New power!!!! 404HP 405ft lbs @ the wheels CT26 on 17.5lbs


87t Hardtop
Mar 26, 2006
Oak Grove, OR 97267
Devin LeBlanc;1745421 said:
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no...

12.1 is still plenty safe, could pull it to 12.5 but im on a felpro HG so we left it a tad rich.
I've done my study... I see that I need to scale the difference between petrol and e85; Stoich for petrol is 14.7 = 9.7 Stoich for e85. That equates to 34%, so pluggin in your AF petrol 12.1 = 7.9 for e85.
Below is a quick scale for comparison purposes:

"Fuel ........................ AFRst ........ FARst ....... Equivalence Ratio ... Lambda
Gas stoich ................ 14.7 .......... 0.068 ................ 1 ................... 1
Gas max power rich .... 12.5 .......... 0.08 ................. 1.176 .............. 0.8503
Gas max power lean .... 13.23 ........ 0.0755 .............. 1.111 ............. 0.900
E85 stoich .................. 9.765 ....... 0.10235 ............ 1 ................... 1
E85 max power rich ...... 6.975 ....... 0.1434 .............. 1.40 ............... 0.7143
E85 max power lean ..... 8.4687 ...... 0.118 ............... 1.153 .............. 0.8673
The term AFRst refers to the Air Fuel Ratio under stoichiometric, or ideal air fuel ratio mixture conditions. FARst refers to the Fuel Air Ratio under stoichiometric conditions, and is simply the reciprocal of AFRst. Equivalence Ratio is the ratio of actual Fuel Air Ratio to Stoichiometric Fuel Air Ratio; it provides an intuitive way to express richer mixtures. Lambda is the ratio of actual Air Fuel Ratio to Stoichiometric Air Fuel Ratio; it provides an intuitive way to express leanness conditions (i.e., less fuel, less rich) mixtures of fuel and air." (From Van


87t Hardtop
Mar 26, 2006
Oak Grove, OR 97267
Turbo Habanero;1745130 said:
Sorry for ignorance what do you mean by knocking? ...
Here is a nice short definition for knock and preignition from Hot Rod Mag:

"The research octane of ethanol is impressively high, which is a beautiful thing for high-compression and high-boost applications. However, its motor octane (the more extreme standard) is relatively low when compared to racing gasolines of similar (R+M)/2 octane. What this means is that E85 is highly resistant to knock but somewhat sensitive to preignition, comparatively speaking. (Knock and preignition are two different conditions: Knock is spontaneous combustion in the end gases before the flame-front can arrive, while preignition takes place before the timed ignition spark occurs, typically due to localized incandescence or hot spots in the combustion chamber.) But it's no huge deal: Simply know that when running E85 and other ethanol blends, you need to step down one to two heat ranges cooler on the spark plugs, and watch for other potential hot spots such as sharp edges on the piston domes and chambers.

Read more: e85_ethanol_alternative_fuel"


Jul 21, 2007
Van;1745498 said:
I've done my study... I see that I need to scale the difference between petrol and e85; Stoich for petrol is 14.7 = 9.7 Stoich for e85. That equates to 34%, so pluggin in your AF petrol 12.1 = 7.9 for e85.
Below is a quick scale for comparison purposes:

"Fuel ........................ AFRst ........ FARst ....... Equivalence Ratio ... Lambda
Gas stoich ................ 14.7 .......... 0.068 ................ 1 ................... 1
Gas max power rich .... 12.5 .......... 0.08 ................. 1.176 .............. 0.8503
Gas max power lean .... 13.23 ........ 0.0755 .............. 1.111 ............. 0.900
E85 stoich .................. 9.765 ....... 0.10235 ............ 1 ................... 1
E85 max power rich ...... 6.975 ....... 0.1434 .............. 1.40 ............... 0.7143
E85 max power lean ..... 8.4687 ...... 0.118 ............... 1.153 .............. 0.8673
The term AFRst refers to the Air Fuel Ratio under stoichiometric, or ideal air fuel ratio mixture conditions. FARst refers to the Fuel Air Ratio under stoichiometric conditions, and is simply the reciprocal of AFRst. Equivalence Ratio is the ratio of actual Fuel Air Ratio to Stoichiometric Fuel Air Ratio; it provides an intuitive way to express richer mixtures. Lambda is the ratio of actual Air Fuel Ratio to Stoichiometric Air Fuel Ratio; it provides an intuitive way to express leanness conditions (i.e., less fuel, less rich) mixtures of fuel and air." (From Van

Well based on the practical results in contrast to the theory. It seems like he's A/F is not soo danger zone :naughty:

Devin LeBlanc

Apr 7, 2010
Las Vegas NV.
Yeah that was bad that night, Slipping trans and all.

I raced my buddies KA-T powered 240 today from a 40 roll. Hes at 14 PSi making about 400whp but several 100 lbs less. We were dead even from 40 to about 65 then I hooked and had 2 car lengths when we let off.

Ill show you what torque is with this 7M :)


Aug 17, 2006
Columbus, OH/Kansas
You would be setting a CT26 1/4 mile record if you run 11's with no nitrous! I'm pretty sure there was a thread discussing the fastest CT 1/4 mile and 11's was yet to be done. I think there was a member on here who ran a 12.1 or something like that, don't quote me on that.

According to the SM member 1/4 mile list, supranasty (#20) is the fastest CT powered without nitrous and s turbo 87 (#9) is the fastest CT powered WITH nitrous.

On another note, your car gets more beasty every time man! Very impressive numbers, best I've seen (personally) with the A340E. Wish you'd of made a vid of the dyno run.

Devin LeBlanc

Apr 7, 2010
Las Vegas NV.
So tonight I went to Buffalo wild wings with a few friends, We pull up and there is a beautiful Porsche 911 Turbo parked out front, Orange, very clean looking. So Im thinking the whole time I wonder what would be the outcome if we raced. So were all talking about it as we walk in, get seated and end up getting seated next to the owner (dad and son) Were talking about it at the table and the son gets up and walks out side and then they start talking about my car. The whole time we didn't speak to each other. We happened to get seated 5 min after they got there so we both finished up eating at the same time. He walks outside first and they get in the porsche, Right after I get in and start my car up. He took off out of the parking lot fast. Stopped at the light, I was behind him. So light turns green and he starts going, just shifting slow, so I get next to him and the son riding in the passenger seat looks over and gets a big smile on his face, rolls down the window and I downshifted to 2nd he downshifted to and we punch it from a 45mph roll. We were even until about 60mph and then I started pulling on him, We let off at 110mph and I had 1 car length on him. We both stopped at the next light and he told me that he was really impressed and wasn't expecting the outcome. He said that he heard us talking and was hoping I would run him once we left. He gave me props and I said thanks.

He told me the car had 580HP, but I don't know if that was crank or wheel (probably crank) Overall it was a really good feeling and the guy was cool and not a douche bag that most of them are and wont get next to you once you beat them.

Overall a good night! My supra is sleeping in the garage and im about to head to bed.

My friend is editing a dyno video right now!



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I'm still impressed man, good job! Still don't see how you're doing that much pressure on a CT...

Devin LeBlanc

Apr 7, 2010
Las Vegas NV.
Heres the 396/398 dyno graph




Yo Daddy
Apr 12, 2005
jamaica ny
Agreed 2x Now get it on the track...

Supra28;1745981 said:
You would be setting a CT26 1/4 mile record if you run 11's with no nitrous! I'm pretty sure there was a thread discussing the fastest CT 1/4 mile and 11's was yet to be done. I think there was a member on here who ran a 12.1 or something like that, don't quote me on that.

According to the SM member 1/4 mile list, supranasty (#20) is the fastest CT powered without nitrous and s turbo 87 (#9) is the fastest CT powered WITH nitrous.

On another note, your car gets more beasty every time man! Very impressive numbers, best I've seen (personally) with the A340E. Wish you'd of made a vid of the dyno run.