CyFi6;1810559 said:Harness is completed! Fully plug and play for my maft pro now. New connectors for injectors, tps, iscv, o2s, water temp sensor, csi, csi switch. Cant wait to have a good condition harness on my engine.
And my color scheme...Cummins beige. Don't ask why because I have no idea! Engine coming back from machine shop on Friday, pics to come.
I'm in Avondale. Always nice to have a hand, I will let you know when I am actually working on it. Its been sitting for a long time now, just waiting for parts as usual...suprakidd;1818716 said:hey where in phoenix are you? id love to lend a hand and meet a local member! idk if you remember me but im the one who pm'd you about machine shops..
suprakidd;1826527 said:that head looks brand-fucking-new LOL!
yea im always willing to help just pm when you working on it and would like a hand.. if im not busy il be there..