Need help convincing parents


Destroyer of FWD's
Mar 14, 2006
^ What he said. The Supra was the first car I bought right before my JR year and I couldn't drive it for the first month I had it fixing stuff. I say keep the Integra as a DD and save your money to buy a Supra. Who knows, while you are saving up the cash you might find a nicer supra in the meantime. Tegra as a dd Supra as project car/ soon to be dd. Just my 0.02.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Keep the Integra! If you have to ask your parents to let you buy it then you are surely not in a position to own a mk3 Supra. The best thing you could possibly do is not get into modifying cars and finish your schooling, then get into cars when you make a lot of money and can buy anything you want. The only exception would be if you are studying to be a mechanic and you have all the resources of the school at your disposal.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
i dotn know if im in the 20 percent because like i dont really need the car, i dont scrable to fix it, but it usually takes me a couple days to just do it on a weekend and do it right. And when its down for an upgrade, i make sure i have all the parts anfd bolts i need before i tear it down. thats just me anyway. it'll be down again in spring when i take out my engine :D


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
My car runs great... now. But your mom is right, my car pretty much nickel and dimed me TO DEATH for the past 2 years to get it going strong.


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
i'm with every one before me. supras will, no matter the condition, end up with some problem down the road. i convinced my parents to let me get my supra. it's been down so long i'm almost regretting my decision to buy one. :eek:


Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
thesandymancan said:
i'm with every one before me. supras will, no matter the condition, end up with some problem down the road. i convinced my parents to let me get my supra. it's been down so long i'm almost regretting my decision to buy one. :eek:

I feel the same way, I convinced my parents to buy it based on the airbag, abs, low price, and rebuilt block (according to the previous owner). Needless to say, it hasn't run perfectly since I got it, always burning or leaking oil, and now it's being worked on, so hopefully I can actually use it next summer.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Tell that guy in the MKIII that kicked your teg's ass and made you want a Supra that at least your teg will be running in 6 months when his is broke.

I have 2 MKIII's, so when one is broke, the other may be almost ready to get back into action. Right now, due to an accident, they are both down. So, I would say, NO, thay are not a great DD, but you can keep them going if you are mechanically inclined. Just keep the tools readily available.


Formerly Got Boost?
Apr 3, 2005
Houston, Tx
what everyone's said pretty much got me out from buying a Supra. I couldn't afford it in the long run (both maintanence and insurance) especially if it was gonna be my daily driver. Instead, I bought a 6th gen Celica with a built 5SFE in it and the only problem I'm having with it is that it burns a quart of oil every 3 weeks or so with light driving, and it's running lean due to oversized pistons. Other than that, the car racks up ~200 miles on half a tank of gas and only needs to run on Regular gas.

you should only get the Supra if you or your parents are willing to deal with the hassle of it going down every once in a while, shoveling a good deal of money into it, and trying to find a way to get you to places when the car was your DD.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I didnt really read all the replys, but I will say this. If you find a low mileage NA that doesnt look like its been ripped apart yet, Then I would say it would be just as reliable as any other car on the road. There is no way to predict what and when things will go bad, but Ive talked to alot of supra owners and read alot on these forums and I would be willing to place a significant wager that the NA's are more reliable and cheaper to own over time.

The drawback is that its not a turbo and therefore not exactly a rocketship, but its still a very fun car, and in some situations I actually preferred my NA.

However a mk3 supra on average will have more problems than the newer acura, its really a no brainer.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2005
Colorado Springs
OneJoeZee said:

How man times have you had to change out motors Joe?

If I remember correctly, you got it with a 7m, pulled that, put in a 1j, blew that, and put in another 1j. A little fogy on the details, but I don't think this is what his mom would want him to go through.