy.

I see him leave, and come back 30 minutes later bitching.. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe to explain how to fix it, or what I did.