Possible fuel problems


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
Well I have concluded that all boost hoses and other hoses are fine. I have no leaks. I have replaced the fuel filter and the car still acts the same. bogs on accel and deccel. I think I will check the injectors with an ohm meter. I also found a good deal on Eibach springs and tokico shocks which i bought the whole set for 125 for helping a dude with his supra. We are pretty sure it is a fuel problem, and all codes are clear. Any thoughts?

The Supra feels like it starves for fuel. I put in half a tank of gas. So could it be either the Injectors the pump or the regulator? Possibly a line is clogged but who knows. Should I take it in to get diagnosed and then fix it myself?


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
you could start at the tsrm under the EFI section. It has a detailed list of what to check under certain circumstances...

bogging on deceleration is normal (no fuel etc...) You really have a LOT more that needs to given and tested before asking what is wrong here.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
A boost leak is accompanied by code 34, you can rule that out. If you encountered fuel cut that is.

I can't recall driving a car that bogged on decel.

So, there isn't a 41 or 51, check again after a long test drive, or the next day.


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
Nope no codes. I just put the all four struts with the Eibachs on. It looks sweet. It was a pain in the ass though and I am tired as hell, I still have to put all the interior back together. I will check the injectors and then check the PSI on how much fuel I am getting.


New Member
Feb 18, 2009
could be the TPS, definately check to make sure its adjusted correctly. If its off your ecu could be pulling up the wrong fuel and ignition maps based on what it thinks is the correct throttle position when its not.


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
Have you checked your spark plugs? They might have fouled out. My car was bogging down when I gave it more throttle. I thought it was fuel. My last resort was to check my spark plugs. I put NGK copper plugs in and it fixed all my problems. You never know it could be something as simple as a few spark plugs.


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
steveaw11;1327446 said:
could be the TPS, definately check to make sure its adjusted correctly. If its off your ecu could be pulling up the wrong fuel and ignition maps based on what it thinks is the correct throttle position when its not.

The TPS is set correctly but there is a possibility it could be off. I was planning on taking it off again so I will check it once more.


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
NTRA08;1327454 said:
Have you checked your spark plugs? They might have fouled out. My car was bogging down when I gave it more throttle. I thought it was fuel. My last resort was to check my spark plugs. I put NGK copper plugs in and it fixed all my problems. You never know it could be something as simple as a few spark plugs.

Well the problem first occured a while back it just happened outta no where. I have changed the plugs to NGK iridium IX and there was no change it just fires up faster now.


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
dumbo;1327413 said:
Just to point out your suspension is pretty irrelavant here. I would check all your basic stuff, TPS, AFM, and do what what grimreaper said!!http://cygnusx1.net/supra/Library/TSRM/MK3/manual.aspx?S=FI&P=1

So you pressure tested you IC system?

I know that.. All I am saying is I am too tired to do anything about it today. I will check when I have more time. =D Yes I pressure tested the IC pipes and they are fine I even inspected each pipe and tightened everything up. I have no boost leak.


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
Coil packs. That was one of the very first things I check and all my spark is perfect it all meets spec according to the book. Hmm For all I know the O-rings on the injectors are eaten to hell. I look at the injector clips and they are all broke and covered with oil not new oil but oil from when the valve covers used to leak I bet it ate it up. I am thinking either re ring or new fuel rail with better condition injectors and hard wire in newer injector clips. Still have to run the tests though. 317K on the Original engine I think something is toast along those lines.


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
What color of smoke if any comes out of your exhaust??? This may help better pinpoint what the issue may be. Do you have a strong odor of Fuel under your hood? When was the last time you changed your fuel filter??? If you think for more than 3 seconds it certainly would not hurt to replace it, since it is scheduled PM item in accordance to the TRSM. When you turn your ignition on, do you hear a hmmm in the back, or any noises??? It may be a good idea to have some one turn the key a click before the cranking position, while you are under the car to listen for the fuel pump. It would not hurt to check for, fuel pressure in according to the TRSM. Make sure your AFM is plugged in, check your knock sensors, evaluate the O2 sensor with a ohm meter to see if it falls with in TRSM specs.. If any all else fails use a BFH :love: J/ K :evil2: Hope this helps!!!


Supra Maniak
Jun 13, 2007
So Cal
MA702Tone;1328112 said:
What color of smoke if any comes out of your exhaust??? This may help better pinpoint what the issue may be. Do you have a strong odor of Fuel under your hood? When was the last time you changed your fuel filter??? If you think for more than 3 seconds it certainly would not hurt to replace it, since it is scheduled PM item in accordance to the TRSM. When you turn your ignition on, do you hear a hmmm in the back, or any noises??? It may be a good idea to have some one turn the key a click before the cranking position, while you are under the car to listen for the fuel pump. It would not hurt to check for, fuel pressure in according to the TRSM. Make sure your AFM is plugged in, check your knock sensors, evaluate the O2 sensor with a ohm meter to see if it falls with in TRSM specs.. If any all else fails use a BFH :love: J/ K :evil2: Hope this helps!!!

Well I did change the Fuel Filter YAY! I don't really here any humming but am I supposed to? AFM is in correctly Knock sensors were changed and I checked them and they are fine. The 02 could be a problem. I get like a puff of grey smoke when I rev it a lil. to like 2500rpm. I need to check fuel pressure and the 02 sensor and the injectors all my ignition is fine from the wires to the ignitor to the coil pack everything is fine on that part.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
MA702Tone;1328112 said:
What color of smoke if any comes out of your exhaust??? This may help better pinpoint what the issue may be. Do you have a strong odor of Fuel under your hood? When was the last time you changed your fuel filter??? If you think for more than 3 seconds it certainly would not hurt to replace it, since it is scheduled PM item in accordance to the TRSM. When you turn your ignition on, do you hear a hmmm in the back, or any noises??? It may be a good idea to have some one turn the key a click before the cranking position, while you are under the car to listen for the fuel pump. It would not hurt to check for, fuel pressure in according to the TRSM. Make sure your AFM is plugged in, check your knock sensors, evaluate the O2 sensor with a ohm meter to see if it falls with in TRSM specs.. If any all else fails use a BFH :love: J/ K :evil2: Hope this helps!!!

You should check your facts..hmmmm