CTsupra;1230121 said:This coming from the guy with the crazy dorifto in his sig...![]()
Doward;1230153 said:What? Pay attention when I'm in direct control of a 3500lbs missile with Sir Isaac Newton in the passenger seat?
Fuck that noise.
Supracentral;1230177 said:Disturbing and brutal.
However, that video wasn't about "speeding" - it was about reckless driving - there's a large difference.
suprarx7nut;1230266 said:Fuck me...
Serious shit. Good reminder to pay attention and drive safe. If not for yourself than for the innocent people you endanger when you don't.
If the couple on the wall thing happened to me and my g/f I'm near positive I'd have nightmares for the rest of my life. I hope that has never actually happened to anyone...
Keros;1230484 said:All of those accidents may have been the driver's fault but in a good few of them the pedestrians could have avoided getting hit if they were paying attention. Seriously, that guy texting that girl didn't even look up before stepping into the street... what the fuck was he thinking? Especially in a row of parked cars where drivers can't see you until you're between their headlights or bouncing off their windshield. I think we need to teach some people to look both ways before crossing the road and respect the stopping distance of vehicles just as much as we enforce safe driving.
My girlfriend has almost been run down atleast 6 times in the past 4 months by cars not paying attention. Me? I've never even come close. I walk the same streets with probably statistically identical drivers she does, I just know when to walk and when to wait. Damned if I can teach her this concept.
And what was with that guy that swerved to avoid the dog? He's bouncing off the rev limiter in a pass and he swerves to avoid a dog? Sorry pal, your priorities are in the wrong order, roofus should be flat and you should keep going straight.
I totally agree with the message and the video, it makes a strong point. But I think pedestrians need to be more aware of their surroundings. That celica that hit the jeep that hit the woman... she should have been able to see the celica coming atleast 100ft off and anticipated (by his speed) that he may not be paying attention and to get the fuck off the road.
I think both drivers and pedestrians need to change if they both want to stay safe.