OK so I was driving and...


?Which parents?
As I was going up a hill it made a horrible noise almost like the turbo seazed up or somthing sounded like bearings locking up. I really don't know what happen but I know its not missing and the only way it will run is if I hold the gas down and even then it fights like crazy to go. It has no power in gear and and it has to be floored to even move. But then at full throttle I will get like 8+ pounds of boost and and will start to move once the motor catches up but with very little power. Maybe my wastegate is stuck or somthing I'm really scatching my head on this one, the only codes it shows is for a coolant sensor that the plug is broke on. Any help or suggestions would be helpful just for a starting point. Oh and its a stock turbo, stock boost usually runs at 6 psi. Thanks once again.


?Which parents?
Ok well I think my timing belt jumped a tooth so I'm gonna pull the timing cover and rotate the crank and see if it all lines up. I really don't think its timing, based on how it runs when I start it. But to check it is easy anyways so why not just rule it out all together. Are there any sensors that would go out and not show a code and cause it to not idle and have no power?


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
My Supra
I mean yes it does sound almost exactly like a timing problem
but it could be a few other things, check "all" of the vac lines.
Does your turbo have any shaft play?
Does the shaft spin freely?

While the car is running open the hood and listen for any
whistling noises or just wierd noises in general.

Has that "Horrible noise" happened since? or was it just a 1 time
thing and it hasn't happened again yet?

I mean theres a few things that could have went wrong.

In my own opinion i say erase codes and check them again via tsrm.

EDIT: Try checking your TPS, now that i remember, a while back i had this
exact problem almost except i didnt get the horrible sound first. It would build boost
but it was just like spuratic, floor the pedal and it would just jump back and forth.

If you have a buddy that has one laying around, or just another supra in general and cant
figure anything else out, try swapping TPS's. That was my problem.


?Which parents?
Haven't checked compression, I don't have a gauge probably going to get one in the next week or so when I get paid I'll try borrowing my mechanics over the weekend and see if there is any problems there. But it won't idle at all, And I had my friend hold the gas no hissing noises or vac lines off that I can see I'll try clearing the codes tonight when I get off work and post what I find tomorrow. Thanks guys keep it coming.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Any smoke?
One thing that popped in my head is a blocked exhaust- specifically cat. Boost will come on really late, and there will be now power.