New in Home Defence


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
There's no "disarming" someone that has broken into your home. By trying that you not only make it easier for the criminal to hurt you but also any loved ones there as well.

Asfar as gun safes... Don't own one nor will I until I have to store a bunch of firearms. We keep our weapons loaded all the time. WHy? Because then there is never a question as to it being loaded or not. At the same time though we don't have children.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
I can say with 100% certainty that I would prefer to 'disarm' an intruder, and better yet keep him at gun point until the police arrived, because even though I have several firearms in the home and on me virtually all the time, I hope to never HAVE to kill anybody.

The thing is, people tend to play woulda/shoulda/coulda not only after, but before anything ever happens and I have a feeling that the reality of these situations is far different when you're in it.

Now comes the but; BUT, if you believe your life, or the life of an innocent in your immediate vicinity, to be in danger (the ONLY criteria for using deadly force by law and morality), then shooting to kill is what is necessary to defend your life. There are cowboys out there, but neither of us would qualify as one.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
I didn't find a better word previously, so I ment making him not move or not able to hurt anyone. I think a pump-gun-shot in the feet would be it? :)
I didn't really mean ''Hey, you, give me your weapon, now!'' :D

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
And I was simply using VK's own words to say that killing would be the last resort - not that there would be virtually any chance of 'disarming' him, which is why I put it in quotes. ;)


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
ValgeKotkas said:
I didn't find a better word previously, so I ment making him not move or not able to hurt anyone. I think a pump-gun-shot in the feet would be it? :)
I didn't really mean ''Hey, you, give me your weapon, now!'' :D

There's only one problem with that. You shoot the guy and now he has no use of his legs, then in turns and sues you. THAT right there is why you shoot too kill. Again, my father in law saw it happen many times just as I stated. He knew many a cop that carried around unregistered or stolen handguns, for just in case scenarios like that. Sad? yes, but in that situtation, for me at least, it's survival of the the fittest.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
i've seen that gun shoot, its near impossible to hold onto.
what you need is a Pre ban ak-47


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
NastyNate said:
There's only one problem with that. You shoot the guy and now he has no use of his legs, then in turns and sues you. THAT right there is why you shoot too kill. Again, my father in law saw it happen many times just as I stated. He knew many a cop that carried around unregistered or stolen handguns, for just in case scenarios like that. Sad? yes, but in that situtation, for me at least, it's survival of the the fittest.

Uhm how does having an unregistered gun solve that situation? You shoot the guy in the legs with the unregistered gun and say what to the cops when they show up?

"I dont know what happened I wasnt home last night at 3am. Must have been 2 robbers that got into a fight. I dont care if he said I shot him, I was on my front lawn petting my dog."?

Then you have to make up a story why your covered in gun powder the same day?


Supramania Contributor
Jul 27, 2007
Athens, AL
1- I owed a 410 pistol, they are not new..and they suck for accuracy, you can shoot buck shot, and the few bb shot that are in a 410 would not stop someone unless you get a lucky head shot.
2- Those short little shot guns DO require a Class III License (In AR at least) not sure about everywhere else though. Hell in AL you have to be 21 to own a pistol, but you can buy an Uzi at 14. Make any sense to you? Gotta love the south. Also on the shorty pump 12gauge, they make a special shorty shell so it can hold more. It has half the brass and shot, but at the distance thats all you need. :)
3- If someone breaks into your house, shoot the bastard in the head. He is giving up his right to live by endangering you and your family in your own home. I have been in and around Law Enforcement for a long time, and EVERY cop and judge I know say if you have to use your weapon, shoot to kill, and you will stay outta court and problems. IF you don't think you have the balls to do that, then you don't even need a gun. Get you some mace, that way when they take it away from you, and use it on you, they might feel sorry for you, and let you live. (Not a likely scenerio...)
4- I still have pre-ban Black Talons baby....They are the most badass ammo ever made. Hydroshock are pretty good also, but nowhere near the damage that the talons do.
5- Why in the hell would anyone put a blank in a gun for home protection. I hope you are kidding, because that is just stupid. I'm sorry to be rude, but this is a serious subject.
6- I would't keep my gun under a pillow either, we aren't James Bond, and this isn't the movies. I keep mine on top of my dresser where it is close, but I gotta be be awake enough to get it, so chances are I wouldn't plant a hollow point in a loved one. :)
7- I will take one of every gun posted please! :) .......:love:


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
iwannadie said:
Uhm how does having an unregistered gun solve that situation? You shoot the guy in the legs with the unregistered gun and say what to the cops when they show up?

"I dont know what happened I wasnt home last night at 3am. Must have been 2 robbers that got into a fight. I dont care if he said I shot him, I was on my front lawn petting my dog."?

Then you have to make up a story why your covered in gun powder the same day?

the unregistered gun is if the guy breaking does not actually have a weapon. I should have been more clear. You shoot the guy, and kill him, only find he has no weapon. That's where the unregistered gun comes in. Give it to the dead guy.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
YOU DON"T USE THE UNREGISTERED GUN TO SHOOT!!!! Do I have to break it down Barney style? It's only there to "arm" the dead guy that tried to break in.


New Member
Jun 21, 2007
I know, I know. It may be law breaking, but do you want to go to jail for some ass hat breaking into your home?


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
NastyNate said:
YOU DON"T USE THE UNREGISTERED GUN TO SHOOT!!!! Do I have to break it down Barney style? It's only there to "arm" the dead guy that tried to break in.

If the guy is in your house you dont need to justify killing him by planting a gun. Say it was dark you saw something in his hand and felt your life was in immediate danger, you shot first.

Thats all you need is someone finding out you planted an unregistered gun on someone you killed. Youd be answering to who knows what questions and maybe responsible for whatever bodys are on that unregistered gun that you possessed. How in the world would someone have the mind set to kill an intruder then plant a gun? Youd have to get out the gloves, go to your gun hidding place. The intruders prints would need to be all over the gun and ammo. So your now man handling the dead body with the 2nd gun in their hands while trying to make it look natural? CSI should do an episode on this... Oh, if he only TRIED to break in, youd have to drag the body into your house on top of all that!!

Maybe strict gun laws are a good thing after reading this thread, Im starting to wonder why some people should own a gun.

We got people wanting to having hand cannons chambered with blanks, for home defense. Then, willing to own a stolen/unregistered/unknown history weapon to plant on a would be home invader who didnt actually break in. Id imagine having to lie in court and to family/friends would follow that to keep up the 'armed attempted break in'?:weak:


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
AaronsSupraMKIII1, makes some good points, I know all the cops I have worked with, and talked to, say that the likely hood of a jury convicting you for self defense, be it home or you were getting car jacked whatever is VERY slim. But it's super important to have a clean criminal record, which is why they don't give CCL's to everyone. Also like he said, if you truly did feel like you needed to shoot to protect your self. And that does NOT mean waiting until you see a gun on the attacker, or hear a shot. Shoot to kill, otherwise you won't get convicted for the self defense but you may have to spend months in court fighting to not get sued by the motherfucker that broke into your house. It has happened people this is America where you can sue b/c Mcdonalds made you fat....

The guys I talked to at the gun show (FL) said the shotgun I posted wasn't Class III, but the AR-15 definitely is. Hell had I had the money in hand and a CCL at the show, I could have walked out with that shotgun. I still plan to get the Class III anyway, I've always wanted an assault rifle, even if all I ever do with it is shoot money away at the range, just have always wanted one.

Here's to the NRA and the second amendment!!!!