Oil Leaks: what and where can they happen?


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
anybody have an idea about my question about the size of the o-ring for the cps??? There has to be someone who has bought one outside of the dealer..


Apr 20, 2007
I'm going to very carefully say that I think all of my oil leaks are under controol after numerous hose replacements.

Last weekend I went to the self service car wash, it wasn't busy so I jacked up my car as high as it would go and with some cheap Autozone engine degreaser I sprayed the entire front bottom of the motor all the way back to the cat, I used like 2 cans.

Let is sit for a few minutes cause it was still warm from me driving there and then used the power washer to blast all the gunk off.

Thus far, looks like no more leaks.

You should wash your motor/engine bay then power wash the bottom of your car to create your 'baseline' to find any other leaks you may have.

Good luck!


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
Ok I need to know how stupid my new Idea to find my oil leak is...... Since the car only leaks when driving under boost, my idea is to put the car on blocks, remove the rear wheels, disable the fan, and drive it under boost while someone underneath watches....... Is this an incredibly bad idea or would it work??


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
CampbellsChunkySoupra said:
are u burning any oil too or just leaking oil?

does it leave a puddle after u turn the car off when u park it?

do u have an accurate oil pressure guage?

The car doesn't really loose too much oil (especially after putting in a o-ring on the cps which didn't even have one there), but the oil still leaks and the fan blows it all over the exhaust manifold and pipes causing a lot of smoke after a while, and yes when i turn off the car and park it, it will form a small (4-6" puddle) and it has an assumable accurate aftermarket oil pressure guage (I wasn't the one that installed it
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best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
well, check under u car where the puddle is. i had a similar leak. it was my front main seal. my whole exhaust side and undercarriage was caked in oil/grime.

otherwise check your cam seals. they are cheap and easy to replace. valve cover gaskets?

see if u cant put some news paper under the engine when u park and see where it drops down. then carefully lift the newspaper up to the undercarriage and get a better general idea of where it is at.


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
CampbellsChunkySoupra said:
well, check under u car where the puddle is. i had a similar leak. it was my front main seal. my whole exhaust side and undercarriage was caked in oil/grime.

otherwise check your cam seals. they are cheap and easy to replace. valve cover gaskets?

see if u cant put some news paper under the engine when u park and see where it drops down. then carefully lift the newspaper up to the undercarriage and get a better general idea of where it is at.

well the see where the oil drops doesnt work in my case cause oil is everwhere since it only leaks when driving

do you know where I can check to see if the front main seal is leaking at.... The engine has been recently rebuilt so I am assuming all the seals and gaskets have been recently replaced, but after finding no o-ring on the CPS who know.....

any one have a link on replacing the cam seals..... im lazy i know


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
uhm, to replace the cam seals. remove ur valve cover gaskets and your cam gears. take off the cam caps on the front and remove the old cam seals. they are circular. by taking the upper timing cover off, u should be able to see if there is oil leaking.

the front main seals is under the lower timing cover behind aluminum piece that holds the timing cover itself.

here are some pics of my engine when i replaced mine. one is a side view. u can see where it is aluminum and it meets the iron block. the front main seal is behind that along with all of the other seals behind the timing gears/runners.


hope that helps?


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
hmmmm, Ive taken off the upper timing cover before and didnt notice any oil, would it be really obvious if thats where it was leaking, I don't want to go through the work if this is not the problem... Also the front main seal, what kind of time would it take to replace that and what all has to be removed to get to it. The engine is obviously still in the car and I am just looking for a quick fix as the car is getting sold as soon as the oil leak is under control


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
ushould be able to tell when u remove the upper timing cover. an easier way to tell is to take off the timing cover as well as the cam gears and the black cover behind the cam gears and look to see if oil is leaking there.

well, if its the front main seal.. u'll have to take off the fan, upper timing cover, upper radiator hose.. might as well take out the radiator too. lower timing cover. pull the belt tensioner off. take off all of the gears and pulleys. pull off the whole aluminum timing piece itself and get to front main seal and scrape it off. there alittle bit more to that. consult the haynes manual too for alittle help along the way. its in no way an easy task with the engine still in the car. plus, if its not the front main, u could have just wasted a crap load of time.

kk, im off to bed here in a sec. hopefully others will chime in.


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tampa, FL
Well.... who would of thought that the car still wont boost even though its in gear.... interesting to say the least... yeah so I tried my little experiment of driving the supra while it floated 3ft off the ground. Since it wasnt under boost I dont know if I am getting an accurate picture of where the oil is coming from, but its a start. It doesnt appear to be coming from the CPS anymore which is good. however it appears to be around where the turbo attaches to the manifold..... I will attach some pictures so yall can see if you know where my problem is


best be eating your soup!
Jan 28, 2007
Norwalk, IA
if its not boosting... are u sure u dont have a boost leak somewhere? i doubt its oil related.

check the seal along the oil feed/return lines. also check your oil pan. thats a simple place to look at. there is also an o-ring on the dipstick that tends to go out. its similar to the cps o-ring deal. might look into that. ive heard of those leaking oil sometimes

take your accordian pipe intake pipe off and look at the compressor wheel of the turbo and see if there is oil allover in there. there might be a drop right on the housing. check that too.