need help on 7m swap


New Member
Dec 15, 2008
my english is not very good but i'll try my best to explain my problem clearly as possible

I just finish my 7mge swap in my 4runner(from a cressida 90) and it was running fine for few days but last night a took the truck for a small ride (first time on the highway)

I was going 70km/h at 4000rpm and the engine start to miss very bad .......i was not able to drive it so I let it cool down .....the temp drop to 180 degree and I tryed to start it again ..everything look fine at idle speed but as soon as I drop the clutch on first gear it miss again and stall

I dont have the speed sensor plugged into the ECU

I don't have check engine light on but when I jump the terminals I have the code 14 ... so I check my ignition coil resistance

I have 10.68 ohm K between the positive terminal and the high-tension terminal.....that's perfect

and I have nothing between the positive and negative terminal... should have 0.24-0.30......

I have 6 function to mesure the ohm on my multimeter : 200 2k 20k 200k 2m 20m and any of them give me resistance

Do I have to buy an other coil ????

i have change the gaz filter rotor cap rotor wire and spark plug ....I carefuly gap my spark plug at 0.028

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
domdomleblanc;1317910 said:
going 70km/h at 4000rpm and the engine start to miss very bad .......i was not able to drive it so I let it cool down .....the temp drop to 180 degree and I tryed to start it again ..everything look fine at idle speed but as soon as I drop the clutch on first gear it miss again and stall

Did you actually overheat? Did the needle to go the top of the guage?

I dont have the speed sensor plugged into the ECU

I don't think that will matter. But you need it.

I don't have check engine light on but when I jump the terminals I have the code 14 ... so I check my ignition coil resistance

14 means the ECU isn't seeing that the coil fired. That is definitely a problem.

and I have nothing between the positive and negative terminal... should have 0.24-0.30......

Just to be sure, you have no resistance, or infinite? No resistance will show a 0 on the display, and it means the coil is short electrically. When you touch the leads on the meter together, does it say 0?
I have 6 function to mesure the ohm on my multimeter : 200 2k 20k 200k 2m 20m and any of them give me resistance

Sorry. I don't know what you mean. I know you are saying your meter can be scaled, but want to know if you are outside limits, shown usually as O_L, or short, shown as a 0, zero.

Do I have to buy an other coil ????

Did you follow this?

i have change the gaz filter rotor cap rotor wire and spark plug ....I carefuly gap my spark plug at 0.028

That is too small. Bring it up to 1.1 mm. I assume you have a metric gauge? .043 if you don't.


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
Speed sensor. Where is that? I installed an eclipse touch screen with navigation. And it needs to be hooked up to the speed sensor.????