Nick Hogan goes to jail


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
Okay..Nicks sentence is not just 8 months in jail

-8 months in jail
+500 hours community service(yes 500)
+5 years probation
+3 yers no license
+DUI school
+having to live with the fact that his friend is probably permanently brain dead

Oh yea and all of his race team sponsors dropped him.

One of John Graziano's friends said this
""I agree that no one should be able to just walk away from something like this the way Nick may be seen to be walking away from this in the public eye...Now the posts people are making about wanting Nick to be burned, this
is not something John would want to happen. John had been riding with Nick in these Supra's for years and shared the same feelings on driving fast and racing," Mike told EsmereldaSays."

John was not wearing a seatbelt.
I cannot find any update on John's condition. The newest update i was able to find was from november and all that was said was he was able to respond to getting pinched, can open his eyes and has a gag reflex. His pupils dont respond to light and he doesnt respond to sound however.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
turbojuiced;1023217 said:
Are you serious? Well thank god you are alright. If im not mistaken a veggie status is different than a coma. A coma is usually for a few days up to a few weeks but a vegetable state is normally alot longer in which the patient who has severe brain damage in whom coma has prograssed to a state of awakeness without awareness of whats going on. Im no doctor but I think the 2 although similar are different medical diagnosis.

Waiting on IJs green 280 pics to show up, before and after please.

We love you Ian.....just not in that way.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
To me, whether or not Hogan was drunk is irrelevant. He was the driver of the car that was involved in a single car accient that severly injured his passenger. It doesnt even matter if the passenger had his seatbelt on. Furthermore it doesnt matter if he was street racing or drifting or talking on his cell phone or any number of other possible causes. If you look at it from both perspectives all of those "causes" could just as easily be called "excuses" allowing both parties to use them in defence.

Hogan is ultimately responsible simply because he was behind the wheel. Unless the accident was caused by another driver or an "act of god" all that REALLY matters is who was driving.

Ok so now that blame is out of the way, the question is severity of punishment. Now you can bring all those factors back in and use them to help determine the judgement. Well lets see, Wesley Snipes got 3 years for tax evasion. That "crime" didnt result in anyone's life being ruined. I would say Hogan should have gotten more, regardless of celebrity status. Eight months in exchange for the life (sure his heart is beating but is he really alive) of his passenger seems like a slap on the wrist.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Lets just all hope that Nick wasnt lying about this changing his life.. Lets hope that he'll step up, grow up, and use this to make a difference in someone else's life, so they can prevent this happening to another person


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
ian i didnt know you were in a bad wreck what happened? what was the car etc.

i didnt know his friend was THAT bad, i figured from what i read on the news it didnt seem to serious, anyone have a link to show the guys status? reading some people it makes it sound worse than others reactions but i want to know for sure whats going on


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
The reason for the shortish jail sentence is probably due more to the fact that he is a minor, has no previous driving offences and he pleaded no contest, than being a celeb. He apparently begged for mercy in the courtroom.

8 mos. jail time, 500 hrs of community service, 5 yrs probation, and 3 yrs no license aint no cake walk. Especially for a 17 yr old. I dont even want to know what kind of fine they have to pay.
Plus his dad is going to get raped in civil court.
Smart move on this parents part though by getting divorced but "staying together." If she took everything then they'll just be left with Hulk's belongings.

I can't find any recent updates on John Graziano's status.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
tlo86;1024262 said:
ian i didnt know you were in a bad wreck what happened? what was the car etc.

Twin Turbo V8 240z Datsun

Was hurt about as badly as you can get and still survive.

If anyone's interested I'll post the pics up in my thread and discuss it there so we're not jacking this one.


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
IJ.;1025061 said:
Twin Turbo V8 240z Datsun

Was hurt about as badly as you can get and still survive.

If anyone's interested I'll post the pics up in my thread and discuss it there so we're not jacking this one.

i would be interested to see those, espeically the V8TT! i always thought you were one crazy guy... haha


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
This is just an opinionated mess, most of the people posting that he should go to jail for life or longer are jealous and believe everything they watch on VH1. I'm not sticking up for him, he was a dumbass, but I know similar situations happen all the time, maybe not as bad but you may have just been lucky. But since the passenger wasn't wearing a seat belt nor stopping Nick from doing anything, he can't be responsible for his injuries.


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
gtsfirefighter;1023127 said:
A while back people were getting banned on SF for dissing Nick. I really don't see why this is such a touchy subject.

Because Nick was an active member of SF with many friends there, including the moderators.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Rennat: Pics/story in my thead.

ALL: "Let he who be without sin cast the first stone"

Meaning I'm not about to condemn this kid I know nothing about him but I've fucked up in the past as have most people, difference being his fuckup hurt a friend now he has to live with that for the rest of his life.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
^pictures aren't everything. on worlds scariest police chases or something like that a guy in a vette hits a big rig. The car splits in two he goes flying into the field and he had 0 injury. Drunk drivers usually cause more damage to others and property then to themselves. Thats gods way of keeping you safe to pay for what u've done. I crashed at 145 came out with no injuries.

a kid i met got into a bad accident KILLED all his friends in the car (3 total) he got 3 counts of 1st degree man slaughter he didnt go to jail cause he caused serious injuries to himself. He is disabled for the rest of his life and he has to live with what he did which is just as bad as jail time.