CryoSlash;1052739 said:
DonS1mpson;1018127 said:New beater - 1992 BMW 316i Touring. I'd have preferred another supra, but this was ridiculously cheap
The plans are to get the ground work sorted out (Shocks, springs, Z3 rack, etc), rag the pig slow 1.6L engine till it blows and then drop in a chipped M30 from a E34 535i. With circa 230 horses it should be quite an awesome little sleeper, particularly with it sitting on 15" steel wheels with those awful BMW Hubcaps/Wheel trims - No one will suspect a thing :naughty:
johnathan1;1053828 said:Wow, the window broken?
arizzle;1054191 said:heres my D/D a 95 318is w/ a 2.8l s52b2.8 a whooping 207Whp at the moment its faster then my supra!! get 500km to the tank also!:evil2:
upgradedsupra;1054296 said:500 KMS to the tank doesn't mean anything. What does it get MPG wise?
dok33;963635 said:32mpg highway with gas and 6psi, 14mpg city at 13psi w/E85:biglaugh:
Other beater: