oil filters?


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
ok i know its been discussed to death and theres tons of threads. however, i dont really want to know Why people use which ever filter. id like to just know Which filters are being used?

ive always used Fram, now wanting to switch.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
JustAnotherVictim said:
Maybe if you read you'll actually learn something.

::dead horse::

i Did read that thread. however, as i said before id just like to see what filters people are using, not a debate over which is better and why.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
For me this is where the forum fails.

Topic A is discussed and a lot of great information is posted (sprinkled in between all of the crap information). Once the topic is over that is it. There is no continuation to boil down the information into a clear, concise, easy to follow page (STATIC - outside of a forum).

At some future date if more discussion was necessary a new topic would be started. When that discussion was ended the static page would be updated (if necessary) based on the new information.

How much GREAT information has been burried here?

Having said that I've always used the Toyota Japan filters.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
KeithH said:
For me this is where the forum fails.

Topic A is discussed and a lot of great information is posted (sprinkled in between all of the crap information). Once the topic is over that is it. There is no continuation to boil down the information into a clear, concise, easy to follow page (STATIC - outside of a forum).

At some future date if more discussion was necessary a new topic would be started. When that discussion was ended the static page would be updated (if necessary) based on the new information.

How much GREAT information has been burried here?

Having said that I've always used the Toyota Japan filters.

i agree, having all the good info burried makes it useless to me. digging through 100s of posts with biased people arguing filter A is better than filter B, simple because they dont like filter B is worthless reading to me.

i thought for a quick thread of which filters are used would help me decide on one. i guess it was a bad idea.

theres a computer site i used to go to alot, it had a database of everyones setup. something like that for this site would be cool? then you could search say oil filters and see which ones people are using, maybe even a rating system for each part.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Read this:

IMO, best bang for the buck is Wix or PureOne. I read one review on the standard Toyota filters (made by Purolator...not a PureOne type)...not that impressive. Toyota does (did?) carry a resin type filter made by Denso (if you can find one) that is excellent. The Canton, K&N, and Amsoil filters are all excellent, but you will pay a rather large premium over the Wix or PureOne.

if you really want to filter your oil to the 8-10 micron level (or less), get one of these:
Skip the hype...this is basically a bypass filter. It is especially effective used on a dual filter remote mount in combination with a Wix or PureOne.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
I had a fram on my supra when i purchased it, BHG, then went through two Bosh in a few hundred to make sure any gunk was soaked up, and i've been using a WIX since my last oil change not more than a few months ago.

when visually comparing:
i have to say that the wix looks the best, mainly because when i look inside, it looks better built, and has some sort of spring..

now i say this because the Bosh didnt, and i doubt the fram did(cant remember for sure, but i'm pretty sure it had none). the fram looked like cheapy stuff from the OUTSIDE....and it was significantly SMALLER. i checked the model, i believe it was the correct filter. its just a fram, thats all there is to it.

I figure WIX is better because one-its more expensive, two-i couldnt get it at k-mart. three-it wasnt at kragen four-it has a little spring just inside the opening, and whatever that does, it must be better than the Bosh because the bosh didnt have that. bypass valve maybe? not sure how they work, but its extra parts, extra assembly, (more money) and wouldnt be there unless it was a better quality filter. plus, it was larger than the fram, most likely meaning better filtering surface area.

I cant say which is better beyond that because i have never payed for oil analysis, or cut open my filters to look at the insides. from my observations however, WIX is the best out of the ones i've had.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I use the Napa Gold, which I hear is just a rebadged Wix. I'd buy the Wix, but I don't think they are available in Canada.

Keith, you're dead on with the failure. I've been considering methods of extracting the useful information and making it available... some sort of Wiki perhaps. If anyone has useful ideas, PM me. :)


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
jdub said:
Read this:

IMO, best bang for the buck is Wix or PureOne. I read one review on the standard Toyota filters (made by Purolator...not a PureOne type)...not that impressive. Toyota does (did?) carry a resin type filter made by Denso (if you can find one) that is excellent. The Canton, K&N, and Amsoil filters are all excellent, but you will pay a rather large premium over the Wix or PureOne.

if you really want to filter your oil to the 8-10 micron level (or less), get one of these:
Skip the hype...this is basically a bypass filter. It is especially effective used on a dual filter remote mount in combination with a Wix or PureOne.

ill have to look into that for the next oil change, the D-valve i want for sure though thats nice.