JMofIRW;1269685 said:
Why would I get an additional charge? i think he was saying he would plea it down to a seatbelt charge and not the speeding. I definitely had my seatbelt on, didnt even take it off to get to my reg and such.
and I don't really speed, my speedo is a lil off so i didnt realize i was going 40....
Perhaps you can play the speedo card. Worked for me. I got pulled over for doing 78 in a 55. After seeing my spotless record, the office apologized to ME for having to write the ticket because I was 20+ over the limit. I had no excuses, I was simply not paying attention (sups looove to go fast!). Now my speedo was off by alot - it registered higher than what it should. Eighty on the speedo was actually 65. My boss says, "prove to the court your speedo is off and you will be let off the hook". I said, "No way, it doesn't register low, it registers high! They won't let me off!". But, I forged ahead to prove my case. I went to the local toyota dealer, had a couple of mechanics ride with me and confirm the speedo was off. They wrote a letter to this effect on their company letterhead. THEY DID NOT FIX THE SPEEDO, ACTUALLY REFUSED TO ATTEMPT IT! And since I occasionally buy parts there, they didn't charge me for the speedo evaluation! On the court date, everyone lines up and talks to the prosecutor before seeing the judge. My plan B was traffic school. I quickly explained to them about the speedo, showed them the letter. They didn't read the letter. They didn't require me to fix the speedo. Case dismissed due to mechanical failure. Please pay the court fine of $130. Have a nice day! Bye!
This is Kentucky. You are in New York. Might as well be a different planet

However, if traffic school is an option, try the speedo card as your plan A. IT DOESN'T HURT TO TRY! Its a 20 yr old car - it has issues.