new G-tech numbers in and very disaponted


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
CtSupra said:
1. yes
2. with common sense. go to your local auto store and ask for a spark plug gapping tool. self explanatory from there.
3. i forgot. search around.
4. no.

i'm beginning to think that a maybe a turbo isn't for you? build up a crazy stroked & nitroused n/a or something?
no I have been around turbo's before my first car was an 89 probe Gt with turbo. I don't like n/a I like the feel of a turbo. thnx for answering my questions though.

Edit; Today task though im going to take the shim out and c if that helps by putting me back at stock boost and im goign to try and figure out whats up with the rad and coolant but im kinda scared every time i touch the rad or coolant something goes wrong im very much tempted to take it too a shop instead of me fucking it up.
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
I<3Supras said:
Get Some Autolites 3923 copper plugs, (gap them at .031) always gap them before you install them even if they are already pregapped. Get new wires ( I have msd 8.5mm they work great) You can Look up on on how to install. Your Set!
Yeah I was talking to my friend and he like gapping?? there pre gapped already U just stick them in and tighten them and make sure there snug. Dunno if he is right or not but from listening to u guys most likly he is wrong.
Also I have heard other suggestions that this could be caused by injectors??? yes no???


Supramania Contributor
perhaps it could be clogged injectors. wouldn't hurt to get the cleaned, or buy a lex-afm and 550s.

man, seriously, learn how to do things yourself with the mkiii. never bring it to a shop unless the mechanic has been a friend of the family for a long time, or if another mkiii owner refers you to one.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
CtSupra said:
perhaps it could be clogged injectors. wouldn't hurt to get the cleaned, or buy a lex-afm and 550s.

man, seriously, learn how to do things yourself with the mkiii. never bring it to a shop unless the mechanic has been a friend of the family for a long time, or if another mkiii owner refers you to one.
I have been doing everything myself. I havn't taken anything to a shop yet. Though to fix my rear end leak and tranny leak I will have to take it too a shop. Though I like the idea of spark plugs gives me a chance to learn a new section of the engine bay, latly all I have been working on is the left side of the engine bay.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
oh dear god! after taking out the shim adding some more coolant to the rad, I go start it. It starts up good but idels wierd like its missing or something and then it eventually dies. start it up again idels like fuck drive it out of the garage so my dad can put his truck back in and then it just dies again. Check engine light comes on and is on when im driving. Check codes and I get 24 and 31. This is not good. Mabye I didn't connect something right when I put it all back together mabye?? I decide to just leave it as it is getting late and try and start it tommrow and c what happens. Also goign to resest ECU and then try pulling some codes again to c whats up. this is not good :cry:

Also we mixed 2 different brands of coolant will that mess it up?? damit I hate my car :icon_evil

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
For starters, CHECK YOUR PLUGS!!!! damn how many times is that now. It also sounds like it could be your AFM. If its gone bung then its stuffing the signal to your ECU of how much air your getting into your engine. If thats the case it wont be getting much fuel. Is there anyone else you know with a 7mgte that you can swap em??


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
well I go to start the car this moring to go to work and she starts up fine and idels good. So I dunno what that little spasm was all about yesterday. Taking the shims out did nothing as it just lowered the boost back down to 6 psi. Im goign to get around to the spark plugs, I would do them today but I have to drop it off at a shop to get my tranny leak fixed first :3d_frown: . Im not putting off the spark plugs just things keep getting in the way first. Besided my tranny been leaking like there is no tommrow after i get that fix its on to plugs and wires.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
Mk3 TurboS said:
For starters, CHECK YOUR PLUGS!!!! damn how many times is that now. It also sounds like it could be your AFM. If its gone bung then its stuffing the signal to your ECU of how much air your getting into your engine. If thats the case it wont be getting much fuel. Is there anyone else you know with a 7mgte that you can swap em??
I was thinking the AFM as well. I had my whole intake apart 3 times ( once for shimming, once to clean air filter, and once to take shims out) and every time I had it apart I would clean the afm sensor with a rag. I know I read your not sopused to clean them with any cleaning solution wich i didn't just used a rag to clean it becauses it was covered in oil from my K&N filter. Do u think this would mess it up?? I highly doubt it would.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
i dunno about messing up your afm all i know not to touch it much, if your car is stumbling and runnign like crap try the following,

pull off lower ic pipes from turbo, dont just peek arround witha flash light it doesnt really help actually take them off and sqeeze the ends and you will see if there are any cracks, i found a good 3 inch sucker just from sqeezing the end and its almost invisible otherwise.

check your turbo just to get it out of the way look for shaft play and any immense amounts of oil in your ic.

and yea im not gonna annoy you anymore but yea plugs and wires

do the screwdriver thing with you ear on one end and the other on your injector and listen to make sure they are all working right,

91 octane right???

pull your cam cover off and make sure your timing notches are in the right place, doesnt hurt and doesnt take forever.

cross your fingers and hope you didnt mess up your afm thats all i can say, try my suggestions and let us know how the car improves,

people are sayin your not ready for a turbo but no matter how much you read actually having to mess with it is different, just take your time i took a long time to figure out my engine bay and its still probably the most intricate engine bay/ turbo system i've ever had to work with.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
americanjebus said:
i dunno about messing up your afm all i know not to touch it much, if your car is stumbling and runnign like crap try the following,

pull off lower ic pipes from turbo, dont just peek arround witha flash light it doesnt really help actually take them off and sqeeze the ends and you will see if there are any cracks, i found a good 3 inch sucker just from sqeezing the end and its almost invisible otherwise.

check your turbo just to get it out of the way look for shaft play and any immense amounts of oil in your ic.

and yea im not gonna annoy you anymore but yea plugs and wires

do the screwdriver thing with you ear on one end and the other on your injector and listen to make sure they are all working right,

91 octane right???

pull your cam cover off and make sure your timing notches are in the right place, doesnt hurt and doesnt take forever.

cross your fingers and hope you didnt mess up your afm thats all i can say, try my suggestions and let us know how the car improves,

people are sayin your not ready for a turbo but no matter how much you read actually having to mess with it is different, just take your time i took a long time to figure out my engine bay and its still probably the most intricate engine bay/ turbo system i've ever had to work with.
thnx alot for the awesome suggestions. First off im going to say I got back from the shop and the guy has me booked in on monday to fix the tranny leak. I mentioned this problem too him and he said they would look at the spark plugs and wires and test them out for free on monday when they would be fixing the tranny. So I will wait till monday and c what he has to say before I start ripping things out or changing stuff. He also suggested fuel filter but im not too sure about that.

pulling the lower ic pipes would be a good idea but it seems pretty hard to get into them.

I have checked the turbo and there is not shaft play the blades are also in great shape. The ic pipes have a little oil but not a major amount.

As for this screwdriver ear thing what exactly is that????

yes i always run 91 octane gas. Right now im using shell V-power its 91 octane with special cleaning agents so it cleans your engine as u drive

as for timing i was also thinking of that too.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
yes i always run 91 octane gas. Right now im using shell V-power its 91 octane with special cleaning agents so it cleans your engine as u drive
lol its BS man,
but ne ways its always good to change ur fuel filter, when u change ur plugs. the reason ur car is dying is cause of the plugs im almost positive of this because my car was doing the same right be for i had mine done. and gap ur plugs dont just throw them in the engine.
and just because people say ur not ready for a T model, man you have to start somewhere.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
D34DC311 said:
yes i always run 91 octane gas. Right now im using shell V-power its 91 octane with special cleaning agents so it cleans your engine as u drive
lol its BS man,
but ne ways its always good to change ur fuel filter, when u change ur plugs. the reason ur car is dying is cause of the plugs im almost positive of this because my car was doing the same right be for i had mine done. and gap ur plugs dont just throw them in the engine.
and just because people say ur not ready for a T model, man you have to start somewhere.
Its not BS check it out:

also was reading on some site where they tested 5 different brands of fuel and shell had the highest overall rating.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
anyway asside from gas, the screwdriver thing i was talking about is where you use the screwdriver like a stethescope you put the tip of the screwdriver ontop of one of hte fuel injectors and you hold it there while you put your ear right up against the bandle and you can actually hear the gas flow through the injector.

listen to each of them to figure out what it should sound like and if one is not working or clogged you will be able to tell the difference from the other injectors that are working tip top. either that or just toss in some injector cleaner with your next tank of gas but do that before you change your plugs, or just change them again afterwards.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
americanjebus said:
anyway asside from gas, the screwdriver thing i was talking about is where you use the screwdriver like a stethescope you put the tip of the screwdriver ontop of one of hte fuel injectors and you hold it there while you put your ear right up against the bandle and you can actually hear the gas flow through the injector.

listen to each of them to figure out what it should sound like and if one is not working or clogged you will be able to tell the difference from the other injectors that are working tip top. either that or just toss in some injector cleaner with your next tank of gas but do that before you change your plugs, or just change them again afterwards.
I have been using injector cleaner on the last 2 tanks of gas but that has done nothing at all.

Also where exactly are the injectors?? I have seen these little plugs, there are 6 of them but they look like little electronic plugs. Im not sure what they are but I have a hunch they are the injectors.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
doom26464 said:
I have been using injector cleaner on the last 2 tanks of gas but that has done nothing at all.

Also where exactly are the injectors?? I have seen these little plugs, there are 6 of them but they look like little electronic plugs. Im not sure what they are but I have a hunch they are the injectors.

dude the jerking isnt from ur injectors. its from your plugs. get them changed.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
D34DC311 said:
dude the jerking isnt from ur injectors. its from your plugs. get them changed.
hang on wait till monday. The mechanic said he looked at them for free so if he says there messed up then well off I go to change them but till then Im just parking the car and waiting till monday.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
yea your plugs if you have been runnign injector cleaner on last two tanks. doesnt the bottle say on most injector cleaner additives to change spark plugs after use?