Not to butt in about fast cars...:aigo:
Ok... I am not making this to sound cocky what so ever....
I own an 02 Maxima SE 6-Speed (VQ35)
I have raced both the 2.5 Altima, and the Sentra Spec V, and well ok maybe they have some pick-up to them... but *shakes head* I sorta find it funny a supra owner is having problems with an Altima... Again I don't want this to come off cocky, and I am not saying my Maxima is a track demon (never actually run it) but with H/I/E and some nice tires, Clutch / Flywheel and a new transmission, add all the nifty little names you want (SE-R Spec V) my SE will take them down...
ok, sorry i am tired, I just couldn't believe I read someone having problems with a 2.5 Altima or even a 3.5 Altima (then again My engine is obviously bigger, car may be a few hundred pounds more, and I have modifications) sorry I am done... :hide:
Nothing against you, just sorta confused me for a second (as no one on the maxima forums would ever mention losing to a Altima, unless of course it was heavily modified)