My new 7M buildup...long road.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Nothing really exciting...

After leaving the crank caps and rod caps torqued for a few days, I retorqued them again before locking down the oil pan for good. I found that the rod caps had loosened slightly from settling, so I'm glad I did it.


Pretty stainless fasteners

Done on bottom

At this point, I'm pretty much done with the motor. The remaining parts have to be swapped over from the current motor, so now it's time to shutup and get busy. Hopefully I'll have time for the real work next week.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Thanks. I just ordered $60 in fasteners from the dealership- OUCH!
I ordered all new front timing cover fasteners, new flywheel bolts, and the expensive part was those stupid grommets and steel sleeves that go into the coil bracket mount. $24 just for those 4 setups.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Boring update:
I installed the above-mentioned fasteners into the front timing cover, and also installed my Long oil cooler behind the intercooler, and before the AC condenser. Next I will install the remote filter mount and Tstat up front under the passenger headlight, and start running the pushlock hoses between the two.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
NONE. I am stuck right now because I just changed jobs, and the paychecks haven't started rolling in yet. Hopefully by the end of the month I can pull my old engine and finally do the swap. I'm also considering buying a $300 beater for commuting in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
HUGE update!
I just picked up a serious power adder:


OK- So it's not that much progress! I was just afraid that my thread was going to rust and fall off the back of the forum!
Yeah, I forgot to put on my gas cap at the pump- first time since I've owned the car. I feel bad because it was the only remaining original part that I hadn't had to work on. Anyway, as for actual progress:
I purchased the an-10 fittings I needed for the oil cooler setup, so this week, I'll be putting in the lines and hooking up the filter relocation setup.

It's been slow-going, maily because I've been setting aside money to buy my daughter her first car, and also because I don't have my own separate daily driver. BUT, I finally got wise and came up with a plan that I should have implemented a year ago: I have an '88 MR2 that's been sitting for over 8 years now, undriven. It developed rodknock way back when, and I didn't have the energy to fix it. But now with my longer commute, and my desire to go deeper into the restoration of my Supra, I've decided to kill two birds with one stone- Fix the damn thing.
I read about a semi-popular conversion for the weak 4AGE in the MR2, which would work great for me considering the crank and/or rods are toast- the 7AGE conversion. You take the larger-stroked 7AFE block and bolt it to the freer-breathing 4AGE head, and you end up with about 20 more ft-lbs of torque, if not even more. The beauty of it is, there's almost no modifications to be done, and 7AFE engines around here go for $100 bucks. That way, I have a new DD, and better mileage. Plus- I can kill the retarded storage fee I've been paying! And of course- it's and old-school Toyota- just like my Supe.
I will, however, be swapping in the new motor on the Supe first, so I have work room for the MR2. The only parts that are still required for the new engine to go in is a clutch setup, and hopefully I'll have that cash by next week. Say- If anyone has any experience/ useful tips on engine removal for the Mister two, PM me, and let me know if I'm in for any real suprises.
I might just line up all my new parts, and take some pics, just to push my motivation into overdrive.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Latest news-(yes, I'm still working on this car):
I've ordered the clutch, it should be here in two days. I've finally gotten all of the An10 fittings in- I had ordered two 45 degree fittings in the wrong size, so I had to wait on those to be exchanged. Also, I bought a couple of things for my exhaust- an 8" flex section(because my exhaust has none, and is too rigid for the manifold's health), and a V-band exhaust clamp with two weld-on flanges. This item will go on the end of the DP, so that I can disconnect it when/if necessary, instead of having to cut the exhaust.

The plan is to swap out the old engine, and place in the new engine/ drivetrain next week, since i have 4 days off in a row. If only the weather works out to be nice...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
It's FINALLY happening!

On Wednesday, I began to disconnect the engine. Got all upper connections removed(intake, battery, ecu and wire harness, fuel lines, ac lines, etc.), and all fluids drained, before I lost daylight.
Thursday, I removed the lower connections(driveshaft, exhaust, tranny mount, etc.) and pulled the engine. Then I began removing all the accessories from the old motor, to go on the new one.
Friday, I found that the ARP's in the old engine would not all come out of the head. When I had finally removed them all, I noticed that some of the threads on two of the studs were fubar'ed. $140 later, I have a new set on the way. :cry:
I also found that I have a 3 inch crack on the face of the ex. manifold, so I'm going to see if that can be welded for a temporary fix. I also installed the remote oil adapter on the block, mounted the remote filter/ Tstat under the passenger headlight, and have run the push-loc lines to the oil cooler.
Here's where I am now: I'm waiting on the ARP's, I need to pick up the two little 90 degree hoses(one at the back of the head, one at the front), and then I can install the new head on the new block. The tranny has been degreased, and the new pp, disc and TO bearing have been installed, and it's sitting on a tranny jack waiting to join with the new block. So I'm hoping that by Tuesday, I'll have all the last little bits, and I can complete the installation of the last parts of the motor. Then it'll go in. I'l have pics up tomorrow of the car-nage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Here are the pics of what I've been doing...

The engine, looking tired. About ready to pull.


Oops. Nuff said.


The engine/tranny pulled. First time I've done it together. I like.


Location of my remote oil filter.


The Long oil cooler, behind the IC.


The pushloc hose and couplers for the oil system, AN-10.

As I said, I'm waiting for new ARP's to show up, hopefully tomorrow.
Then I can join the head and block, and install the timing belt, valve covers, etc, and shove this thing back in.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Well, I'm getting them from HPF, so I'm sure it'll be fine.
I tapped the head bolt holes in the block to day, but I need a bottom tap, because the test stud binds before I can get it seated all the way down. Anyone know who sells bottom taps?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Small update,
I received the new ARP's today. I used my new bottoming tap to clean all the crud out of the bottom threads of the bolt holes, then I lubed up the Arp's and mounted them. I also dremeled off the dubious rivet on the Cometic HG, just as a precaution.
Once I had lowered the head onto the block and started putting on the ARP nuts, I realized that the last nut that I had was the wrong size! ARP stuck a M10(I believe) in with the 13 good nuts. LUCKILY, I still had my old ARP hardware, so this didn't become another delay. I tightened down the head in 5 passes, 40, 50, 65, 75, 85. I also threw on the timing belt and timed it out to TDC, and put the lower/ upper timing covers on. I'll have some more pics of this stuff over the next two days.
All that's really left, is to mount the ex. manifold, and upper intake manifold back on, as well as the turbo(waiting on these gaskets from dealer), AC, alternator, harness, etc. Then I can take it off the mount and hoist it up for the new pilot bearing and AL flywheel install.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Man, this is taking alot longer than I anticipated.
I was hoping to be able to just pull the old engine out, swap over the accessories, etc. and slide the new one back in...HA! was I dreaming or what?
Aside from the fact that I've been out of town 10 of the last 15 days, I have been busy cleaning everything that's going onto the new engine, as well as scrambling for last minute parts that I didn't think I'd need. Here's a pic of some of the progress on the motor:

At this point, though, I have the cylinder head and valve covers on, the motor is timed, the intake, exhaust manifolds are on, the turbo, the upper, lower timing covers, the AC compressor, idler pulley, ps pump and all belts are also installed. I am now in the process of running the wiring harness back into and around the motor, and after that, I'll install the coils, plug wires and vacuum lines. At that point, I am FINALLY ready to hoist it, and mate the tranny back to it(which has been waiting patiently with a new clutch and AL flywheel.
I will have many more pics after this weekend, HOPEFULLY pics of the motor installed, as well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
The latest-
The wiring harness is installed, the cps, Tstat housing and coil pack/ plug wires are installed, as well as all the under-intake vacuum junk. The only thing I have left to install(besides the tranny) is the PS resevoir, so I'm pretty happy.