Official SF thread


New Member
May 7, 2005
Neptune, NJ
Jason T said:
Got some issues there buddy :nono:

Heres a nice relaxing site for the down time of off topic NWS :naughty:

No issues whatsover. I just don't like assholes. Like I told him(Fyarms), he's just another guy behind a keyboard and monitor, who thinks he has power. He lets that get to his head by banning people and the attitude is just appauling. So I gave him a good "FUCK YOU". Guess he didn't like that and banned me too....Oh well, I'm gonna go to my room now and cry........


Apr 4, 2005
Santa Clarita
What's taking so fucking long... I needed to search and find out some info yesterday and I couldn't, and now I still can't. This forum is nice but you don't get nearly the same feedback from people since SF has so many members.


New Member
May 7, 2005
Neptune, NJ
CtSupra said:
i wish sf would stay down for good. when it's down everybody comes here! someone figure out a way to steal all of the relevant mkiii info, and transfer it here. i'm serious.

That is a great idea. Wish I knew how to do it, for I would do so in a jiffy.... :evil2: :biglaugh:


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
It is true... SF has more "registered members" and it may appear that they get more replies. But when you look at the quality of most of the replies - and then count how many threads are crossposted both here and there - you quickly realize what site has more quality.

Let's take for example the typical SF post. "Hey guys... I just did X what should I do now?" or "What would you guys think if I did Y - because I am insecure enough to actually care what someone else thinks?" or "Hey guys what is this <insert easily figured out thing here that you could find out what it is if you take 1 minute to research it rather than waiting at least 10+ minutes for someone to reply and think you are a dip$#!T!>?"

SF has more members because there are so many people hanging on the MkIV's popularity. I would go out on a limb and say that less than 25% of the registered members over there actually own a Supra. This has brought about my nickname for SF as TF... or TrollForums. Actually, 50% of the <25% of the people there that do own Supras don't even get along with each other. What a great environment that is.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
If you add up the number of people over there consistently browsing the Mk3 sections and compare it to the number of people here, you're in for an interesting revelation.

Also... if you need information, and it's not here - ask. The search Nazis are much more forgiving here.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
wtf is up with SF man. They rage about how special their sponsors are and they can't even keep the damned server up.



Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
Well they have a shit load of traffic.

One solution would be to ban some people (hint: the guy that tried to hack in my SM account would be a start).


This is the dude I am talking about: IP

E:mail I got said:
From : Supramania Forums <>
Sent : Friday, July 8, 2005 6:10 PM
To : ******
Subject : Account on Supramania locked out

| | | Inbox

Tony Mawad,

Your account on Supramania has been locked because someone has tried to log into
the account with the wrong password more than 5 times. You will be able to
attempt to log in again in another 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Use
the link below:

All the best,
Supramania team
Last edited:


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
aye mate said:
One thing I noticed while just browsing over on SF... Whats up with all the reputation points trading? Thats gay and kinda defeats the purpose of having rep points. Aren't the rep points for people that actually help someone else out or do some good in the Supra community? Or maybe I'm just an ignorant,poor kid with a MKIII...
That rep system is also a backstabber's paradise and an idea of entertainment to them. You forgot that as well. Many get together on IM and say, "hey, let's get on this guy's reps." As if being hundreds or even thousands of miles away was not enough for these cowards to just post something on the forum or PM that they wouldn't say to someone's face anyway, now the rep system is a new way for them to show that they are even more 'fags' than previously thought, and so they hide from behind the crowd's anonymity without leaving a name or comment – is that supposed to be constructive in anyway?

Of course the admin's are blind. Maybe they think that the system is actually working out great and representing people's actual credibility, knowledge, or contributions so they keep it I guess. Many of the biggest sources of accurate info only have one green square STILL, while others 'run around' like a child that has the complete collection of McDonald's happy meal toy gimmicks (toys that children get when they go to a certain fast food restaurant and get with the children's meal deal).

It once crossed my mind that maybe it occupies the post whores from posting BS on the forum, but instead lets them pretend that they are now someone on the forum buy collecting green squares.
I suppose it even keeps the BS that trolls would have posted on the forum, but instead gives them a place to put their hate.

This is not my first post to that joke of a system on SF or how much I am thrilled about it.


Supramania Contributor
projectsupra said:
So true Tony.

lmao! that banned icon is the best ever!

...good post Tony! LOL!


New Member
May 7, 2005
Neptune, NJ
CtSupra said:
wth? now sf wants us to put our vin numbers in our profiles? ok....

So, someone can order my key from toyota and steal my car? Ummmmm...don't think so....Supraforums can suck my left nut :biglaugh:


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
KeithH said:
It is true... SF has more "registered members" and it may appear that they get more replies. But when you look at the quality of most of the replies - and then count how many threads are crossposted both here and there - you quickly realize what site has more quality.

Let's take for example the typical SF post. "Hey guys... I just did X what should I do now?" or "What would you guys think if I did Y - because I am insecure enough to actually care what someone else thinks?" or "Hey guys what is this <insert easily figured out thing here that you could find out what it is if you take 1 minute to research it rather than waiting at least 10+ minutes for someone to reply and think you are a dip$#!T!>?"

SF has more members because there are so many people hanging on the MkIV's popularity. I would go out on a limb and say that less than 25% of the registered members over there actually own a Supra. This has brought about my nickname for SF as TF... or TrollForums. Actually, 50% of the <25% of the people there that do own Supras don't even get along with each other. What a great environment that is.
:werd: thats is so true