Ok, now Im a perv, and I hit 5 year olds... This is serious now...


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Jake, are you kidding me? I've watched Florida courts yank children from perfect fathers and give them to the crack head mothers.

In Florida, you've got to practically kill your kids to get them away from you (if you are the mother)

Seriously, call the counselor. Now - and let them know about what LJ said. Personally, I'd let the counselor talk to LJ without anyone around, and report the findings to the court IMMEDIATELY.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
i agree with doward, courts rarely takes kids from their mothers. i know fl is this way for a fact. since my crackhead mom was able to get custody of me from my stepdad.

Jake thats awesome you're sticking in there. It says alot about you. This kid seems to really need someone in his life thats not a piece of shit.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
I would be worried about the effect it has on the kid. My uncles psycho ex wife tried this shit when i was younger...telling dyfs that they hit me and touch me and my dad was always drunk... i constantly had people coming to the house and asking me and my cousins all kinds of fucked up questions, like if anyone ever video taped us naked. They even came to my school twice and a lady in official looking black clothes pulled me out of class into an empty room and i had everyone asking me questions the rest of the year like i was some sort of freak. I was only like 10-12 and could handle it but i could imagine it being worse for him or other kids