Ok, to just touch on a few points...
Scott: 1) yeah, no denying Im living here, and her attorney already told her me living here will have no effect on the divorce or child hearings... And I met Tom face to face yesterday, will discuss more in a sec... 2) We have note books full of his activities... So all is in order... 3) I never talk to Johny about it, I NEVER bad mouth Tom in front of him either... 4) Its not required, but it looks bad if you deny it... So we tried it, and this is what happens... He feeds this little boy's head full of shit... So visitation is done, and the courts will handle it from here... 5/6) Will do...
Tanya: profit!

Ok, so yesterday, Christy and the boys had an appointment with the counselor... And of course, every time there is a meeting, Tom has been invited... he never comes... Well, yesterday he came... Oh, it was AMAZING! First, the counselor sits with Christy Tom and Johny and Im out in the parking lot, in a different lot all together to avoid any confrontation... The counselor asks Johny about me hitting him, and he said he told Tom I did because I took his scooter away and he was mad at me... So the counselor reprimanded him and told him not to tell lies like that because it could get people in trouble... So she questions him about the accusation that I watch him use the restroom, and Johny just flips out and YELLS,
I never ever said that! Christy said the look on Tom's face was priceless, like that whole "busted" look... The counselor saw through all Tom's bullshit and now we have professional documentation of Tom's lies... There was a lot more said in the session, and Tom said he wanted to talk with me, and the counselor said that would be a good idea for us to talk....riiiiight.... So when they left, Christy motioned for me to come over, so I do, Toom wants to talk to me, be nice Tom, Oh I will be I just wanna talk to the man for a second.........
First words out of his mouth: I think you're a low life son of a bitch, you're the biggest piece of shit on the planet, lying, aldutering mother fucker, you look me in the eye when I talk to you, blah blah blah... I stood there, calmly, for 5 minutes while he talked his shit... Never said a word, stared, focused on his pupils... Never shaking, never twitching, no fear, what so ever... it was the most intense feeling... He said if i ever hit his son, he had nothing to loose, he would go to jail, make my life miserable... Finally, it was my turn... I asked him if he truly thought I would hit him... well, Tom "knows what Im about" and me being an adulterer Im already worthless... I was like, sign the papers you fat fuck and it wont be adultery, you fuckin leave for six months and come back and expect what, you're a worthless father, a piece of shit for a man, I begged him to hit me, he wouldnt... We were literally 1 inch apart, I was in his fucking face, i pretty much just lit him up, told him everything I've wanted to say and everything everyone else in this family has been wanting to say... I told him Im not some 11 year old kid, or a woman he can talk that shit to, step up to a fuckin man and try that shit... fat fuck... Get it through your fat fucking head, no one wants you here! He asked me if I was from *retarded hill billy voice* AL-UH-BAMM-UH! Im like, wtf does that have to do with anything... then he told me my lebret piercing should be in my ear, not my lip... What? is that the best you have Tom? Finally, toward the end, see, i was cool and calm the whole time... But he said something about me pervin Johny, and I lost it then... Fucking absolutely lost it! Thats when I begged him to touch me so i could fuckin rape him in that parking lot, I was like, you ever accuse me of that shit again and I will fucking end you, period, you psycho sick mother fucker, to even think that shit, you fucking bitch... And dont oyu EVER fucking tell anyone Im afraid of you, because Im in your face right now and you wont do shit, you fuckin pussy! "You're too stupid to be scared!" Scared of what you fat fuck, you wont do shit, just threaten women and children, any time a man steps up you bitch out...
It was very therapeutic...

I know I feel better... I will protect this family... The thing is, you guys dont understand is this guy is fucked up, seriously fucked up... I dont have enough time to go through the laundry list of shit he's done to Christy and this family... Johny isnt even his son, he's adopted! So Tom is his legal guardian... Christy is a critical care nurse and this faggot calls up to her work and says shit like, yeah, Im suppose to meet Christy in the parking lot, she's got some Oxycontin for me... orrr.... Yeah, I found some cocaine in Christy's purse, Im really concerned about her...... After she kicked him out, he broke in the house several times, took her mom's pearls, all her diamonds and good jewelery, took her daughter's diary, stole some of her clothes, a spare set of house keys, her car one time, a check book and wrote over $2000 in checks.... Yeah, this guy is a real winner... But see, in Florida, you cant get a restraining order unless they threaten you, and then you have to have it in documented proof, or witnessed... Nice...
Anyway.... I may have been wrong for layin into Tom like I did... I dunno... BTW: no the boy didnt see or hear any of it, he was in the car...
*sighs* I love therapy...