Just to update...
60-1 CT26 now on the car and no smoking issues. DM 7MGTE Intercooler is sitting in a box behind me right now with a genuine HKS SSQV-4 bov. Hoping to have that on the car in a week or so (too much snow falling lately to move the car anywhere).
As for the octane, I will be running 91 octane almost always. This is fine though as I am tuning, but not aggressively. Dont know of any Chevron in Calgary, but Husky carries the 94 Octane. I gas up at Co-op almost exclusively so its normally whatever is in the ground there.
For the stand alone system, because I am going to be waiting for a year to go that direction, I will see what changes happen between now and then. The only reason I want stand alone is for engine stability/longevity. Its not so I can up the boost to 28 lbs or something really fun like that. I just felt that it may be the smartest thing to add after putting in so much $$ into the engine bay. For now, the AFM upgrade is going to have to serve its purpose. Just means I will be running rich and with less power until I do the upgrade. I think in the end (maybe 2-3 years down the road) I may regret just sticking with 550 injectors and a CT26 upgrade, but because I am not running on a track, the power I have now is tons of fun as is.
As a side note, just imagining having an over 500 rwhp Supra would mean a lot more money simply because I would have to account for a lot more happening between the rad and the back bumper, especially on the road. 300+ hp has shown me that my wheels are good, but not great. I would have to look at upgrading the brakes, looking really closely at the subframes, etc.. From where I sit, I probably will not go that route because I would rather put my money into keeping the body intact and fresh as opposed to wildly powerful. Having trouble using the power I have currently on the roads in a safe fashion as it sits.
I do love the fact that my set up has a nice deep rumble at idle, quiet in between and then roars at WOT. Now I guess I will end up with the BOV "woosh" sound in between shifts that the stock bov wont give.
Interior first, paint touchup/window tint around same time, drive the car for a while... then go stand alone. No rush