Nick Hogan goes to jail


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
How could anyone find a punishment to fit this crime?
Make the Hogan's pay the other guys medical bills for life? Serious jail time for Nick?
Sure,the passenger knew what he was getting into into when he got in,but none of ever expects to get into a horrific accident like this. If it was just Nick in the car,fine,go have fun. But I feel that it's the drivers duty to make sure the passenger gets to wherever thier going safely.
Who egged who to race? We may never know. Will this be a VH1 special? Just maybe.
Jun 6, 2006
gtsfirefighter;1023127 said:
A while back people were getting banned on SF for dissing Nick. I really don't see why this is such a touchy subject.

No one's gonna get banned here for it, but I'll close a thread if it starts getting out of hand.

It just seems that every time the words "Nick" and "Hogan" are written next to each other, everyone goes rabid.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
DreamerTheresa;1023172 said:
No one's gonna get banned here for it, but I'll close a thread if it starts getting out of hand.

It just seems that every time the words "Nick" and "Hogan" are written next to each other, everyone goes rabid.

Oh sorry I didnt know this was a real touchy subject. I was just curious as to what people thought of this. Im not on any other supra forums so I didnt know and didnt see it anywhere here.


Apr 11, 2007
turbojuiced;1023184 said:
Oh sorry I didnt know this was a real touchy subject. I was just curious as to what people thought of this. Im not on any other supra forums so I didnt know and didnt see it anywhere here.

The kid is a d-bag. I think that pretty much sums it up.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
My only real question is... What is the motive of the passenger's family to keep the poor guy alive? It would kill me more every day to look at my son in a vegetable status than to let him go.. I may be stupid, but I have never heard of anyone being a vegetable and coming back to normal.. I am sure he's not "suffering" because he doesnt know whats going on around him.. Lets just hope that maybe this might actually turn Nick around.. Maybe it will make him grow up, and maybe turn this into a positive.. He could travel around the US to high schools and colleges to talk about the tragic results of underage drinking,reckless driving, excessive speeding and street racing.. Maybe he can prevent this happening to another young person


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
turbojuiced;1023184 said:
Oh sorry I didnt know this was a real touchy subject. I was just curious as to what people thought of this. Im not on any other supra forums so I didnt know and didnt see it anywhere here.

Stupid spoiled child of a celebrity in a Supra, that's what I'm guessing. He's a Supra Forums member also, or was. I can't remember what his user name was.

He's getting what he deserves no doubt, the amount of time is debatable. I believe he needed a couple of years at least.

He shore got a purty mouth.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
savannahashlee;1023192 said:
My only real question is... What is the motive of the passenger's family to keep the poor guy alive? It would kill me more every day to look at my son in a vegetable status than to let him go.. I may be stupid, but I have never heard of anyone being a vegetable and coming back to normal.. I am sure he's not "suffering" because he doesnt know whats going on around him.. Lets just hope that maybe this might actually turn Nick around.. Maybe it will make him grow up, and maybe turn this into a positive.. He could travel around the US to high schools and colleges to talk about the tragic results of underage drinking,reckless driving, excessive speeding and street racing.. Maybe he can prevent this happening to another young person

You know I think thats a really good idea. And I really do hope he snaps out of it and starts being more accountable and respoonsible.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
savannahashlee;1023192 said:
I may be stupid, but I have never heard of anyone being a vegetable and coming back to normal..

<<< Was in a coma after an accident and came back to welll ummm sort of normal ;) (I did buy a Mk3 so I can't be totally sane)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
supraman7mgte;1023147 said:
Sure,the passenger knew what he was getting into into when he got in,but none of ever expects to get into a horrific accident like this.

He didnt wear a belt, shit happened he is living with the consequences of his actions.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
savannahashlee;1023209 said:
this dude is completely gone..not like coma gone.. but brain dead gone.. his brain is mush

Don't get me wrong my family had strict instructions what to do if the prognosis in my case wasn't good, no way known would I have been kept alive in that state.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
IJ.;1023201 said:
<<< Was in a coma after an accident and came back to welll ummm sort of normal ;) (I did buy a Mk3 so I can't be totally sane)

Are you serious? Well thank god you are alright. If im not mistaken a veggie status is different than a coma. A coma is usually for a few days up to a few weeks but a vegetable state is normally alot longer in which the patient who has severe brain damage in whom coma has prograssed to a state of awakeness without awareness of whats going on. Im no doctor but I think the 2 although similar are different medical diagnosis.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
foreverpsycotic;1023210 said:
He didnt wear a belt, shit happened he is living with the consequences of his actions.

What for getting in a car thinking that his friend wouldnt do something so stupid as to race while intoxicated while road conditions were horrible?

On the other hand, a seatbelt in that case wouldnt have done much good in that wreck did you see that car? Even a seatbelt wouldnt have done anything.

Besides its the responsibility of the driver to ensure his passengers are safe and get to their destinations safely. If I wreck while you are in my car and you didnt wear a seatbelt and you are in a veggie state I guess I can just blame you for being stupid?

Furthermore the passenger was drunk and if you are drunk you wont remember to put your seatbelt on or at least sometimes wont and its the drivers responsibilty to put it on for you. THAT IS LAW! And it doesnt take much but a few seconds to do this.

So I guess in your opinion no matter what the law says or if you are insanely drunk and forget to ever put your seatbelt on and you get in an accident and you either die or become seriously injured its all your fault no one elses?


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
I wouldve never got in a car on the street with a guy that tried to drift a viper and ran it into the wall like 3 times in one event.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
foreverpsycotic;1023210 said:
He didnt wear a belt, shit happened he is living with the consequences of his actions.

On a technicality he is living.... but really.. he isnt "living" with his consequences.. He's being KEPT alive and he really has no idea what happened to him.. He would be "living" with the consequences if he had a state of cognizance... He doesnt have that.. He doesnt have anything..

I take responsibility when driving my car to make sure my passengers are buckled up..I take responsibility not to drive drunk, whether its 1 beer or 6 beers.. If I have my keys in my hand, no alcohol goes into my mouth... It all breaks down to taking responsibility for your vehicle, your passengers, and yourself.. Nick has never been told no, and has not learned when to say "No"... Now, Nick is learning the word "No" the hard way.. By potentially screwing up his life and living with the fact that he basically handed his "best friend" a death sentence...

About the seatbelt issue: If you're a passenger in a wreck where the driver wrecked the vehicle and you didnt have your seat belt on.. You can legally sue the driver and the insurance company for your injuries.. That is because as the operator of the vehicle, you acknowledge and knowingly take responsibility for your passengers in your vehicle for the duration of them being in your vehicle... Drunk or not..


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
RedEj8;1023239 said:
I wouldve never got in a car on the street with a guy that tried to drift a viper and ran it into the wall like 3 times in one event.

Yeah that was just a funny episode. How bad that show made him look. Here he is with a sponsored team and he cant even drift in a beautifully built car. There were people there with their own cars doing better than he was.

Nick just needs to stay away from cars. And his dad needs to keep the keys away from him.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
savannahashlee;1023243 said:
On a technicality he is living.... but really.. he isnt "living" with his consequences.. He's being KEPT alive and he really has no idea what happened to him.. He would be "living" with the consequences if he had a state of cognizance... He doesnt have that.. He doesnt have anything..

I take responsibility when driving my car to make sure my passengers are buckled up..I take responsibility not to drive drunk, whether its 1 beer or 6 beers.. If I have my keys in my hand, no alcohol goes into my mouth... It all breaks down to taking responsibility for your vehicle, your passengers, and yourself.. Nick has never been told no, and has not learned when to say "No"... Now, Nick is learning the word "No" the hard way.. By potentially screwing up his life and living with the fact that he basically handed his "best friend" a death sentence...

About the seatbelt issue: If you're a passenger in a wreck where the driver wrecked the vehicle and you didnt have your seat belt on.. You can legally sue the driver and the insurance company for your injuries.. That is because as the operator of the vehicle, you acknowledge and knowingly take responsibility for your passengers in your vehicle for the duration of them being in your vehicle... Drunk or not..

very well said. and yes it is the drivers responsibility. Its like when you take a cab home after a night of fun and drinking is it your fault because the cabby was stupid to also drive drunk and wreck and caused you to go into a veggie state? Or is it yours because you were too drunk to even realize that you had to put your seatbelt on? Im sorry but the driver is solely responsible for their passengers regardless if they put the seatbelt on or not.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I didn't think of this earlier but he isn't even 21 yet is he? I don't remember if he is or not, and the BAC is a mute point, one or two beers can still affect reaction time. You do take risks getting in a car and doing that, or driving a car and punching it, however most people who are responsible would not race in poor conditions with impaired judgement/reaction.