top work there jimi87t, thats what i want to do with my gauges. what size gauges did you use? Ive got some 2 5/8ths autometer sportscomp gauges i want to fit in a 86dash then swap it with my 90dash.
miggles said:top work there jimi87t, thats what i want to do with my gauges. what size gauges did you use? Ive got some 2 5/8ths autometer sportscomp gauges i want to fit in a 86dash then swap it with my 90dash.
nickel and dimed said:Here are my gauges that I just installed. I like them and they are autometer sportcomps. Accurate and at a decent price.
NJsupraA70 said:
BoostnLoose said:here's my perdy gauges
Fastway135 said:How did you put it on your steering wheel? Did you screw it in with the screws that came with it or did you use one with a nut?
NJsupraA70 said:no i used a 2/16 autometer mounting cup.