Need to Clear up a DDP Issue **PLEASE PLEASE READ**

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thread killer
Dec 22, 2005
vancouver Wa
hopefully you stay around these forums, i have drivin many mk2's and old mk2 style celicas,

i currectly wish to swap a 7mgte w/5spd into a gts coupe, and then do a mkiii rear subframe swap.

Raptor Racing

Supramania Contributor
Nov 5, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
I can say what I want.
Get over it.

My opinion is mine you can cry all you want doesn't change my mind.

OK Boss you win!!

Jayhall said:
George, again, i am sorry, said it before and ill say it again. I made a mistake. I just hope you can acknowledge the fact that really am sorry, and if there is anything i can do to make it right, please let me know, and ill be more than will to do so

Jay(sorry is that your name...I hope), your apology has been more than forgiven. I have no use for enemies in this world and can see that you have major regrets. Mistakes happen and both you and I have learned something in this situation...unfortunately as you can see some people never learn. I would be honoured to be considered your friend as people here seem to speak very highly of you. Forget this ever happened and learn from this situation...that's all you need to do to make me happy about this situation.

ForceTorque...your words of praise and encouragement mean more than you seem like a person who has his act together so thanks.

Tanya...thanks for the new rock girl!! your PM. We'll chat soon bro...just got a whole whack of stuff to deal with in the next couple of days!! If you have aim/msn look me up!!
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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Tanya said:
supramania is a great forum, with great guys/gals who even bother to except us non-mk3 types. :)

George is a great guy, mk2 and mk3 owner, who dedicates a lot of his life to the Supra community instead of indulging on coffee ice cream like he'd want to :icon_razz

Everything will be fine I'm sure

JustAnotherVictim, try turning down your testosterone levels a couple notches, and realize he just wants to keep the thread on topic and is under a lot of stress over this issue.

Everyone take a breath mmmmmmmmmk?

Pssstt it's the T Shirt bumps ;)


Supramania Contributor
Tanya said:
JustAnotherVictim, try turning down your testosterone levels a couple notches, and realize he just wants to keep the thread on topic and is under a lot of stress over this issue.

Everyone take a breath mmmmmmmmmk?
I love you too. :icon_razz

I'm not bent out of shape over anything. He's the one who needed a "cooling off" moment. He addressed this to everyone.
karaki said:
I know this post looks huge but I NEED YOU ALL to read this!!!

I merely stated I never said anything bad about him and didn't like that part of his pipe. If I was talking shit it would be real obvious.
I do also like how he edits out the part of my post that has everything to do with this thread.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
: slowly crawls into a hole and lights self on fire :



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Karaki / George, I cant believe what a gong show this is turning out to be. I am sorry that you got dragged into this. Someone made a mistake, and jumped the gun on accusing you. You are not the one that copied the said part. I really respect your way of doing business, you design and test and invest alot of your own time and money into developing products, just like i do. I am just a small business in the early years of of growth, and like yourself, my reputation is everything. I strive to work hard, and keep the customers happy at all costs. I wish you all the best and I hope we can stand united on this and some how stop these people.

Now what I cannot stand is people like this other guy that just buy a product and ship it away to have copied. I have the paypal receipt to prove who and when the ddp was bought from me, and it WAS NOT KARIKI/ GEORGE.

Raptor Racing

Supramania Contributor
Nov 5, 2005

thanks for posting up and taking the time to read this thread. I was really hoping to hear from you on this; your thoughts and feelings on this issue were very important to me.

If you were up to it I'd really like to talk about this issue; perhaps over the phone if you had the time one rush. Believe me this idea of blatantly copying another persons product is an issue I wish we would could squash be you know it can never happen :(...but we can at least try!!

If you're up for it please pm me a phone number or let me know and I'll give you mine. Best of luck to you my friend in your future endevours...I only hope the best for you and your business!!


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
what a bunch of crap.

i know karaki personally and he is standup guy. there should be NO doubt about his reputation, etc.

as for the whole DDP idea, i hate to break it to you guys, but BIC wasn't the first one to do it for the stock turbo....there were a few divorced pipes back in the day as well.


1JZ Supra
Apr 27, 2005
Denton, TX
Ok guys, Im sure you all have been waiting for me to say something on this issue so here it is.

First off all, Yes I did copy randys ddp and why I did is because to me I see it as just a very simple design and if I was to fabricate my own it would look just like his anyways. I actually first got the idea from jeff in an old thread on supraforums in a picture he drew out. This all started off as just a thing for the locals to help out the guys who done exactly have alot to spend on their cars for just a ddp. Im not really worried about selling them because im not really lookin to make anything off these. If you knew me you would know that money has never been an issue to me. Ive been in the business world for a very long time and If you knew anything about this country you would know that it is based on a free competitive market.

George, Sorry you got draged into this but to clear things up about your ddp in the past, It was actually offered to me with me not knowing whos it was or what car it was for. But then I eventually found out that it was for a MK2 and I guess after you found out about it and probably talked to the same guy about it he changed his mind and said he couldnt sell it anymore. So I never really knew that it was yours and when he showed it to me he didnt know what car it was for, just that it was for a ct26.
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