OH...redline. might not want to do that to it now... heh...
maybe just scraping off the residue on the surface - chances are (in my mind, i'm guessin' here) that the leak is in one spot, a small spot, given it only leaks under severe loads. Soo if you scrape rather evenly everywhere along the block/head seal and look for the spot where it goes deeper than just residue on the surface you've found you leak.
Like i said though i'm just guessing and when you scrape it off, you might get rid of all the residue and not leave any spots behind that could be suspect leaks...
that hard line is a coolant hose though, yes? just to save yourself an assload of trouble before you go further - get a small mirror and a flashlight and look at the hard line from the backside, maybe brush it with steel wool to make it clean - as long as that's advisable and won't cause corrosion. i don't think it will. look for that pinhole discussed earlier.
Uhh, did you say this was a metal headgasket? I forgot. it's a far cry but i've read about some people not removing some sort of funny rivet thing and causing....er...preventing a seal by holding a corner of the head up.
Anyway, on a different note - you checked your oil for coolant right? If you haven't you should. I wouldn't run the engine if it had signs of water in the OIL (fuck). hopefully its just isolated to the outside of the block if it is a BHG.
One more thing, totally pointless and possibly a figment of my slight tiredness, but - the title of this thread is REALLY funny right now :biglaugh: