Ok. Let's hear it! Your best street win and yes...your worst street loss!


Got Boost?
Sep 11, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Worst: I was sitting at a light minding my own business and this guy in this Grand Cherokee pulls and asked if I would like to go at the light. I agreed because hey its only a Jeep right. Well I never even stood a chance. I spun through most of the intersection and by then he was 2-3 lengths ahead. I then read the small small far away print that said SRT8 on the back. I backed off and went 10 below the speed limit to put myself and my ignorance to shame.

Best: Well there really hasn't been a best. Everyone I have raced is usually much faster.


Jun 14, 2006
VA Beach, VA
I was on my way to work this morning and this guy pulls up next to me in his truck and he was blaring his radio loud as shit and it was making me mad, But i took off when the light turned green and i wasnt trying to race but he got on it so i said , why not?, so i kept going and he got a little ahead but i was staying with him. I dont know but im pretty sure he was giving it all he had? But he had a quad cab srt-10 dodge. I dont know what the hell happened cause i am completely untuned and only on 9psi pretty much stock everything but an exhaust and just small little stuff here and there but stock intercooler and stock turbo. But i know his truck is alot heavier but he also has like 300 more hp so i dont know what to call it? I know it wasnt a kill cause i wasnt in front but i thought it was pretty sweet i kept up with him once i was in 4th. after that i just let off and continued on my way to work.


Apr 10, 2005
St. Louis
Would like to update my best kill and my worst loss as they both happened this season at a supra meet...

First off my best loss: Was at the Springfield, Mo supra meet about two months ago. Just got my JDM 2j twins on the car and the car was running very well. Ended up running my buddy Josh in his Black 94TT 6spd, car ran 11.9@119 on stock twins, 18psi on race gas.. Im running 14psi on 93 untuned on the JDM twins. Well we pull next to eachother and slow to about 40 or so, we hit off and i spin like mad, im fishtailing so badly that i nearly fishtail into his supra, but even so by 8500 in 2nd(~70) ive pulled out on him a lil more than 1/2 car, shift to third spin a bit than watch him just slowly inch up on me til about 120-125 when we let out he has me by a nose.. Im impressed i knew what his car ran and knew that he was running race gas, and yet i held my own quite well. My friend following said that when we hit off you just saw both rearends squat about 8" and through 2nd i just left two thick black lines on the road, and my ass end was all over the place.. Now my car had Zero exhaust, car was basically running off the o2 housing at the time, afterward when we pulled along side, he just looked stunned at my car, and yelled "Your car.... is LOUD"
This is my supra idling, imagine it at full tilt right next to your window.

Now my best win was just before that weekend, i had literally had the car together maybe a total of 24hours. i Was out playing and trying to get the boost controller setup.(which i never did hence the stock 14psi) Well after giving up im driving home and i pull up next to a fairly loud 02 Camaro SS auto. My car is not ignorable, and as i drive past i give her a lil gas just enough for the turbo to spool... he bites. tries talking to me while driving down the road but i cant hear him, so when we stop at a light he asks whats done to it, i tell him that i have stock twin turbos, and a motor swap, he tells me that hes got a stall and full exhaust. He wants to go from a dig and i oblige. We hit off and i just spin like mad. he gets maybe 2-2.5 cars out on me through 1st, i hit second softer in hopes of saving some traction but once boost hits in 2nd it spins..but i start pulling on him fairly quickly, when i shift into 3rd im at his back bumper, and the car just pulls strong and flys past him, i shut down about 115 and i have about 2-3 cars on him. As i let off(and this is at night mind you) my car backfires and from what he tells me a ball of fire lit up the underside of my car followed by two or three more pops on the coast slowing down. Said when he tore off past me off the line he was really confident, than in 2nd when he heard what to him sounded like a jet on takeoff comming up towards him he said" i knew i had fucked with the wrong import"... ended up meeting him again a few weeks ago at the Sonic on thursday night and he gloated and told the story about my car to all his buddies.

Sorry for the book, but im knowing for telling good stories..


supra is gone
Jan 30, 2006
best win: sitting at the lights minding my own business and a skyline gts-T rolls up and starts reving up. light turns green and we go. he must have just got the car because he was shifting way to low, ended up walking all over him. poor guy didn't have a chance

Worst: same situation as before but now it's a 2000+ prelude. i had just got the supra and was on the high and mighty toyota binge vs. shitty hondas and when the light goes green i just mash it. pulled on him all the way till third then BAM blow off valve chirps and the prelude is gone. turns out he was running a t4 with fully built and tuned engine(mine was a stock 7m) i was in shock and a little shamed that i lost but after finding out his mods i was a little less. but still got walked by a honda


Apr 13, 2008
Long Island, NY
well ive only had my car for a short time and have only raced 2 of my friends. a 88' 2 door jetta w/ straight pipes and a v6 firebird w/ flowmasters and an intake.
i raced the jetta from a 5mph roll because "his clutch is messed up", on the 3rd bomp i was gone. i let off at about 80 and he was at least 8 cars behind me lol....he claims to have missed 2nd but i dont believe him haha. not a big win just thought it was amusing.
then i raced my friend with a newer firebird lastnight, he was about a car ahead of me while at a 30mph roll then he took off so i downshifted and followed. i wasnt really trying too hard, i was shifting at 4k and still walked past him, i was at least a car or so ahead of him then i let off at about 80 and he kept going? im not sure why but he still wont admit he lost hah :nono: also not a big win but at least i proved myself


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I wouldn't tell anyone not to race because I find it hard to say no, but with gas at $4.10 cents a gallon. I'm not racing any v6 firebirds unless they're willing to race for gas money. Good kills though. I can't wait to start killing cars with my new 1.5 once it's broke in.


New Member
May 27, 2008
Dayton, OH
Best: Walked a mustang down the track a few weeks ago after he was giving me the redneck my-mustang-is-the-sweetest-thing-since-the-mullet look all through the staging lanes.

worst: a few years ago, on vacation, with my brand new girlfriend in the passenger seat, getting blasted by an early 90's 5.0 mustang, primer gray and beat to hell. she laughed at me....a lot. :(

Most Fun: Coming around a bend on the highway at 120mph and seeing the look on the cops face as he pops his head up from behind the radar gun! He threw his gun in the car and hopped in, I went from 5th to 3rd. This piggy was gonna earn his donut today. He flipped on the rollers and came after me, I took the next exit off the highway, he followed. I went right, he thought I went left. Last thing I saw was his lights in my rear view headed the other way. Now thats a rush.


Mk3 Addict
May 21, 2008
Hartford CT
ok.. so i've been running here and there lately.. notihn serious.. i mean the other night i was going home and a acura tl type S older body.. flew by me.. i downshifted to fourth.. hit fifth.. i have broken speedo cable so im unaware of my speed.. if anyone can tell me what 5500rpms equals to in speed on a r154 tranny.. id love to know.. but i caught the TL.. in like 15 seconds.. then he went again when i slowed down.. this time i made sure i was ready.. didnt even downshift this time.. was in fifth.. and he had a hard time trying to catch up. i went around the same speed again.. then let off.. n he gave me the ricer flyby. meh..

Loss: My only loss so far.. NA 98 eclipse.. with 75shot of nitrous. let me just say.. i was a noob driver for this whole race.. nothing went right and he beat me because i bogged on the launch.. caught him at the top of third while passing him.. i couldnt get the car in 4th... the tranny wasnt having it.. and i didnt wanna break shit. so i let it go. i know if i hit fourth it woulda been over for him.. but ne ways.. a win is a win.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
87mgte;909449 said:
Are you referring to Jay?:biglaugh:

Hard to believe a single turbo's 1jz could beat my stock 2jz.

Poodles;938415 said:
Jugodegolf: what about that nuts 'vette in Austin?

That would of been a very good video, as that vette was insane blower with wheelie bar.


I raced Jay again and he still has a faster supra, but it was a close race.


Sep 12, 2007
Milwaukee WI
Raced a friends 05 WRX. stage 2 clutch, hard pipes, the "STi" intercooler, 17psi, and a few other mods. against my 87 open DP, stock boost, stock everything. So, from a stop after 3 honks I get the jump, I am pulling on him till the top of third when he catches up to me and stays maybe a length till about 110mph. I'm looking foward to more boost and mods:naughty:


New Member
Apr 4, 2008
I've never had anyone challenge me other than my friends, not even the riced out civics i pull up to lights with, its strange. But i have raced my friends stock 300zx non turbo, integra GS-R with exhaust and intake, 97 honda prelude SH. Yeah most of my friends are ricers, but i beat all of them and paid less for my car. The closest one was with the 300 though.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
87M-GTE;1070657 said:
Raced a friends 05 WRX. stage 2 clutch, hard pipes, the "STi" intercooler, 17psi, and a few other mods. against my 87 open DP, stock boost, stock everything. So, from a stop after 3 honks I get the jump, I am pulling on him till the top of third when he catches up to me and stays maybe a length till about 110mph. I'm looking foward to more boost and mods:naughty:

Try again in the rain. :icon_bigg


Sad previous supra owner
Feb 27, 2006
Waupun, WI
only time I ever put her down against someone on the street was a couple days ago.... hit a red light next to a late 90's rusty honda accord. I was minding my own business, had all the time in the world and green light came he squeeled off. I slowly met up with him at the next red light. looked at him and laughed, light turned green and he squeeled off again. I waited till he was about 5 car lengths ahead of me flipped the profec b to high boost setting 12psi or so(my car is pretty much stock with stock ct) and floored it. it was a cold rainy drizzly day about 60degrees and just as I got right next to him I hit fuel cut like a mofo. my car jerked violently, but I didnt let off. it hit fuel cut about 4 or 5 more times, car bouncing like crazy. I let off the gas I switched the profec back to low 8psi or so and floored it again. he never cought up with me and I let off and turned after just doing about 80 in 30 zone. good thing there werent any cops. :) wonder what he thought when he saw my car jerking like that?

was that bad for my motor to be hitting fuel cut repeatedly?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
A decent/exspensive kill today...

a 2008 Audi s6. One of the surgeons at the hospital here recognized me at a stoplight on the way to work today and revs at me (in the STI). I pulled on him hard and he said he wussed out and called it quits. Both cars are AWD, so I don't know what his exscuse was. Both cars have the same 1/4mile times... but it's v10 vs flat4...


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
week or so ago around 1am I was picking my gf up at work in her car, a 1993 chy concorde 3.5 saw this new eclipse and provoked a race, from a 40 roll to 100 before calling it a win I pulled the whole way, then for a light till the guy got pissed and turned off the parkway I pulled again even from a dig.

not bad for a 4dr lux car... that and it seems the new eclipses suck. had my gf laughing the whole way.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
There is a yellow 03-04 Cobra here in town which is nice to see that there are a few real contenders, being that pretty much everybody in town drives pickups and diesel trucks. Other than a couple ls1 Camaros, there really isn't anything I see around here that would actually play with me. I KNOW that Cobra will though, he thinks he's hot shit haha...

I can't wait for an upgraded fuel system, it's pretty much the last "go" item on the list, then it's 23psi, here I come Wyoming! :p

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Best: 6.0 GTO, long city block from a 30mph roll. Worst: C5 Corvette Z06 on the freeway. These were both back in my upgraded 7M days.


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
Tonight, I took out a new Tundra. It was funny actually, These 2 guys pulled up...

Passenger: hey, is that thing fast?
me: umm..some people think so.
Passenger: think it can take this thing...(driver revs)
me: idk.

so the light turns green and he stays right beside me. As soon as we get to the other side of the street, he steps on it. I was already in 2nd, so I stomped on the pedal. I pulled until I hit fuel/boost cut in 4th :(

not sure if it was the 4.7L or 5.7L...all i remember was a .7 LoL


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Trucks are funny like that... Just because they have v8's, or turbos (in the case of modern diesels), they all think they're fast. Sadly, about all you need to have to be the fastest thing around here is about 600whp, no joke.

Most people around here can't drive all that great anyway, so if you know what you're doing, you can get away with a lot less ;)