1- I owed a 410 pistol, they are not new..and they suck for accuracy, you can shoot buck shot, and the few bb shot that are in a 410 would not stop someone unless you get a lucky head shot.
2- Those short little shot guns DO require a Class III License (In AR at least) not sure about everywhere else though. Hell in AL you have to be 21 to own a pistol, but you can buy an Uzi at 14. Make any sense to you? Gotta love the south. Also on the shorty pump 12gauge, they make a special shorty shell so it can hold more. It has half the brass and shot, but at the distance thats all you need.

3- If someone breaks into your house, shoot the bastard in the head. He is giving up his right to live by endangering you and your family in your own home. I have been in and around Law Enforcement for a long time, and EVERY cop and judge I know say if you have to use your weapon, shoot to kill, and you will stay outta court and problems. IF you don't think you have the balls to do that, then you don't even need a gun. Get you some mace, that way when they take it away from you, and use it on you, they might feel sorry for you, and let you live. (Not a likely scenerio...)
4- I still have pre-ban Black Talons baby....They are the most badass ammo ever made. Hydroshock are pretty good also, but nowhere near the damage that the talons do.
5- Why in the hell would anyone put a blank in a gun for home protection. I hope you are kidding, because that is just stupid. I'm sorry to be rude, but this is a serious subject.
6- I would't keep my gun under a pillow either, we aren't James Bond, and this isn't the movies. I keep mine on top of my dresser where it is close, but I gotta be be awake enough to get it, so chances are I wouldn't plant a hollow point in a loved one.

7- I will take one of every gun posted please!
