Need to Clear up a DDP Issue **PLEASE PLEASE READ**

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Raptor Racing

Supramania Contributor
Nov 5, 2005
I know this post looks huge but I NEED YOU ALL to read this!!!

Good Evening folks, most of you don’t know me but I have an issue here that I need to get off my chest and make you all aware of. First off let me just fill you in on some minor details: I am a very very small time vendor who concentrates all my sales on the MK2 community and the local (Toronto) MK3 community. I have my reasons but for the most part I have been avoiding even attempting sales or ‘showing my face’ to the international MK3 community but something has happened in the last little while which requires me to “come out of hiding”.

There was a particular thread on this very forum about a Divorced Downpipe that people were concerned about. In case you need to refresh your memory this is the thread that I am talking about:

Those of you who posted and read this thread know what it’s about it. For those of you who have never read it before I’ll save you the time and give you the short version:
Now…the issue I have at hand here is that someone has been accused of purposely buying and sending out a BIC DDP to be copied. Some individuals of this forum decided to shoot first before doing their research. These people are accusing me of being the individual who bought and copied the BIC DDP.

This post in that thread clearly states that the item in question was marketed by an individual by the name of Zoon:

By searching the forum memberlist his information can be found here:

Clearly this person is from the USA…I’m not sure if anyone here has noticed but it is clearly stated in my profile in this forum and Toyota Nation that I am from Toronto…FYI…for those of you who don’t know that’s in Canada!

Now…it bothers every fibre inside me that I now I have to come on this forum and justify MYSELF to everyone. You guys obviously don’t know me from Adam unless you also browse through which I happen to moderate and sponsor. My reputation means more to me than every dollar you all have in your pocket and that is the ONLY reason I humiliating myself to explain this to you all.

To give you some background I was doing research many years ago on a turbo set up that I wanted for my MK2: twin hks gt2535’s. This brought me to attention of 300zx forum where I did a lot of reading and talking to individuals. All these individuals were running divorced downpipes and some even made custom ddp flanges for the gt2535 turbo’s which I thought at the time was ingenious as I had not heard of this concept before.

Being a vendor in the MK2 community I thought it would be a perfect mod for the MK2 and put up this thread way back in August of 2004 after doing some research:

At this point in time I saw NO benefit to even attempting one for the MK3 as Randy already had a fine product to offer but his product would NOT fit a MK2.

So I ventured out to have my own built with this being the prototype MK2 unit that was fabricated last year:


My accusers have failed to do their research…if I bought Randy’s unit only to send it overseas to copy it why in the world would I have paid a local fabricator to prototype one on a customers car. My intentions were to test the product on the mk2 market and possibly in the future the MK3 market. I had a DDP made for my mk3 last year but after blowing up my motor in September it’s been sitting in my garage collecting dust.

Something else that’s bothering me: there is also an individual in that post who feels his ‘design’ was copied. All I have to say to that is: I do my best to avoid Supraforums and Supramania….this individuals ‘design’ is the last thing I would see surfing these forums. I really can’t understand why everyone jumps on the “my design was copied” bandwagon. Common folks…it’s Divorced Downpipe for crying out loud…NOBODY has the patents on it; NOBODY on here is an originator and these things have been around since long before your parents were in diapers!!! If 20 fabricators were each given a MK3 to build a re-routed Divorced Downpipe beyond a couple of minor details they will all look almost exactly the same. I choose to smoothen the transition of the re-entry compared to what Randy did…it’s not rocket science. There are really only 2 ways to re-route the pipe: at or close to a 90 degree angle like Randy’s or a more gradual entry…how one person can claim ownership of that design accusing others of having copied them is way beyond my comprehension…you’d think we were talking about the cure for cancer here!!

I have stated this in my reply to the individual on Toyota Nation: I am NOT a fabricator; I have never welded and I have never ever once in any thread on any forum said that I built these with my bare hands!! I have never lied to anyone about my products or tried to make them something they are not!! Why is that problem to some people?? Why am I not allowed to sell something just because another individual makes them with his bare hands? Why do you all assume something made from overseas is that crap?? Have you seen them?? Have you tested them…I know I have?? Did you ask me what lengths I went through to try to get my pipes done locally in Canada and in the US? Did you ask me how many useless hours I spent talking to company’s that wouldn’t give me the time of day unless I was throwing thousands of dollars their way?? I wanted a product to sell to the MK2 community and I’m sorry but overseas was the ONLY solution I found. If you guys have a better solution I’m all ears and would love to hear it...PM me ANYTIME!! Why people like me and other vendors have to explain to you why we are making things overseas is beyond me: If you don’t like it DON’T buy it …your loss!!

I have only been in business for a couple of years; but in those couple of years my #1 concern has and will always be my customer’s satisfaction and my reputation. Money is faaar distant 2nd place. I have nothing to hide from my accusers or anyone on these forums. I encourage each and everyone of you to put up a post on and ask the individuals there how important my reputation is to me. Ask individuals who bought MK2 DDP’s off me that had fitment issues what I did. Ask them if they were happy with the fact that I went out and had hand built for them temporary downpipes so they can get up and running with 0 downtime at a HUGE loss to myself. As embarrassing as that is to admit I’m letting you all now as anyone who is stupid enough to loose hundreds of dollars in a sale to save his reputation will NOT go out and copy someone’s design.

I feel like throwing up just for the fact that I have to come on here and explain myself to people that I consider my peers. I’m sorry this has been so long and I appreciate more than you can know that you’ve read this far as I’m sure only a couple of you did. I did not come here to solicit sales…I have NOTHING to offer you. I came here to save my reputation as a vendor…a pretty small vendor yes but my reputation is ALL I have.

I’m so sorry that individuals do not give it any thought before they come onto an open forum to slander somebody. To be honest with you I am not surprised and it’s the reason I will probably never attempt sales on this or any other similar forum. My whole day is WASTED dealing with this issue; time is very precious to me as this is only a part time thing for me. I have a full time job and it’s so irritating that I had to waste a whole day on this.

Randy if you have any questions or concerns I would be glad to talk to you; it’s been my intention from the beginning to never step on your toes. You are probably in my eyes one of the most valuable members of the Supra Community and I have a great amount of respect for you. I hope that what ever I have said or done has not created any hard feelings.

Peace to you all….thanks!!!

PS…forgive me if there were any spelling or grammatical error’s...proof reading was not #1 on my priority list for this post!!
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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Great post. I sure hope that a lot of people from that other thread realize how far they put their feet in their mouthes.

Good luck with your business. Consider selling stuff on the forums, not everyone here is a bitch. I'm sure that many people would like to buy your products.

Raptor Racing

Supramania Contributor
Nov 5, 2005
Out of Step...thanks for the words of encourangement.

Boostadikt...beyond a 2 hour break I took to go to a Toyota Nation meet today I've been dealing with this issue for the last 11hrs. I dont' take this $#it got ugly way before my finger touched the keyboard today.


New Member
Jul 30, 2006
Another reason why I contribute quite regularly to the mark 2 community and shy away from the mk3. It's a tightknit bunch over there. George is well respected and above board.


Jun 3, 2005
Richmond, VA
well I feel kinda shitty, the one post I made was called out in his thread. I was trying to stay out of the whole thing, I just stumbled over it and thought I'd add to the discussion. I had no intentions of pointing fingers at anyone. Sorry guys.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
WOW, that's a long post! You could have just stated" I didn't copy Randy's ddp" and I would have believed you. I don't think the guy on here was trying to bury you as much as he felt he was sticking up for Randy. He felt he was doing what was right and you felt you were doing what was right. You will NEVER be able to please everyone. I just hate that you quit so easily. One guy starts a thread about you and you want to quit helping out the rest of the community. You show alot of spirit in standing up for character and your honest image on the other forums, but it seems you want to quit and hide because of one man's accusations. I would rather you tell him that you're not quitting and he can't do a dang thing about it. Just my two cents worth, and for what it's worth, I believe you.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Very well written LONG ASS POST. The first thing I noticed was when you said nobody knows you here. I sold MKII parts for a long time before I had an MKIII. I instantly recognized your name. And asshole was not atteched to my memory. There's a couple of names that definitely do that for me, so you must be OK. Sorry I can't give a better rememberence. I still love the MKII community, and hope to one day get another one. I don't want you to hate me for backing up Randy on page 1 of that thread, when i come back to those forums. You may know me as sludt5@aol, or something very similar.


Dedicated Member
Apr 6, 2005
Texas Motor Speedway
Great post but I feel like I've been called out due to you posting my post about my friend Zoon. He isn't a scam artist and isn't a copier, I believe he had a shop make the prototypes for them, with a divorced downpipe style. I would not like to get involved into this, so please try to keep the quotes of me to a minimum.



New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Somers New York
So people are upset because other people are making quality parts for our cars?

I think its great to have a braoader range of item to choose from!

Randy didn't patent his item (that i believe) and though i bought from him for his quality, im sure other people offer quality parts. Its great to have options with cars that are becoming 20+ years old.


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
I'm confused.... do you make the parts or does this other guy Zoon? How are the two of you related or mixed up in this matter? Do you both make these parts seperately or together? Are you his supplier?


MkII Weenie
Apr 4, 2005
Stockton, CA
The stupid part is that the Mk2 pipe routing is different, you can't "copy" a MK3 downpipe to use the standard Mk2 exhaust. The cat on a Mk2 is about a foot to the right and forward from the Mk3 location. The only section that you can "copy" is the vertical section.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Very well written post George.
Thank you for taking a lot of your time to make it very clear what you are doing and how you feel. I don't have a reason not to believe you, you seem very legitimate.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
George is a good guy, met him a number of times...I doubt he would have bought a DP just to copy and mass produce - and the divorced concept has been around for quite some time on other cars as already said.


More than Regular Member
May 1, 2005
Black Diamond Wa
The problem with the mk3 community doenst lay with the forums we have, its the ones who want to be politics and the others that are bandwagoners...hopefully you understand that is not everyone, infact you did say that, so i know you do.

But i will be glad to support any member who supports the community in their own way, and it seems that you do do that despite what others think.



May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
didnt randy himslef say he sold this guy a downpipe? im happy to see other people making parts, but ripping of designs, claiming that your entering untouched markets, thats not cool. Im not even going to argue this after this post, no point


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Jayhall said:
didnt randy himslef say he sold this guy a downpipe? im happy to see other people making parts, but ripping of designs, claiming that your entering untouched markets, thats not cool. Im not even going to argue this after this post, no point

Not the same guy.


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
well now dont i feel stupid, im going to go hide under a rock and feel shame for a long, long time now. I suck at life this weekend.
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Aug 4, 2005
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Jayhall said:
well now dont i feel stupid, im going to go hide under a rock for a long, long time now.

You SHOULD feel stupid. You dont think before you speak. Your lucky your post got deleted on toyota nation. I am sure you said some nasty things for no reason. Do your homework before go around screwing with other peoples business.

George if you read this, dont give up hope. Dont let small people like Jayhall affect your work. You make amazing parts for the supra community and it would be a big loss if you stopped making parts for us MKIII owners.
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