Robert, could you charge a 'core' for the old driveshaft, to get the stubs? I've got 2 driveshafts, I'd certainly send one in, if I could get a 2 piece aluminum driveshaft!
Poodles said:shush you guys...
I agree. Lighter would be a plus though.Poodles said:Honestly, I wouldn't care WHAT the driveshaft was made out of as long as it was as durable (or more so) and vibration free as a brand new stocker, just cheaper...
Reign_Maker said:You wont need it...![]()
Pole vaulting a car? Myth Busters proved it cant be done, lol... That episode was hilarious... It royally effed up that car, but it didnt pole vault it...
Ckanderson said:yea, but we just assume your gay.................
his name is shaftmasters....
3p141592654 said:This thread always makes me nervous of using a one-piece DS....
Its not exactly a MK3, but close enough!
Doward said:Robert, could you charge a 'core' for the old driveshaft, to get the stubs? I've got 2 driveshafts, I'd certainly send one in, if I could get a 2 piece aluminum driveshaft!
shaftmasters said:Ya Know, our company name usually only gets "giggled" at by teenage girls and older but just as immature women. We didn't expect it from someone who is supposed to be a professional and is an authorized vendor on this forum. You guys in California might throw "gay banter" back and forth as a way to release some hidden inner emotions or desires but here in Michigan we don't have enough "contact" with the gay community to engage in such a discussion.
Thanks, David
jdub said:Ignore these guys David...they're just giving you a hard time. They can't help themself
I would want a steel 2 piece. You are dead on concerning aluminum and I'm not so sure the weight reduction aluminum would offer is worth it.
jdub said:Yes I's a very well made, balanced 1 piece. I get some vibration at 60-70 MPH that is not noticible at higher or lower speeds. My concern is the harmonics at high speed...IJ has his act together...I was not as "educated' on drive shaft critical speed when I purchased it.
I'm going to do a few motor mods in the coming months...the HP and speed i'll be able to generate has me a bit concerned on how well the 1 piece is going to handle it. I do have safety loops though![]()