My first speeding ticket, anyone have info on the trial?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Wills7MGTE;1270006 said:
Lets face it, you know you were speeding, the officer knows you were speeding as well as not wearing your belt and having some equipment violations. Don't go to court over it, too many people get outta tickets and other stuff with thier lawyers and bogus arguements, I have no respect for people like that, take your licks and move on don't be yet another spoiled self centered scam artist POS like a lot of people out there try to be.

Got no respect for people like that? Seriously, it's the legal system and it's your right to a trial.

The burden is on THEM, not YOU. Most tickets are bullshit anyway and they're after the money. Getting around it going on your record doesn't mean you don't have to pay the fines.

Get off your high horse.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Did the cop get you by radar or by pacing? I had a cop pull me over in January by pacing me. I went to court today and the judge dismissed the ticket because in order for a pacing ticket to stand for speeding the cop car that did the pacing must show up to date maintenance records if you contest the ticket. Luckily for me there was no maintenance records and I got off scott free.

If the cop got you with radar, fight it and plead not guilty. They usually will reduce the fine if you do. Also, your clean record will help you get the ticket dismissed.


On the road again..
Dec 9, 2007
JMofIRW;1269685 said:
Why would I get an additional charge? i think he was saying he would plea it down to a seatbelt charge and not the speeding. I definitely had my seatbelt on, didnt even take it off to get to my reg and such.

and I don't really speed, my speedo is a lil off so i didnt realize i was going 40....

Perhaps you can play the speedo card. Worked for me. I got pulled over for doing 78 in a 55. After seeing my spotless record, the office apologized to ME for having to write the ticket because I was 20+ over the limit. I had no excuses, I was simply not paying attention (sups looove to go fast!). Now my speedo was off by alot - it registered higher than what it should. Eighty on the speedo was actually 65. My boss says, "prove to the court your speedo is off and you will be let off the hook". I said, "No way, it doesn't register low, it registers high! They won't let me off!". But, I forged ahead to prove my case. I went to the local toyota dealer, had a couple of mechanics ride with me and confirm the speedo was off. They wrote a letter to this effect on their company letterhead. THEY DID NOT FIX THE SPEEDO, ACTUALLY REFUSED TO ATTEMPT IT! And since I occasionally buy parts there, they didn't charge me for the speedo evaluation! On the court date, everyone lines up and talks to the prosecutor before seeing the judge. My plan B was traffic school. I quickly explained to them about the speedo, showed them the letter. They didn't read the letter. They didn't require me to fix the speedo. Case dismissed due to mechanical failure. Please pay the court fine of $130. Have a nice day! Bye!

This is Kentucky. You are in New York. Might as well be a different planet ;) However, if traffic school is an option, try the speedo card as your plan A. IT DOESN'T HURT TO TRY! Its a 20 yr old car - it has issues.
Thanks for the advice guys.

My 2 options as of now are,

Go their and ask for a Deferred Judification.


Plea Not guilty and bargain down to something, like the cop said, a seatbelt charge.

I don't know which to pick still...

This really has ruined driving for me though, this is a 1 lane road that people tailgate the shit out of me cuz i always stay 35-45mph, when everyone wants to go 60. I am that guy they all hate cuz I have 2 sporty cars and drive approx the limit.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Plea bargain it down bro. If you ask for a Deferred Judification it might cost you more than the ticket since it is $125 here in Snohomish County, Washington. If you bargain down your record will look better than a speeding ticket and you will probably save money.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Or they can be a hard ass and not bargain it down and it goes on your record. Deffered is the best bet, just DO NOT get another moving violation during the probation period.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
I've been reading this whole thing and it's pretty interesting, and I have a question. About this officer showing up to court thing, is that a county thing or something? Because I've never seen an officer show up to court in oneida county new york. The DA just handles that part, they they are always there anyway.

And on a side note, the one time I tried the faulty speedo thing the judge said "Well thats your problem, not mine." First and last offense too.


Jan 22, 2009
Fairfield, Ca
yeah if your speedo is off then it shouldnt be too much of a problem. i got pulled over for bullshit before. cop actually lied to me...told me my tags were expired in april. i showed him my registration and he said "well, since this says august i'll let you go." he got in his car and drove off then i checked my tags and august it was.:nono:


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
if you can get them to drop it 9mph over you insurance company wont even charge you with it, unless you get another one in 3 yrs. but over all it doesnt pay to get speeding tickets, it can end up costing you for years to come on your insurance premiums. trust me, i know from my own experience with having 9 insurance points from speeding when i was a little younger.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
bmoss85;1271146 said:
if you can get them to drop it 9mph over you insurance company wont even charge you with it, unless you get another one in 3 yrs. but over all it doesnt pay to get speeding tickets, it can end up costing you for years to come on your insurance premiums. trust me, i know from my own experience with having 9 insurance points from speeding when i was a little younger.

uh huh, sure....speeding is speeding and will raise your rates either way


in reconstruction
May 9, 2005
alpharetta ga
not true!!! they usually dont report it to the insurance if its under 14mph.... atleast here in georgia they dont..... i have had roughly 10 tickets in the past 3 years, and not 1 has been reported to my insurance
Court date was today!

I just went and the random cop assigned to my plea bargain didnt give a damn about laws. He just said "Hey 40 in a 30, would you rather a cell phone charge (185$ no points)?" I said "Yes definitely" And I got an envelope to mail my 185$ fine in.

Thanks for all the advice. I am glad I got no points! In West Harrison town, county of westchester apparently minimum is 3 points. so that wouldve sucked!


Supra will be registered for the summer in 2 weeks. YAYYYY


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
boosted1jz;1271236 said:
not true!!! they usually dont report it to the insurance if its under 14mph.... atleast here in georgia they dont..... i have had roughly 10 tickets in the past 3 years, and not 1 has been reported to my insurance

not true in Oregon...I was pulled over for 7mph over the speed limit..and I got a point


Very expensive....
Aug 1, 2005
Greensboro and Greenville NC
The people telling you to pay the ticket off and/or pleading guilty are fools.

Never plead guilty, never just pay off the ticket.

Get a lawyer and fight it.

Traffic violations are such bullshit. :)


in reconstruction
May 9, 2005
alpharetta ga
i wouldnt get a lawyer involved unless it was atleast double the speedlimit.... you will end up paying more for the lawyer than the ticket was worth to begin with....

that sux ash!!! glad GA is a slacker state :D