My encounter with another mkiii owner.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
iwannadie said:
Just because you drive the same car and you expect someone to be all buddy buddy with you?
poon said:
lol...cold blooded :icon_razz
Please feel free to take your perspective and your personality and exit this community, you both obviously miss the whole concept of what makes this COMMUNITY special... Its not like he drive a Ford Fiesta and was tryin to buddy up with another Fiesta owner... The thing is, Supras are unique... In comparison to Civics, Accords, Mustangs and Camaros, the Supra is unique... They didnt make or sell nearly as many... So when you see a clean one, if you are really a part of this community, you naturally want to talk to that other owner... The hope is they will have the same passion as you and you can bring them into the community... Look at bikers, the comraderie that they have... Why shouldnt we? Ive been chased down in a WalMart parking lot before by another Supra owner, and he and I became great friends... Ive walked/driven up to total strangers in Supras and talked to them... I dont give a shit... Ive never had a problem with any of the older Supra owners, its usually the younger ones, the Honda transfers, that are the biggest fuck ups... They have no respect for this car and its legacy...

I dont care if you have a 7mgte, a ge, a jz, whatever, if yur into supras, I think its dope...


Boobs/Boost, my favorite
Jun 13, 2006
Los Angeles
yuuuuuup, I got to work 40 minutes late, cause I slammed on my brakes and turned right when I saw a Supra with the hood up, with a guy leaning into the engine bay down the street...

We shot the shit for a few, he was around 50, he said he liked mine and to never sell it, I told him I had no intentions to..

oh, he was fixing a head gasket..:biglaugh:


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Razoe, thats the thing, if I ever saw a Supra owner down on the side of the road, I'd be right there offerin a hand... Good call on yur part... :)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Fuck people in real life...internet people are way more FTW.


On a happier note...I had the exact opposite experience the other day. When I came home there was a black Mk3 accross the street from where I live. I hung around outside till he was leaving just so I could talk to him. We talked for like 30 min...pissed his girlfriend right off. I guess she had something better to do than talk Supra's that day. lol


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i have met 1 dickhead supra owner, and he happened to own a reflex silver, gt47, 6 speed, kitted, ugly POS. i mean the car was clean, but who the fuck does a full kit, wing, and ricer fenders on a MKIV. BTW he wasnt tuned at all, and was stalling and dumping fuel everywhere. i could have had a chance at beating him in the MKIII NA with his 8:1 AFR and his stalling :)


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
redd88soup said:
Summary: Saw another mkiii, just wanted to hang out and tell him he had a nice car.
He wanted to race. I didn't.
He loses interest when he finds out im not boosting.
I tell him it was nice meeting him, and he tells me W/e.

Sorry, I had to let it all out it just made me sooooo MAD!!!:mad: :rant:

Dont worry about it.
There are alot more nice supra guys out there than the loser you met.



Supramania Contributor
Sep 17, 2006
Woodbury, MN
Reign_Maker said:
Please feel free to take your perspective and your personality and exit this community, you both obviously miss the whole concept of what makes this COMMUNITY special... Its not like he drive a Ford Fiesta and was tryin to buddy up with another Fiesta owner... The thing is, Supras are unique... In comparison to Civics, Accords, Mustangs and Camaros, the Supra is unique... They didnt make or sell nearly as many... So when you see a clean one, if you are really a part of this community, you naturally want to talk to that other owner... The hope is they will have the same passion as you and you can bring them into the community...

You took the words right out of my mouth. Almost anybody who owns a Supra know what sort of car it is, and is interested in working on it in some way. You can't just walk up to any Civic owner and start talking fuel management with them...


Apr 4, 2005
spring, texas
Hell, I have a friend who drives a UPS route and told me of this house he passes w/ 3-4 supras in the drive/yard. I was amazed someone had that many around! So the next weekend, I take it upon myself to cruise over and say "hi", and he is now a good friend.


New Member
May 25, 2005
providence RI
Dont know if this is relevant but... I recently bought an 04 VW GTI 1.8Turbo... I check the forums over there and everyone is an A-Hole.... haha... I love calling supramania my home... Sounds corny maybe but on these forums people are totally different than on other forums... but there are bad apples everywhere... it just depends on the person... screw that guy... i wouldnt want to hang around a person that acts like that anyway...


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Reign_Maker said:
... Look at bikers, the comraderie that they have...

and its ANY biker. Rice rocket, cruiser, bad v-twin, most bikers going the opposite direction will flip out a peace sign at you if you toss em one. Its a way of acknowledging "Im right there with ya man, I know your pleasure and I know your pain"

I will almost always go out of my way to follow another mk3 or swing around to check one out. Today, when I went to an JDM importers place and was talking to a couple guys there, a guy who worked in the next warehouse down walked over and asked "who's supra"...we are meeting up this Saturday for a cruise. How many Honda guys would do that?


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Yeah mate, not everyone is "part of the community" so to speak... You'll meet someone who is, and you'll forget about this wanker :)


New Member
Feb 19, 2006
New Jersey
When I first moved I kept seeing this blue pre 89 with a HUGE front mount. Always wondered where dude lived. One day I'm on my way to inspection and I see the thing on the side of the road, hood up. I've never made a U-Turn faster in my life. Turns out, he lives 4 houses down from me (keeps the thing hidden in a shed) and my family is good friends with his uncle. So I run back home to get a part he needs and end up being good friends with the guy.
I do that kind of thing all the time now...anytime I see a suprastick come out, I'm there.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I've met some of the BEST people through Supras. And that's ALL generations. There was a really cool guy with a MKI in Houston for 2K7, met lots of fun MKIV owners as well.

MKIII owners though, they're the ones that will help you push your car or lone you tools. I've met some bad apples, but never have I met a better community.


Mark III Lover
Jan 15, 2007
Thanks guys for giving me your experiences, and making me feel better. That is why i turned to SM to rant, because i knew that The community that we have online is more than i could ever ask for and knew you guys would help. Now i just wish I had a good supra community down here. Peace!


Want The Boooooossttttttt
Oct 12, 2006
Cape Coral,Florida
My friend is a biker and he tells me about how everybody is nice to everybody no matter what you ride. Hes best friends with a guy thats 65 years old and rides a harley softtail and my friend is 20 and has an 05 600rr rides with the guy all the time.

I think reign said it best, Ive had a few mk3 owners who just switched from other cars and they were total dickheads the real mk3 people know what the car is all about and arent dicks about anything.

Which is why its prolly so hard to explain why we love these cars :)

I think everybody has met aleast 1 dickhead i know i have, Blow it off dont worry about it. :)


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
theWeezL said:
and its ANY biker. Rice rocket, cruiser, bad v-twin, most bikers going the opposite direction will flip out a peace sign at you if you toss em one. Its a way of acknowledging "Im right there with ya man, I know your pleasure and I know your pain"

I will almost always go out of my way to follow another mk3 or swing around to check one out. Today, when I went to an JDM importers place and was talking to a couple guys there, a guy who worked in the next warehouse down walked over and asked "who's supra"...we are meeting up this Saturday for a cruise. How many Honda guys would do that?

Sorry but its not that way at least not around here. When I had my cruiser only cruiser guys would wave. Now with my sport bike, cruisers never wave adn sport bike guys do now and then.