Ok. Let's hear it! Your best street win and yes...your worst street loss!


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
buldozr;946196 said:
By anychance a moded Red C6 427 Z06 w/ spray your referring to in Austin???

nope, it was a light blue 62 convertable with a huge blower sticking out of the hood, HID's, and wheelie bars


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
best: hmm... probably the bmw whose plate said "humorme"... the look on his face when he heard fuel cut and i was still pulling away, it was great :D

worst: either my buddy's very modded 91gsx, or my own 01 camaro ss that my roommate drove when we picked up the supra when i bought it... car had some issues then though :p


New Member
Apr 25, 2008
the best win i ever had, auto V6 mustang... yea really nothing to write home about...

best lose or worst depending on how look at it was;

a Saturn Ion... i thought its was supercharged... turned out to only have a Cold Air and exhaust... quicker than i though. then there was a time i tempted a Ford GT lol he wouldnt do anything, cant imagine why not? lol, then there was a Teg that ownd the crap outta me, found out he runs 11's, sure sounded like it with the turbo he had.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
ran neck and neck w/ a Bentley Continental GT from 80-140 not really a win but....

worst loss was to a late 80's 3 series BMW with a fart can... my IC hose popped off resulting in complete and all loss of boost, took like 6 seconds to go from 60-80mph....


Pure Street Racing
Mar 24, 2008
I lost to a Stater. I was going 20-0, he went 0-20-0. Once the sex lights turned on, I was screwed.

All for failure to use my turn signal hopping onto the highway that's 150' from my front door.


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
Palo Alto, CA
Best Win: Modded STI, im on the freeway about to meet some folks for my high school graduation dinner. Rolling the supra at about 70 in what i would consider very light traffic. i see some big bugeye HID's and a huge wing coming around the clover leaf about to come onto my side of the freeway. i slow down to match his speed and i see the guy look over, our eyes meet and its on! i slam down into 3rd and being slowly walking up his door. shift to 4th, and continue to walk him up to about 130 where we both shut down, thumbs up are exchanged and my head falls back into the headrest as if i was just shot with heroine, euphoria ensues. At this point i had only had the car for a month and was still unsure as to just how fast it was, this was the race that turned me from a mild enthusiast to a hardcore supramaniacTM.

Worst Loss: Another night at the local races, parked in a lot where everyone meets to strut their stuff. A guy comes over looking very calm and collected telling me he has an RSX and would like to race for 20 bucks.
"why the fuck not? i've beaten em before" i think to myself. so we get in our cars and head out to race, keep in mind my windows are up and im in my own world not paying attention to the RSX which i had already deduced had an exhaust and intake.
This is where the mystery begins to unfold. After chatting for a bit and sending a scout up and down the road to check for traffic/cops, he asks me "do you want me to run with or without spray?" i figure why not take this money the easy way and run without spray, he agrees and a bit of apprehensiveness washes over me. Why didn't he insist on running with it? this little honda can't be pushing that much.....
we get in our cars. I put my windows down so i can hear the flag man and immediately notice something strange about his engine note.... can't figure it out....then it hits me, there is definately what sounds like a minature helicopter under his hood, at idle you can hear blades chopping through the air.
3, 2, 1.....GO! we are off and i am launching brilliantly, the rsx bogs a bit and begins a very slow spool (he must've spooled for a good 5seconds) but as the helo under the hood spools up i see an RSX badge and tail lights flying by me as if it were an f16....GG Snotcycle.
We pop hoods and exchange money, his car is dyno'd at 650 FWHP i find out, and he can actually drive it to boot. the turbo was no joke THE SIZE OF A FUCKING BLEACH BOTTLE


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
cebu, philippines
best win: well this aint much to brag about. it was a night out at the local street races. i was obviously the fastest car there so it got me shitty bored watchin all the hondas and momas cars rolling untill a guy came up and said his friend in a k20 sir wanted to race just for fun so i was like ait, what conditions?
he wanted me shoot by him so he could see how the car would roll and of corse i didnt go all out. and that he wanted +2 cars headstart. i was ok with that.

so we raced i let my car go sideways (due to wheelspin) first and second gear for show while still keeping up with him.:biglaugh: and when the boost kicked in at 3rd gear i swooshed past him..he still wanted a second run only this time i drove properly thinkin he was playing with me and had something up his sleeve. anyway i stole candy from a baby three times, i aint proud of the race but of having such a bitchin ride.

worst loss: was to an sti running 20 psi.. he smoked me like nothing..


87 Turbo Targa
Sep 9, 2007
Well actually k20's are pretty badass depending on what car the'yre in, so you can technically brag all you want.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
i had a bit of fun with a vw gti (like a mk3 gti i think? rice pipe and chiny rims, anyway...) the last time i drove my car... blew off at him on the highway home late one night, and i was spooling enough to blow off at him again, and he took off just as i was letting off. went from 4th at about 75, and by the time i really built any boost, i noticed him slowly pulling away, and i wasn't catching up...

sooo... jam it in third, scream past him, throw it back into 4th, look down, realize i'm doing about 135 or so, look behind me and notice i'm probably 10 cars past him at that point... even after i slowed back down, he wouldn't line up with me again haha!

that was pretty much the EXACT cause of me blowing my head gasket, i think... so, it's kinda a win/lose story :)

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
Best win: I don't count my wins no mores

Worst loss: Barely lost to an 06 or so civic coupe, but I was low on oil pressure and didn't notice, also he did the slow roll>wot crap. I want a turbo, damn it. Good thing he wasn't too riced out, or I would feel worse!:biglaugh:


Straight Cougar
Aug 2, 2007
Lancaster, CA
I've only been in one race since the rebuild. I pulled up to a stoplight next to an older body style Mustang on my way home from school. It was late, I was tired, and I wasn't paying attention. Apparently this guy thought I was looking at him because when the light turned green he took off for all he was worth. He caught me completely off guard and I got a horrible launch in first. He was about a car length ahead of me when I shifted into second and I was just pulling even when I shifted into third. That's when he backed out. Damn it. I tried for a rematch but he wasn't having it so I went home with a tie.

My worst loss was about a month before my build up. I went to the local dragstrip, before they closed it down, just to see what the car would do. The only other import running is an old Civic SI hatchback. When I pulled up to the line, guess who's in the lane next to me. Light turns green and that damn things takes off like a freaking missile! He ran 11 something and completely handed me my ass. I followed him back to the lot to see what his mods were. It turned out he had a turbo the size of my head and an ego the size of my car so I called it a night and went home with my tail between my legs.


New Member
Mar 19, 2007
The Good: back in the day when my car actually ran (7m-je pistons, megan dp, hks intake, 9lbs on blown turbo) I was just taking my girl, her cousin and niece on a nice cruise up the highway at night because i loved my car and wanted to drive it whenever i could. Top down on a beautiful summer night. I'm just cruising when i see an evo come up along side of me, it was very loud so i assumed it had full exhaust, maybe even other work. I noticed it was some dude with his gf in the passenger seat so I hit my superb greddy BOV at him to let him know what was good. He down shifted as did I into 4th (about a 60 roll). Then he gunned it and pulled a good length or 2 ahead of me, I then gunned it and was quite pissed cuz i knew i could have been in 3rd. However, once my measly 9lbs of boost kicked in, i started running up on him and before i shut it down at about 110, I had him by about a fender. Needless to say I felt well accomplished.

The ugly: August 7th, 2007. Me and my girlfriend were going to visit her sister. And i was on the same highway as when i took out the evo. I'm just cruising (top down ofcourse) minding my own business when i look in my rearview to see a black neon weaving in and out of traffic. I knew who it was (some kid who lived near me who thought he was cool) So i decided to mess with him. We were in some traffic so we exchanged jumps. I pulled out of the traffic and he followed. I remembered about the time before when I should have dropped it into 3rd, so i instantly did so. I then waited for him to try and get the jump on me, so i mashed it. I was quite surprised because he was about at my door the whole way. He then gave up and turned off at an exit. A few miles down the road I feel a great surge. I quickly turn the radio down to hear an obnoxious rattling coming from the engine bay. I pull over to see the trouble, I knew what it was but i just didnt want to admit it. So i went to my aunts who lived near by and tried to put some oil to only hope that it wasnt too late. Unfortunately it was and i had to drive home with the rod knock.

I later talked to the kid at a football game and found out that he had a t3 turbo on his car. But the fact still remains that I blew my motor racing an everyday neon.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
heh, that^ reminds me of the night i blew my head gasket... racing a gti jetta. nothing special, just a shiny exhaust tip and even shinier wheels... did the whole 4th gear pull until i realized he was outrunning me, so i dropped to third and oddly enough, didn't hit fuel cut.

after messing with a "proud" v6 mustang owner (had 3.8 badges and all!), i realized something was definitely not right... oh well. just now getting everything back together, wouldn't surprise me if i had rod knock too, even though i caught the bhg early and all... :p


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
PROJECT N00b;1029690 said:
Today I had my "best" win!

I pulled on Johnny (chopstickz) after I think second...not sure, but I pulled on him.


AWWW, how cute. the auto N/A's were playing together :biglaugh: jp.

Best so far: i was leaving the shop one night and i had just fixed my lower intercooler hardpipe, apparently it keeps popping off (but it's fixed now! :icon_bigg) when this EVO IX sweeps through traffic. i'm minding my business not really paying attention when he comes up beside me and honks 3 times. by the time i figure out he wants to race, he's off. so he slows down and meet again, i signal to him and honk 3 times, and we're off from like 15mph. we stay even all through 4 til we decided to let off. i didn't beat him, but he didn't go anywhere either. so to me, it was an accomplishment. he said he had an intake, exhaust and a boost controller. i thought he was BSing about the boost controller because his girl looked at him wierd.

worst: my buddy and his bolt-on queen, EVO IX. when he first learned my supra was up and running, he wanted to race me. so i say what the hell, just for shits and giggles. at this time, he was at only about 475 to the wheels. he gave me a 3 car lead. we hit it from a dig and i'm still ahead through most of 2nd, then through 3rd, he comes flying by. now, he's at like 6XX IIRC. i'm only at maybe 300, maybe :nono:


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
Adding another one under my belt.

A DC2 that is owned by my friends boyfriend. From a 30MPH roll, as soon as I floored it, he was all the way in the back, as if he didn't even move.

All he has is an intake SOHC motor and thats it I think.

All I have is "intake" and exhaust.


Mk3 Addict
May 21, 2008
Hartford CT
ive had my mk3 for like a week now.. it needs a little bit of work.. blown rear strut.. so i get wheel hop like crazy..friend of mine at work asks if the car is fast.. i look at him and smirk:evil2: .. i was like.. iono.,. so on the way home.. he pulls next to me.. granted its like 11pm and streets empty. i was in third at like 35mph.. he smiles.. and punches it.. i drop to 2nd and boost kicks in.. the rear got loose and i flew past him shift to third and then let it coast.. i put about 6 cars on him:nono: .. it was a stock g20 .. but he asked for it. i thought it was hilarious.. my supra is pretty much stock too.. my boy in his prelude was behind us.. he said all he saw was a puff of smoke and the car was gone lol. i havent lost ne thing in this car yet.. but i have had a few when i had my integra lol


Always broken down member
Mar 16, 2008
Nashua, NH
Worst loss: Driving near a local mall me and my brother were cruising in our supras. And this jeep is like messing around being an A**hole. he pulls up next to me and revs it. and im like ahh its probably just a v6. so i downshift to 2nd gear and start taking off... the guy creeps up slowly. i was doing about 80. i shifted up and i hear a bov.... wasnt mine.... enough said. and he took off...

Best: Comming outa school this kid in this boxy blue honda. is infront of me... i had no intention to race by the way and we got on the highway and i passed him doing about 70mph. he was about 2 car lengths behind me. and 2 sec later i hear this loud fart exhaust. and he pulls off the fast & the furious and tailgates me and does the lane change thing. and im like wow what an ass.. i took overdrive off and took off.. like 10 sec later i look back. hes not there anymore. i take a quick glance at my speedometer and i was doing 110...


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Not best or worste but...

The wife and I were going out shopping for curtains, true story, and it's a cold crappy night out and we're in the STI. We're doing 55 in a 45, and some early 90's BMW passes me, loud as hell... My wife just goes 'what was that?' and I told her it was a Beemer. So the guy slows down, revs up and blows off a few times and we hit a light.So the guys revving at me w/ his little buddy in the car making some stupid ass face and I get the shock of the whole day, 'just do it and get it over with' so I wait for him to take off, spinning of course, and he backs off, so I calmly pass him as the light ahead was changing to red. So we wait for this light to turn green (it was a little 'friendlier' to what we had in mind) So I'm sitting there after the light changes to red on the side street holding about 3500 or so, light turns green and the guy never had a chance. Never pulled, never inched closer, and goes flying by me as I turn in to bed bath and beyond.

The wife let me do it, so maybe it is a best. Plus, I made the guy look like an idiot... trying to race me in the rain. :nono:


Panda™ and Pre-89 Gracer™
Feb 19, 2006
Anaheim/West Covina, CA
mkiiSupraMan18;1033574 said:
The wife let me do it, so maybe it is a best. Plus, I made the guy look like an idiot... trying to race me in the rain. :nono:
wow, you've got a keeper!

PROJECT N00b;1033372 said:
Adding another one under my belt.

A DC2 that is owned by my friends boyfriend. From a 30MPH roll, as soon as I floored it, he was all the way in the back, as if he didn't even move.

All he has is an intake SOHC motor and thats it I think.

All I have is "intake" and exhaust.
lame. Hey, Justin, how about we race so I can be you're "worst loss" story ;)
And Justin, all you have is an exhaust that I gave you. that intake thing, ehhhh, well, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt ;) Intake+Exhaust+Rebuilt Head. But your N/A is on the quicker side of most N/A's