my english is not very good but i'll try my best to explain my problem clearly as possible
I just finish my 7mge swap in my 4runner(from a cressida 90) and it was running fine for few days but last night a took the truck for a small ride (first time on the highway)
I was going 70km/h at 4000rpm and the engine start to miss very bad .......i was not able to drive it so I let it cool down .....the temp drop to 180 degree and I tryed to start it again ..everything look fine at idle speed but as soon as I drop the clutch on first gear it miss again and stall
I dont have the speed sensor plugged into the ECU
I don't have check engine light on but when I jump the terminals I have the code 14 ... so I check my ignition coil resistance
I have 10.68 ohm K between the positive terminal and the high-tension terminal.....that's perfect
and I have nothing between the positive and negative terminal... should have 0.24-0.30......
I have 6 function to mesure the ohm on my multimeter : 200 2k 20k 200k 2m 20m and any of them give me resistance
Do I have to buy an other coil ????
i have change the gaz filter rotor cap rotor wire and spark plug ....I carefuly gap my spark plug at 0.028
my english is not very good but i'll try my best to explain my problem clearly as possible
I just finish my 7mge swap in my 4runner(from a cressida 90) and it was running fine for few days but last night a took the truck for a small ride (first time on the highway)
I was going 70km/h at 4000rpm and the engine start to miss very bad .......i was not able to drive it so I let it cool down .....the temp drop to 180 degree and I tryed to start it again ..everything look fine at idle speed but as soon as I drop the clutch on first gear it miss again and stall
I dont have the speed sensor plugged into the ECU
I don't have check engine light on but when I jump the terminals I have the code 14 ... so I check my ignition coil resistance
I have 10.68 ohm K between the positive terminal and the high-tension terminal.....that's perfect
and I have nothing between the positive and negative terminal... should have 0.24-0.30......
I have 6 function to mesure the ohm on my multimeter : 200 2k 20k 200k 2m 20m and any of them give me resistance
Do I have to buy an other coil ????
i have change the gaz filter rotor cap rotor wire and spark plug ....I carefuly gap my spark plug at 0.028