ok so now im really focusing on some things i keep putting off lol, electrical/intercooler system/ and turbo system. i got the oil and feed, feed is good got my adapters for it, and now i just have to cut my oil feed line shorter and the oiling for turbo is done, ran into a problem with my ebay special manifold and the wastegate flange not fitting the Tial right, soon will have pictures of that for you, and then the engine harness is now fully attached, wiring to the transmission still needs to be done, relay hell also needs to get finished, just some simple location of items.
what items on the firewall/fenders "sensors and stuff" are not needed anymore? i tossed all of my horns already lol
the IC pipes are getting fixed with a 45 degree over the turbo to avoid it, and IJ will tell me if im good to go or not right?
so im just writing up my parts list for now, if anyone see's anything missing please inform me soon

also curious if there is a way to monitor the knock sensors "for tuning"