Ok. Let's hear it! Your best street win and yes...your worst street loss!

Tire Shredder

New Member
Sep 15, 2005
win: At about 11:00pm, Some friends and I decide to drive down to lake ontario since we heard some car guys hang out there. We checked out the parking lot and everybody looked a little sketchy so we just drove through the parking lot and left. I was leading the pack of friends heading back home. A red 93ish? civic pulls out and follows us. He revs and tries to pull everybody in the line behind me (friend's neon, a civic, jeep and sawbladz's 88T supra) but nobody makes a move.

I'm driving in the left hand lane and he pulls up next to me at a stop light on the right hand side. he rolls his window down and checks out my car. I couldn't make out what he said but it was something derogatory towards me and my car and his buddy starts laughing in the passenger seat. I take off normally and he peels out. I countinue driving under the speed limit. it just wasn't safe to do anything... Although the roads were empty, we were still in the city. I continue and drive out into the country, everybody in tow. We approach a twisty section and I drop it down to third. I concentrate on what's coming up infront of me and didn't check my mirrors. I heard the civic downshift but I don't know what happened to him. thorugh only about 4 turns he was about 8 car lengths behind me.

I wait at the next stop sign (middle of nowhere now, farming territory...no traffic, no driveways) and he pulls up close to my bumper and revs his fart can up. I launch as best I can on the rough surface and he follows suite. first gear he lost half a length. second another one. third about the same and 4th he lost another. I let off and coast down to a reasonable speed and turn around to head back home.

Along the drive he passes me and pulls over on the side of the road putting his flashers on. I have no idea what he wants but I wasn't going to stop their...I continue and pull over in the school parking lot.

The owner and his buddy hop out of his car with a huge smile on their faces. He yells "yo! that thing single or twin turbo?" I reply "ha, it's NA". I can't tell you how satisfying it was to see his face...just as if somebody had told him his puppy just died....his face fell and he says, "what?" I try and educate him, "my generation is a mk2, turbos weren't an option". "oh". He then goes to tell me about his modifications: msd plug wires, NGK plugs, muffler, cold air intake and lowering springs only in the front....he's saving for the rear.

Loss: at the 1/4 mile track in cayuga. an acura legend with a blown headgasket, smoking the whole way down the track. pretty embarrassing. That, and losing to every other car that was there...excluding a couple neons, and a civic.


87 Turbo Targa
Sep 9, 2007
jugodegolf;909403 said:
worst loss. to a hillybilly with a crazy shiny:3d_frown: blue mk3...I think he had it slightly modded:biglaugh:

best kill...still waiting to get some pohwaaa

Are you referring to Jay?:biglaugh:


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
Best: my best would prob be against an 80's??? vette I was just crusing down hwy 18 headed from fedway to covington/maplevalley. he was all hot and bothered to race me and I really wasnt in the mood but after he cut me off just to get me to race him I was pissed so I stomped on it and ran through the slight curves in auburn and didnt see him after that I was in it for a while though cuz it was less of a race and more of a get me the fuck away from this idiot

Worse: I have to say my worst race was against a honda...we had just pasted a cop that had someone pulled over so I was thinking hell no am I racing we get to a red light and the honda is revving up I'm just sitting there thinking what a dumb ass. he takes off and sure enough here comes the cop but here where it gets messed up, he starts to pull the honda over and I keep driving. then out of nowhere he desides he wants me instead I'm like wtf I didnt even race. in the end I get a ticket for racing that I'm still fighting today (this was in june) and blew my gasket trying to get to one of my court dates (since it was over a steep pass)...I lose that one since the honda got away


Some assembly required
Oct 2, 2006
Coquitlam, BC
Best win: I'm still going to have to call Angry S13 Girl my best street win. Driving my old Turbo Mk1 (5M-TE, don't get too excited) I pulled up at a light next to this champagne 240sx coupe with a big muffler and big chrome rims. I figure it's another lame teenager who thinks his S13 is the coolest thing since sliced bread, and figures he's a mad tyte drifter, yo. Instead, I look over at the driver -- an early-20s looking, reasonably attractive redhead. Oh my. Smirking to myself, I figure her boyfriend let her borrow his car, laugh, and take off when the light turns green. Not hard, because I didn't figure she'd try to take me, but all of a sudden, as I pull away, I hear the sound of a fart cannon revving up...ohhh, boy.

So, I punch it, the car shoots forward, and then a sinking feeling hits me; the lane I'm in ends just up ahead, and there's cars parked along the curb. I either have to get in front of her, or drop back behind her, and I was NOT about to let off to a stupid Nissan. Taking it all the way up to redline until fourth gear, I pulled about four car lengths on her, changed lanes, and dropped back down to a mere 40km/h over the speed limit -- plenty fast enough that she shouldn't slam into the back of me. But oh, oh no. She can't just leave well enough alone. She tries anyways! She pulls up right onto my ass, and looking in my rear view mirror, she seemed right pissed. She was tight enough on me that I actually couldn't slow down to take the left turn I wanted to, so I had to keep going to the next set of lights.

As I pull up, I kind of watch her in my rear-view. She's pounding the steering wheel, and swearing, and just generally being unattractive and not very ladylike. We make eye contact in the mirror, and there's a moment of complete stillness. I smile real big and wave a bit. Satisfied, I watch her slam the steering wheel with her fist again and mouth some very unladylike things to me. As the light turns green, I turn left, and she turns after me, shooting out into the right lane. I could not, for the life of me, figure out why she was that angry.

Then, as she goes to pass me, I hear the very distinct sound of a blowoff valve.

My work here is done.

Worst loss? Uh, gee, I don't know. I've never really lost to anything really embarrassing. I guess a couple stock Civics with giant exhaust tips have taken me in the Celica. I tried to race a real, live Integra Type R in my 83 Celica GT once, that was pretty bad.

Oh! Heres' one you Americans won't understand. My 84 Celica GT-S, 2600 pounds or so, with a stage 2 cam and some airflow modifications, probably making a good 90rwhp. Canadians, you all know what a Smart is. The 2006 Smart Fortwo cdi, with what, a 750cc 3-cylinder diesel engine? Maybe 35 horsepower? 40 horsepower?

Friend of mine sold his JZA70 to buy one. He also had it tuned and modified by RCTS. He kicked my ass. It sucked, and I don't like to talk about it.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
The S13 story is FTW...

I'll say my only embarassing loss was to a corrolla leaving Azreal's house, we boosted off the light to get infront of him, and my boost leak wtfpwned me and he left me for dead.

Best win: some dude on his custom harley that wanted to cut into my lane at a red light. Sorry lad, no can do, dragged from 0-120km/hr before he got the idea that he wasn't faster than me... not an impressive win, but satisfying anyway.


"Always the underdog"
Apr 14, 2006
Baltimore, Md
My best wins were 1) Some kind of convertible Ferarri. I was on my way to work and I was rolling about 70-75ish when I noticed a red Ferarri coming from behind. He had to be rolling about 80-85, slowed down, smiled and proceeded to pull off. I immediately wanted to wipe that f'in grin off of his face so I down shifted into 3rd and just walked the hell out of him. Once he saw that I had about 3-4 cars on him... he hit the brakes. SMILE NOW!!!!!!!!!! And the next one 2) One very nice Saturday in August, I was coming to a light when I saw a C6 Corvette breaking his neck to get in the front to go heads up. (easy kill, he thought). The light turns get and he gets walked about 2-3 cars and quits. Yeah, easy kill for ME!!!!!!!
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Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
my worst was a few years ago. me and my now wife a cruising down the highway in my old mkiii and a newer civic trys to run me. so i take the challenge. i was a few cars ahead when he starts to pull on me at 120 and passes me. very embarassing. turns he was very modded. he had a an engine and tranny out of rsx and some other things done to that. my wife hasnt let me live it down since, 4 yrs later!!


Never know enough!
Oct 5, 2006
Addison, IL
1/2 mile race...

My 88T with light mods VS 240 With Full Intake Exhaust.

I didn't even want to race... it was a joke. But then i said "hey, i want to see how slow his car is". So then i told him to go up less then 1/4 mile, and at the sound of my horn on three to launch. I couldn't even tell that he was moving, then i thought i lost. Right when i passed him i think i was doing about 120 i don't know, but he was not going over 100 for sure.

Thats when i realized 240 suck really bad. (stock engine of course)

I lost a race once to a 91 Buick v6... 88 n/a with a misaligned rear end. Shittiest launch ever and i lost. The really funny part is later he blew he crap engine that was not running right. Very embarrassing for me lol


Picture Me Rollin
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX
Best - Brand spanking new C6 Vette (paper plates and everything) on the freeway going home from work. He was cutting through traffic behind me trying to get next to me. Finally does and then its on. He caught me asleep and instantly got about a car on me, but as soon as the boost hit, I got that car back plus 1. We went from about 55 to ~140ish, nice long run, ending with me about 1/2 car ahead. He was cool older man, gave me the thumbs up with a big smile on his face.

Worst - Got MURDERED by a Trans Am with, no bullshit, 4 people in it. Judging by how hard he left, Id say he had a built auto and was spraying at least a 150 shot. He took me by at least 6 cars, it was pretty bad. Granted I was only at 10psi, but still, he fucked me up.


Sep 12, 2007
Milwaukee WI
Havent been street racing considering that its winter in wisconsin. but before the snow came I was just cruising around on a friday after school and up ahead bout a 1/4 mile I see a very low red acura nsx. considering the fact that I have a stock turbo 5 speed supra I knew I really didnt stand a change. So I slow down to about 30 (speed limit 45) to let him pull out in front of me, come up next to him give him thumbs up, and as were pulling up to the light it stays green so we raced from aroll. he wasnt expecting it at first. so I flew by him at probly 110. after slowing down to race again he knew it was on, so we lined up and he gave me the jump, then all i could hear was a loudass supercharger and he was gone but it was fun and thats my worst kill.

The best kill I brought was some riced out civic si hatch(cabonfiber and everything). He flys up next to me a stop light, and you know those honda guys they think that their rev limiter is da bomb!!! so as the light turns green I take off normally as he is tire hoping and revs are bouncing off the rev limiter. and hit it in second gear and pull up past him like nothing!!! at the next light he looked super pissed and I told him that its stock...Haha